CUNYfirst Procurement
The upgrade of CUNY’s financial systems into one integrated package is a key element of CUNYfirst. One of the main areas of the CUNYfirst finance pillar is procurement which includes: purchasing, accounts payable, travel and expense requests/approvals and credit card management. Below are links to resources and references to guide you through these processes:
COVID-19 Related:
- CUNY Travel Advisory 09/17/2021 - UPDATED CUNY Travel Restrictions
- New York State Employee Travel Advisory policy dated July 1, 2020
- New York State COVID-19 Travel Advisory
- Operational Changes in Response to COVID-19
- COVID-19 Update:Travel message from Matthew Sapienza, Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer
- COVID-19 Related Expenditure Tracking
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) - Travel Health Notices
- Water Cooler Rental and Bottle Delivery Services
- JCOPE Reports of Honoraria and Travel Reimbursements
- CCNY Print Management Program_Fiscal Year 2021
- Grainger/EDGE Punchout Marketplace
- Updated Food Catering Services memorandum_03_27_2019
- University-wide Virtual Bookstore Contract with Akademos, Inc.
- Executive Orders Banning Travel to North Carolina and Mississippi.pdf
- Unsolicited Orders
- Ongoing Toner and Office Supply Scams
- Citi Commercial Cards Chip and PIN frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Procurement Roles
Requisitions to Receipts - Job Aids/Training Tools
- Create Requisitions - Goods and Services <pdf> <video>
- Amount Only Requisitions
- Shipping Charges
- Manage Requisitions <pdf> <video>
- Approve Requisitions
- Budget Check Requisitions (Manually)
- Cancel Requisitions
- CUNY General Ledger Chart of Accounts - Operating Expenses including Budget Codes and Category Codes
- CUNYfirst Procurement Icons.pdf
Job Aids
- Tax Levy Procurement Quick Reference Guide
- Tax Levy Procurement How-To Slideshows
- CUNYfirst Procurement Glossary
- CUNYfirst Procurement FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
- Requisitions and Receipts - FAQ
- Requisition Status/Budget Status/Available Actions.pdf - In 'Manage Requisitions' review available and recommended actions, based on requisition and budget status.
- P.O. Activity Summary.pdf - Displays action details related to the Purchase Order as it flows through CUNYfirst.
Accounting Information
Business Procedures
Accounts Payable
- NYS Office of the State Comptroller Substitute form W-9
- CUNYfirst Procurement Inspection form
- Receipt of Materials Certification form
- CUNYfirst Travel and Expense User Access Request form
- CUNY Vendor & Payee Registration form
- Travel Authorization Request - Exceed Maximum Per Diem Rates
Last Updated: 10/26/2021 14:52