
During periods of heavy rainfall storm water runoff exerts pressure on NYC's sewer infrastructure.  CCNY currently partners with the NY Restoration Project which manages approximately 130,000 gallons of storm water per year to reduce combined sewer overflow into the Gowanus Canal. In addition, Team New York's Roofpod was designed to help mitigate water runoff from building rooftops.

Completed Goals:

  • Eight hydration stations have been installed on campus: 2 in Marshak, 2 in NAC, 1 in Steinman, 1 in Compton Goethals, 1 in Spitzer and 1 in Harris Hall.
  • Contact information for reporting leaks or other problems has been posted in bathrooms.
  • Low flow toilets and faucets fixtures have been installed across campus.

Future Goals:

  • Develop education campaign to prevent waste and minimize consumption.
  • Assess possibilities to reduce storm water runoff.

Useful Links:

Last Updated: 10/18/2019 12:01