Campus Broadcasts

E-Mail & Voicemail  Broadcasts
The City College broadcast system has enabled the College community to share information efficiently and widely. The Campus Broadcast Policy outlines the best way to navigate between college related information, event flyers, student notifications, and 'spam'. Please review the complete Campus Broadcast Policy regarding scheduling limits of requested email broadcasts.
Our broadcasts are sent to targeted audience to help limit the amount of messages sent via campus email to users. (See Mailing List Descriptions below)

Authorized Users
All campus requests need to have the approval of a vice president, dean, associate dean or assistant vice president in charge of the office requesting the broadcast or voicemail. These principals may designate a proxy (in advance) in their stead, with the understanding that this approval by the proxy carries the approval of his/her principal as well.

Submitting a Email Broadcast Requests
The Office of Communications & Marketing takes requests from offices that report directly to the president, e-mail requests to: .

All e-mail broadcasts or related correspondance should be addressed to:
Submit your requests at least 3 business days prior to your 'send' date and provide the necessary broadcast information listed as shown below:

Broadcast Details: (List Descriptions below)
This broadcast will be sent to:--
This broadcast will be sent from:--
The subject title of this broadcast is:--
The content of this broadcast is: -- 
NOTE: if you are using an image or PDF flyer as content, include a text version of the information for viewer Accessibility. See Accessible Content section below 

Format & Accessible Content
The system is for distributing text (html) broadcasts; it is not set up to handle attachments in any format, and the requestor is responsible for any designing, graphics and content of their broadcast. Neither OIT nor the Office of Communications and Marketing has the resources to design flyers or e-vites, except on an occasional basis, and for events that are for publication beyond the College.Please review CUNY IT Accessibility Statement and available resources for Making Content Accessible before you prepare broadcast content, documents, and images.

  • Submitted PDFs that are linked to or have their image version embedded in a broadcast, need to be accompanied by a text version (or a version in Word) of the information in the PDF file.
  • All PDFs linked from broadcasts should be checked for Accessibility prior to being submitted by requestor.

Please review CUNY Accessibility guidelines for preparing your content. Please do not send flyers in pdf, publisher, jpg or html format without a text version of content, or without the approval of the Office of Communications.

The Office of Information Technology, which supports the List Manager, provides lists for most user groups. Authorized users may also request/provide a custom list for either repeat mailings or for one time use. All requests will have content sent in a test broadcast. Authorized users will be sent a copy of the test for review that the exact text and timing as requested are approved, without expectation that copy will be edited. Authorized users need to send an email that the broadcast is approved to release. No broadcast will be released without an approval.

The general recipient's lists on the broadcast system are update from CUNYfirst supplied data. Please request a list that is appropriate for your content. For the most part these lists are cross-discipline and/or include the entire college. They include the main categories below. NEW! List Descriptions

Frequently used lists in roster:

  • all CCNY
    (this list should be requested for official notifications. The list should not be requested for specific or targted information)
  • all faculty
    (includes fulltime, part time, and visiting faculty)
  • all faculty and staff
    (includes fulltime, part time, visiting faculty and, fulltime, part time staff)
  • all staff
    (fulltime and part time staff)
  • all students
    (This list should be requested for all student focused and targeted events/information)
  • FT faculty
    (includes fulltime, part time, and visiting faculty)
  • PT faculty
    (part time faculty

Scheduling & Repeat Broadcasts
In order to reduce the load on the College email system, only emergency broadcasts are made between 8:00 am and 3:00 PM. Most broadcasts are scheduled to send overnight. Broadcast requests should be made at least three (3) business days in advance of requested mailing date; exceptions are made for emergencies and unavoidable last-minute changes.

Many offices ask that broadcasts be resent. If the broadcast concerns compliance with required protocols, procedures and policies of the College, it may be repeated for a total of 2 broadcasts per request.
If the request concerns an invitation to an event or meeting, it may be sent out once as an invitation, and, with approval from the appropriate dean or vice president, once as a reminder for a total of 2 separate broadcasts*.
*Repeat broadcasts need to be scheduled AT LEAST 24 hours apart. Systems may detect mailings of same content within a short time period as SPAM and blocks them.
Please note that the compendium that goes out to students differs from the one that goes to faculty and staff.)
Remember, send requests to:

Voicemail Broadcast;:
All campus related voicemail broadcast requests along with necessary approvals should be addressed to 
Telecom & Field Service:  

Digital Signage
To find out how to get your flyer on campus displays:
Go to: Digital Signage

Use an official CUNY/CCNY email when you submit a request. 
If you cannot use an official CUNY email account, please notify the broadcast team in advance.
Using a CUNY/CCNY email for college business and IT security:
see: CUNY Policies

Last Updated: 01/08/2025 12:03