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The Civil Engineering Department at CCNY offers a range of undergraduate courses focused on transportation and related fields. Here’s a detailed look at the course offerings:

Undergraduate Transportation Courses:

Transportation Planning [CE 32600] - Introduction to transportation planning concepts and methods. Travel demand forecasting. Transportation economics. Quantitative techniques in transportation planning: discrete choice models, regression methods and optimization techniques. Societal impacts including environmental, land use, safety and quality of life issues. Project evaluation.

Transportation Systems Engineering [CE 32700]- Principles and practice of transportation engineering. Introduction to traffic engineering concepts including traffic flow theory, multimodal level of service analysis, and traffic control. Fundamentals of geometric and pavement design. Influence of modern technologies on transportation systems.

Fundamentals of Civil Engineering [CE 10000]- Student responsibilities for learning. Goals as engineering students: possess deep understanding and think critically. Reinforcement of concepts taught in math, physics, and computer science to civil engineering. Effective skills and strategies to improve academic success: take responsibility, get connected, self-assess, manage time, know requisites, think critically, learn for deep understanding, present work clearly, work well in groups, and communicate professionally.

Introduction to Civil Engineering [CE 10100]- This course is for the engineering majors who completed ENGR 10200 (A Data Science and Statistical Approach to Programming) and intend to move on to the C++ based programming course. The course objective is to make students quickly embrace the use of a typical set of C++ programming techniques by comparing them to Python's similar techniques. The course forms as crash sessions compiled with online lectures and associated practice and exercise kits.

Structural and Site Plans [CE 20900]- Graphical methods of conveying ideas and information related to civil engineering projects. Functional planning. Structural plans and details in wood, masonry, steel and concrete. Topographic mapping and site plans using modern computer software.

Statistics [CE 23100]- Laws of motion and equilibrium. Elements of vector algebra. Equilibrium of rigid bodies. Constraints, and reactions. Equilibrium of machines and hinged frames. Internal forces in trusses and beams. Shear and bending moment diagrams. Analysis of cable systems. Friction. Centroid and centers of gravity. Moments of inertia. Work and virtual work. Stability of equilibrium.

Surveying [CE 26300]- Surveying 1

Computational Methods in Civil Engineering [CE 31500]- Algorithmic formulation of the solution to civil engineering problems. Flowcharts. Solutions to algebraic and differential equations common to civil engineering. Matrix problems. Differentiation and integration. Optimization problems. Students will primarily use microcomputers and a programming language, spreadsheets and "macros" and symbolic calculations software.

Civil Engineering Decision and Systems Analysis  [CE 31600]- Civil Engineering systems Analysis. Modeling and optimization of large scale CE systems, including structural, hydraulic, environmental and transportation systems, and construction projects. Economic evaluation of engineering projects. Decisions under uncertainty. Design as multi-dimensional resource allocation. Scheduling models. Applications to management and planning. Computer applications.

Transportation Planning [CE 32600]- Introduction to transportation planning concepts and methods. Travel demand forecasting. Transportation economics. Quantitative techniques in transportation planning: discrete choice models, regression methods and optimization techniques. Societal impacts including environmental, land use, safety and quality of life issues. Project evaluation.

Transportation Systems Engineering [CE 32700]- Principles and practice of transportation engineering. Introduction to traffic engineering concepts including traffic flow theory, multimodal level of service analysis, and traffic control. Fundamentals of geometric and pavement design. Influence of modern technologies on transportation systems.

Mechanics of Deformable Bodies [CE 33200]- Stresses and strains in elastic and inelastic materials subjected to axial, torsional, and flexural loads and combinations of loads for statistically determinate and indeterminate configurations. Deformations and deflections due to loads and temperature. Combined stresses. Mohr circles and principles stresses. Introduction to energy methods. Castiglian's theorem. Stability of columns and critical loads. Testing of engineering materials. Stress-strain characteristics, including creep, shrinkage and hysteresis effects. Effects of temperature and impact loading on material properties

  • Structural Analysis [CE 34000]- Loading systems. Structural determinacy, indeterminacy and stability. Analysis of two and three dimensional trusses and frames. Influence lines. Structural deflections. Methods of solving statistically indeterminate structures. Introduction to structural safety and redundancy. Computer applications.

  • Soil Mechanics [CE 34500]- Introduction to geotechnical engineering. Index properties and classification of soils. Compaction. Mohr circles and failure theories of soils. Permeability, seepage and effective stresses. Consolidation. Drained and undrained shear strength. Stresses due to surface loads. Bearing capacity of footings. Lateral earth pressure. Introduction to slope stability. Testing of soils.

Fluid Mechanics [CE 35000]- Study of behavior of viscous and non-viscous fluids at rest and in motion through development and application of the principles of fluid statics, continuity, energy, momentum, similitude, and dimensional analysis. Applications include flow in open and closed conduits, the boundary layer, dynamics of drag and measurement of velocity and discharge.

Hydraulic Engineering [CE 36500]- Conservation of mass, energy, and momentum in hydraulic systems. Pipes in parallel and series, pipe networks, and reservoir systems. Pumps and turbines. Uniform flow and non-uniform flow equations. Gradually and rapidly varied flow principles. Hydraulic jump. Introduction to hydrology, runoff computation, storm runoff design, and hydrographs and peak discharges. Computer applications in hydraulic and hydrology.

Environmental Impact Assessment [CE 37200]- The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the impact assessment of engineering projects on human and environmental health. Structure of the natural environment and pollutants typically released by engineering projects to the atmosphere, soil, and surface and groundwater. Federal regulations. Modeling of the transport and transformation of pollutants in the environment using material balances, equilibrium chemistry and specialized models.

Review of Civil Engineering Fundamentals [CE 40100]- Review of core and general requirements including engineering mathematics, probability and statistics, computational tools, ethics, professional practice, engineering economics, statics, dynamics, mechanics and materials, fluid mechanics, hydrologic systems, structural analysis, structural design, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, environmental engineering, construction and surveying. Testing of student competence in all these topics. This pass/fail course will be offered as a self-study course with weekly assessment. Students who pass the actual Fundamentals of Engineering exam will be given credit for the course.

Civil Engineering Management [CE 40500]- Introduction to civil engineering management. Development of a project team for effective delivery, project delivery roles. Roles, rights and obligations of civil engineers. Ethical, and professional responsibilities of civil engineers. Project life cycle analysis. Project costs and financing. Project administration, change orders, claims and dispute resolution. Group project.

Dynamics of Civil Engineering Systems [CE 43500]- Kinematics and kinetics of particles. Work-energy and impulse momentum principles. Systems of particles. Kinematics of rigid bodies. Plane motion of rigid bodies. Energy and momentum methods for rigid bodies. Dynamical behavior of simple civil engineering structures: Free and forced vibration, undamped and damped motion. Response to harmonic loading, earthquake response spectra.

Finite Element Analysis of Structures [CE 44000]- Review of basic concepts of structural analysis. Energy methods. Stiffness & flexibility methods. Fundamentals of Finite Element Method. Uniaxial and beam elements. Analysis of trusses and frames. Plane stress and plane strain elements. Computer applications.

Reinforced Concrete [ CE 44100]- Principles of reinforced concrete design. Proportioning concrete mixes. Safety factors as influenced by uncertainties in the design and construction processes and as they relate to public safety. Design of singly and doubly reinforced beams, T-beams, and one-way slabs. Cracking, deflection and serviceability criteria. Design of columns subjected to combined axial load and bending.

Structural Design [CE 44200]- Analysis and design of beams, girders, tension and compression members, and other components of structural frames. Rational basis of safety factors and specifications and their public safety ramifications. Load and Resistance Factor Design.

Environmental Water Resources [CE 45100]- Water and water pollution in the natural world. The hydrologic cycle. Atmospheric, surface and subsurface water. Hydrographs, unit hydrographs and flow routing. Mechanisms of contaminant transport. Sources and remediation of water pollution. Pollution in surface and groundwater. Design problems.

Water and Wastewater Treatment Design [CE 48200]- Determination of design parameters and preliminary design of conventional water and wastewater treatment operations and processes using bench-scale experiments and commercially available computer software. The topics include aeration, sedimentation (flocculant and hindered), disinfection chemistry and kinetics, activated carbon adsorption for removal of soluble organics, precipitation and ion-exchange for hardness removal of domestic wastewaters for carbon removal.

Senior Design Project [CE 50900]- Major culminating design experience emphasizing multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration, and incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints that include the following considerations: economic, financial, environmental, sustainability, constructability, ethical, health and safety, social, and political.

Independent Study [CE 51000]- The student will pursue a program of independent study under the direction of a full-time faculty member of the department with the approval of the undergraduate advisor. The program may consist of an extensive design project, an experimental investigation, or an analytical study. A final engineering report describing the work done and the outcomes must be submitted to the Department at the end of the study

Independent Study [CE 51001]- The student will pursue a program of independent study under the direction of a full-time faculty member of the department with the approval of the undergraduate advisor. The program may consist of an extensive design project, an experimental investigation, or an analytical study. A final engineering report describing the work done and the outcomes must be submitted to the Department at the end of the study. Subject does not have to be in the area of the student’s specialization but must include a design component

Independent Study [CE 51003]- The student will pursue a program of independent study under the direction of a full-time faculty member of the department with the approval of the undergraduate advisor. The program may consist of an extensive design project, an experimental investigation, or an analytical study. A final engineering report describing the work done and the outcomes must be submitted to the Department at the end of the study. Subject must be in the area of the student’s specialization. Faculty mentors may require additional requisites based on the specific subject under study. Only available for students specializing in structural, environmental or transportation.

Traffic Engineering [CE 52000]- Review of core and general requirements including engineering mathematics, probability and statistics, computational tools, ethics, professional practice, engineering economics, statics, dynamics, mechanics and materials, fluid mechanics, hydrologic systems, structural analysis, structural design, geotechnical engineering, transportation engineering, environmental engineering, construction and surveying. Testing of student competence in all these topics. This pass/fail course will be offered as a self-study course with weekly assessment. Students who pass the actual Fundamentals of Engineering exam will be given credit for the course.

Geometric Design of Facilities [CE 52500]- Functional design of traffic facilities including plans and profiles, intersection and other interchange areas, parking, etc. Computer aided design methods and procedures using Eagle Point and PDS interfacing AUTOCAD.

Rail System Design [CE 52600]- Design of light and heavy rail facilities for passenger and freight operations. Track structure. Alternative technologies for construction, guidance and communications. Maintenance of way. This course is crosslisted with CE H2600 Rail System Design, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H2600.

Advanced Strength of Materials [CE 53000]- Introduction to elasticity including basic ideas of stress, strain, and constitutive relations. Theories of failure and fracture. Analysis of unsymmetrical bending. Shear center and shear flow. Torsion. Twisting of thin-walled sections. Buckling criteria. This course is crosslisted with CE H3000 Advanced Strength of Materials, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H3000.

Highway Engineering [CE 54000]- The design of highway alignment and route location. Basic elements of highway design, including pavement type, earthwork and drainage. Importance and consequences of maintenance and engineering economics; life-cycle cost analysis. This course is crosslisted with CE H4000 Highway Engineering, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H4000.

Highway and Airport Construction [CE 54100]- Overview of highway and airport engineering and construction; highways vs. airports; urban vs. rural highways. Construction planning, organization and cost estimating; construction scheduling using computer packages, e.g., Primavera; construction tracking. Construction operations: mobilization, removal, disposal, placement; management of equipment, material, labor, money; cash flow accounting. Construction specifications: quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC); investigation of environmental impacts and mitigation measures. Site investigation and project preparation. This course is crosslisted with CE H4100 Highway and Airport Construction, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H4100.

Urban Transportation [CE 54500]- Historical development of urban surface transportation systems. Stakeholders, user and operating characteristics, and infrastructure elements for passenger motor vehicle, transit, bicycle, pedestrian, and freight modes. Safety, environmental, and financial considerations. Regulations and technology applications. This course is crosslisted with CE H4500 Urban Transportation, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H4500.

Urban Freight and City Logistics [CE 54700]- Core concepts, challenges and methods of urban freight and city logistics. Fundamentals of urban spatial structure, drivers of urban changes. Freight distribution methods and stakeholders. Externalities of freight operations. Urban freight data sources and data collection strategies. Policies and mitigation strategies, and analytical methodologies supporting decision-making. Illustrative case studies.This course is cross listed with CE H4700 Urban Freight and City Logistics, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H4700.

Transit Systems: Planning and Operations [CE 54800]- Basic techniques of service area analysis, route development, scheduling, revenue estimation, and service improvements for fixed route bus and rail transit. Integration of fixed route transit with paratransit, matching mode with service area, relationship of transportation department with other departments, budgeting, and policy setting also will be discussed. This course is cross listed with CE H4800 Transit Systems: Planning and Operation, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H4800.

Advanced Reinforced Concrete [CE 55000]- Mechanical properties of reinforced concrete materials including shrinkage, and creep. Ultimate load theory and ultimate strength design. Moment-curvature and load-deflection relationships. Columns subjected to biaxial bending. Combined shear and torsion. Design of flat plates and two-way slabs. Yield line theory. This course is cross listed with CE H5000 Advanced Reinforced Concrete, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H5000.

Concrete Sustainability [CE 55500]- Concepts, knowledge and methods for producing environmentally-friendly concrete. Concept of sustainable development. Properties of concrete. Environmental impact of cement production. Types of aggregates and their effect on durability and performance of concrete. Use of waste materials and industrial byproducts in concrete. Enhancement of short-term and long-term properties of concrete. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of concrete with alternative compositions. This course is cross listed with H5500 Concrete Sustainability, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H5500.

Design of Wood Structures [CE 55600]- Applications in buildings, large-span structures, and bridges. Wood products as sawn lumber and composite laminates and particulates. Material microstructure and orthotropic macrostructure simulation. Species and species groups. Grading of structural lumber, design values and adjustment factors (NDS). Design of solid wood beams, columns, and beam-columns. Design of Glued-Laminated Timber (Glulam) continuous beams, bilateral and axial loads, tapered and curved members, arches, bridge girders, and panelized construction for large-scale floor and roof systems. Structural panels for sheathing and diaphragms with plywood and Oriented-Strand Board (OSB) products. Wood connections with bolts, lag-bolts, split-rings, shear plates, and specialized assemblies. This course is cross listed with CE H5600 Design of Wood Structures, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H5600.

Water Quality Analysis [CE 57100]- Acid-base titration curves and acid-base indicators, alkalinity and the carbonate system, buffer intensity and design, optical methods of analysis, the spectrophotometer and Beer’s law, colorimetric analysis of phosphate, colorimetric analysis of ammonia, chelation analysis of iron, calcium carbonate equilibria, solubility product determination, Chemical Oxygen Demand, determination of forms of aqueous chlorine, reactions of aqueous chlorine with ammonia, adsorption on activated carbon, kinetics of ferrous iron oxidation. This course is cross listed with CE H7100 Water Quality Analysis, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H7100.

Sustainable Infrastructure [CE 57300]- Develop conceptual and mathematical tools for considering the sustainability and environmental impact of civil engineering projects. Topics studied include mass and energy balance, thermodynamic analysis (energy efficiency), life cycle analysis (ecological footprint, carbon footprint), global warming, and standards and certification programs, with applications and case studies in water, food, energy, building, and transport. Lectures, student presentations and discussions, guest speakers, and a term project. This is a cross-listed course. Students who have completed CE H7300 Sustainable Infrastructure may not take this course.

Air Pollution and Control [CE 58300]- The effects of air pollution on humans and on the environment. The Clean Air Act and its Amendments. Mobile and industrial sources of air pollution and emission inventories of pollutants across the US and in NY. Pollution prevention vs. pollution control. Air pollution control from industrial, mobile and area sources, to meet needed removal efficiency, with an emphasis on control of gaseous and particulate air pollution from industrial sources. This course is cross listed with CE H8300 Air Pollution and Control, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H8300.

Solid Waste Management [CE 58400]- Physical, chemical and biological characterization of municipal solid waste streams. Generation, transport (collection and distribution), handling and disposal of municipal solid waste streams. Technologies used in source and field separation of solid wastes. Disposal of source separated and commingled solid wastes. Terminal disposal of solid wastes – planning, design and operation of landfills and thermal conversion facilities. Generation and treatment of landfill leachates. Recycling of municipal solid wastes. Characterization and disposal of hazardous wastes. Required field trip. This course is cross listed with CE H8400 Solid Waste Management, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H8400.

Foundation Engineering [CE 59000]- Soil exploration and sampling. Engineering properties of soils. Bearing capacity and settlement of foundations. Beams on elastic foundation. Design of footings and mats. Bearing capacity and settlement of piles and pile groups. Analysis of pile-raft foundations. Design of retaining structures. Slope stability. This course is cross listed with CE H9000 Foundation Engineering, and therefore is not available to students who have already completed CE H9000.

Topics In Civil Engineering [CE 59800]- 

Topics In Civil Engineering Design [CE 59900]-

Graduate Courses:

Required Courses (12-15 credits)

[CE H0200] Transportation Economics: Basic economics of transportation, economic analysis tools, and policy impacts on transportation activities and firms.

[CE H1000] Mathematical Methods in Civil Engineering (Required for ME degree only): Analytical methods, including differential equations, linear algebra, probability, and optimization, applied to various civil engineering fields.

[CE H2000] Traffic Engineering: Traffic flow theory, data analysis, capacity assessment, network models, and the use of advanced technology in traffic management and control.

[CE I2400] Analytical Techniques in Transportation: Quantitative methods for transportation analysis, including network analysis, decision theory, data analysis, and statistical inference.

[CE I2600] Urban Transportation Planning: Transportation planning processes in the U.S., including travel behavior, mobility, land use, and impact analysis in urban environments.


Choose One (0-6 credits)

[CE 19700] Report: Engineering design or project analysis, including exploration, examination, and reporting of its development and impact.

[CE 19800] Project: A student-driven analytical or experimental project under faculty supervision, with a final written proposal and report.

[CE 19900] Thesis: Completion of a master’s thesis, involving extensive research and analysis on a transportation-related topic.


Electives (12 to 18 credits)

[CE 52500] Geometric Design: Design of traffic facilities, intersections, and interchanges using computer-aided design methods and procedures.

[CE 52600] Rail System Design: Design of rail systems for passenger and freight operations, track structure, and alternative technologies for construction and maintenance.

[CE 54000] Highway Engineering: Highway design, including alignment, route location, pavement types, earthwork, drainage, and maintenance.

[CE 54100] Highway and Airport Construction: Construction planning and operations for highways and airports, including cost estimating, scheduling, and environmental impact analysis.

[CE G2700] Multimodal Transportation Technologies (Request from Alison): The use of various transportation technologies, including multimodal solutions for more efficient transportation systems.

[CE G3100] For-Hire Transportation (Request from Alison): Analysis of for-hire transportation systems, including legal, economic, and operational aspects.

[CE G3500] Transportation Safety (Request from Alison): Addressing safety challenges in transportation, including crash analysis, risk assessment, and safety improvement strategies.

[CE G4900] Transportation Network Analysis: Transportation network optimization, including mathematical modeling and simulation to find equilibrium traffic flows and improve system performance.

[CE H4500] Urban Transportation: Development of urban transportation systems, addressing infrastructure, regulations, user behavior, and sustainability in urban settings.

[CE H4700] Urban Freight and City Logistics: Challenges and solutions in urban freight and logistics, including distribution methods, externalities, data collection, and policy implications.

[CE H4800] Transit Systems: Planning and Operations: Techniques in route planning, scheduling, and service improvements for fixed-route bus and rail systems, including integration with paratransit.

[CE I2000] Travel Demand Forecasting: Travel demand theory, including functions, models, and forecasting methods applied to various transportation modes.

[CE I2200] Transportation Asset Management: Management of transportation assets, including valuation, lifecycle costs, and preservation strategies for infrastructure and resources.

[CE I2700] Transportation Policy: Role of transportation policy, legislation, and regulatory frameworks in shaping transportation systems, performance, and land use.

[CE I4000] Traffic Control: Traffic laws, control devices, system management, and optimization techniques for efficient transportation operations.

[SUS 7100B] Sustainable Transportation: Sustainability in transportation, including policy, design, and technological solutions to reduce environmental impacts and improve transportation systems.

Last Updated: 01/27/2025 14:56