CUNY Credit Cards FAQs
Cardholder Reconciliation
What is a procurement card?
The City University of New York (CUNY) participates in the NYS procurement card program through Citibank which provides: 1) P-cards designed to be an efficient and cost effective way to expedite small dollar purchases; 2) Travel cards for employee travel related expenses; and 3) Non-employee travel cards (NET) for non-employee travel expenses.
How do I navigate within CUNYfirst to the card reconciliation module?
CUNYfirst Navigation for P-cards and NET cards: Financials Supply Chain > Purchasing > Procurement Cards > Reconcile > Reconcile Statement. Travel cards are reconciled through the 'My Wallet' feature of the CUNYfirst Travel & Expense Center; and, completion and submission of an expense report. See also Create Expense Report (Tcard).
I am a cardholder. What are my card reconciliation responsibilities?
P-card and NET cardholders are responsible for reviewing EACH transaction on their 'Procurement Card Transaction' page(s) for accuracy; documenting the business purpose of each transaction in the "Comments" box; and uploading and attaching corresponding receipts and supporting documentation. Cardholders must also review and modify default department chartfields, for each transaction, to ensure appropriate budgetary expensing. Card reconciliation must be completed and submitted AND the reconciliations must be verified by supervisors within 5 business days of notification that card data is available. Cardholders MUST contact Citibank and the program administrator immediately, regarding fraudulent and/or disputed transactions. Repeated misuse of a CUNY credit card OR failure to reconcile AND verify card transactions within 5 business days of notification, may result in suspension or revocation of employee card privileges. Travel cardholders reconcile transactions through the 'My Wallet' feature of the CUNYfirst Travel & Expense Center; and, completion and submission of an expense report.
How will I know when to reconcile my card statement?
Cardholders receive a CUNYfirst system-generated email, when card data is ready for reconciliation.
I received notification that my card statement is ready. When is my reconciliation due?
Cardholders, (or their proxies), must complete and submit reconciliations AND the reconciliations must be verified by supervisors, within 5 business days after notification that card data is available. Regardless of proxy delegation, cardholders are ultimately responsible for timely and accurate reconciliation of transactions.
How do I attach receipts and supporting documentation to my card reconciliation?
Click the Comments icon on the 'Procurement Card Transactions' page; then click the Attach button on the 'Line Comments' page to attach supporting documentation:
How do I review and modify department chartfields to ensure appropriate budgetary expensing?
On the Procurement Card Transactions page, click the Distribution icon which takes you to the Account Distribution page; where you can review and modify default department chartfields. Mainly, cardholders will have to modify the 'Account' chartfield to ensure expensing to the appropriate department budget category, (see P-Card/Travel & NET Card GL Account Codes and see also CUNY General Ledger Chart of Accounts - Operating Expenses including Budget Codes and Category Codes):
I have multiple cards: P-card and NET card. How do I separate transactions for viewing and reconciliation?
Search by Card Number and/or Card Issuer, (Citibank P-card State/Citibank NET card State), on the Reconcile Statement Search page:
What is a Cardholder Proxy?
In CUNYfirst, selected cardholders may have a proxy, who is authorized to reconcile cardholder transactions on their behalf, including: 1) reviewing and ensuring accuracy of transactions and reconciling each charge to vendor receipts and/or invoices; 2) documenting business justifications and matching, uploading and attaching corresponding receipts; 3) reviewing and modifying default department chartfields to ensure appropriate budgetary expensing; 4) and submitting reconciliations to cardholder supervisors to allow for supervisor verification within 5 business days of notification that card data is available. Cardholders must inform proxies when card data is available for reconciliation. Proxies must have access to cardholder receipts and should have CUNYfirst expertise and department fiscal knowledge to administer cardholder transactions. Regardless of proxy delegation, cardholders are ultimately responsible for timely and accurate reconciliation of transactions
How will my card supervisor know that I have completed my card reconciliaion?
After reviewing and saving Staged card transactions, cardholders should click the Notify button to send an email to their Supervisor, informing them that their reconciliation is complete and ready for verification:
Supervisor Verification
What are my responsibilities in CUNYfirst as supervisor to a cardholder?
Supervisors are responsible for reviewing and verifying EACH transaction submitted by cardholders to: 1) ensure that appropriate business justifications are documented in the 'Comments' area for every transaction; 2) that receipts and supporting documentation are attached to ALL transactions; 3) review and modify default department chartfields, if necessary, to ensure appropriate budgetary expensing. Card reconciliation and supervisor verification must be completed within 5 business days of notification to cardholders that card data is available. Repeated misuse of a CUNY credit card OR failure to reconcile AND verify card transactions within 5 business days of notification, may result in suspension or revocation of employee card privileges.
How will I know when to verify cardholder transactions?
It is the cardholder's responsibility to notify supervisors that their card reconciliation is ready for verification. Cardholders can use the Notify button on the Procurement Card Transactions page to email their supervisor, upon completion of their reconciliation. Generally, Citibank uploads P-card and NET card statements every 6th of the month. Cardholders must reconcile and submit their card transactions to allow for supervisor verification, within 5 business days after notification that card data is ready.
How do I navigate within CUNYfirst to the card reconciliation module to verify cardholder transactions?
CUNYfirst Navigation: Financials Supply Chain > Purchasing > Procurement Cards > Reconcile > Reconcile Statement. See also Supervisor Verification Quick Reference Guide.
What deadlines should I be aware of regarding the card reconciliation process?
Cardholders, (or their proxies), must complete and submit reconciliations AND the reconciliations must be verified by supervisors, within 5 business days after notification that card data is available. Regardless of proxy delegation, cardholders are ultimately responsible for timely and accurate reconciliation of transactions.
How do I view uploaded receipts and supporting documentation to verify business justifications of transactions?
On the 'Procurement Card Transactions' page, click the Comments icon; then click the View button on the Line Comments page, to view attachments, (e.g. uploaded receipts and supporting documentation):
How do I review and correct department chartfields to ensure appropriate budgetary expensing?
On the Procurement Card Transactions page, click the Distribution icon which takes you to the Account Distribution page; where you can review and modify default department chartfields. Mainly, cardholders will have to modify the 'Account' chartfield to ensure expensing to the appropriate department budget category, (see P-Card/Travel & NET Card GL Account Codes and see also CUNY General Ledger Chart of Accounts - Operating Expenses including Budget Codes and Category Codes):
What should I do if the cardholder did not reconcile transactions properly?
If receipts and/or documentation of the business justification for the expenditure is NOT attached, the supervisor is responsible for notifying the cardholder. In the event that a charge is NOT a legitimate business expenditure, the supervisor is responsible for obtaining repayment of the amount to CUNY; by following the normal Refund of Appropriations guidelines and processing repayment via a check, payable to the City University of New York. Contact %2%30%41P@ccny.cuny .%65du" rel="nofollow"> for assistance.
Last Updated: 12/09/2020 15:03