Broadcast E-Mail Request Policy

E-Mail and Voicemail  Broadcasts

Please note that this policy applies only to college-wide or inter-office/school or division communications, and not to the ordinary communications that offices, schools and divisions, and departments send to their colleagues, employees, and students through their own lists.

Submitting a Broadcast

All campus related requests should be addressed to the Office of Information Technology (OIT):

All broadcasts are sent through the office of the Vice President for Communications or by the Office of Information Technology (OIT);
The offices that report directly to the president should address their requests to:


All requests must be approved by the vice president, dean, associate dean or assistant vice president in charge of the requesting office. These principals may designate a single proxy in their stead, with the understanding that this approval by the proxy carries the full imprimatur of his/her principal.
Approval indicates that the exact text and timing as requested are approved, without expectation that copy will be edited. The appropriate vice president or dean will forward the approved request to VP Communications or OIT.


With few exceptions, the system is meant for text broadcasts; it is not set up to handle attachments in any format, and at this time neither IT nor the Office of Communications has the resources to design flyers or e-vites, except on an occasional basis, and for events that are being publicized beyond the College. Please do not send flyers in pdf, publisher, jpg or html format, without the approval of the Office of Communications.
Timing In order to reduce the load on the College email system, only emergency broadcasts are made between 8:00 am and 3:00 PM. Most broadcasts are scheduled overnight.

Broadcast requests should be made at least three workdays in advance of requested mailing date; exceptions are made for emergencies and unavoidable last-minute changes. Last minute requests must be approved by the vice president for communications. We are limited with nightly time slots for mailings and must carefully schedule them with consideration to priority (i.e. type of announcement), request date, and event/deadline date.

Repeat Broadcasts

Many offices ask that broadcasts be resent. If the broadcast concerns compliance with required protocols, procedures and policies of the College, it may be repeated.

If the request concerns an invitation to an event or meeting, it may be sent out once as an invitation, and, with approval from the appropriate dean or vice president, once as a reminder. Please note that all events that are designed for a college-wide or cross-discipline audience should be listed on the events calendar on the website, and will get an extra push in the weekly THIS WEEK AT CCNY compendium of events sent out by the Office of Communications, as long as the event has been entered on the Calendar of Events on the College website. (Please note that the compendium that goes out to students differs from the one that goes to faculty and staff.) Remember, send requests to:


Your CCNY email is directory information.The general recipient's lists on the broadcast system are updated from active employees that are in CUNYfirst supplied data. The official college email is for all events, alerts, Public Safety notices, and other official notifications. All active employees are on the broadcast lists.For the most part these lists are cross-discipline and/or include the entire college. They include the main categories within the college. Custom list may be requested or provided.

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Last Updated: 01/08/2025 11:58