
Department First Name Last Name Email  
Academic Momentum and Student Success Jeannette Jones jjones@ccny.cuny.edu  
Academic Standards                                 Andrew Grablewski agrablewski@ccny.cuny.edu  
Admissions                                         Michael Pagan mpagan@ccny.cuny.edu  
Admissions                                         Carlos Parker cparker@ccny.cuny.edu  
Admissions                                         Guillermo Rivera grivera@ccny.cuny.edu  
Animal Care Facility/Vivarium                               Harry Acosta hacosta007@ccny.cuny.edu  
Anthropology                                       Natalie Meyers nmeyers@ccny.cuny.edu  
Architecture                                       Carolina Johnson-Colon ccolon@ccny.cuny.edu  
Art                                                Erica Bailey ebailey@ccny.cuny.edu  
Art                                                Katrice Henderson khenderson@ccny.cuny.edu  
Athletics James Versailles jversailles@ccny.cuny.edu  
Athletics Steve Macias smacias@ccny.cuny.edu  
Biology                                            Christine Klusko cklusko@ccny.cuny.edu  
Biology                                            Yolanda Pitt ypitt@ccny.cuny.edu  
Biomedical Engineering                             Pat Cupid pcupid@ccny.cuny.edu  
Black Studies Program                              Jodi-Ann Francis jfrancis@ccny.cuny.edu  
Budget Office                                      Wendy Brisita wbrisita@ccny.cuny.edu  
Bursar                                             Darlene Clarke dclarke@ccny.cuny.edu  
Bursar                                             Rhonda Jenkins rjenkins@ccny.cuny.edu  
Career and Professional Development Institute Katie Nailler knailler@ccny.cuny.edu  
Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning Bruce Rosenbloom brosenbloom@ccny.cuny.edu  
Center for Worker Ed CWE Trisha Baboolal tbaboolal@ccny.cuny.edu  
Center for Worker Ed CWE Kyana Herrera kherrera@ccny.cuny.edu  
Center for Worker Ed CWE Juan Carlos Mercado jmercado@ccny.cuny.edu  
Center for Worker Ed CWE Elena Romero eromero@ccny.cuny.edu  
Center for Worker Ed CWE Davi Saroop dsaroop@ccny.cuny.edu  
Center for Worker Ed CWE Nina Woods nwoods2@ccny.cuny.edu  
Chemistry                                          Denise Addison daddison@ccny.cuny.edu  
Chemistry                                          Boris Kalmatsky bkalmatsky@ccny.cuny.edu  
Civil Engineering                                  Beth Wittig awittig@ccny.cuny.edu  
Classical & Modern Languages & Literatures Rosa Martinez rmartinez@ccny.cuny.edu  
Colin Powell School Charlene Darbassie cdarbassie@ccny.cuny.edu  
Colin Powell School Scarlett Farray sfarray@ccny.cuny.edu  
Colin Powell School Namrata Kupte nkupte@ccny.cuny.edu  
Colin Powell School Akasha Solis asolis000@citymail.cuny.edu  
Colin Powell School Adriana Espinosa aespinosa@ccny.cuny.edu  
Colin Powell School Natalia Trujillo ntrujillo@ccny.cuny.edu  
Computer Science                                   Luis Camilo luis@cs.ccny.cuny.edu  
Computer Science                                   Edward Camp camp@ccny.cuny.edu  
Continuing and Professional Studies Denisse Fernandez dfernandez2@ccny.cuny.edu  
Continuing and Professional Studies Sol Rogers srogers@ccny.cuny.edu  
CUNY Environmental Cross-Roads Initiative          Georgina Fekete gfekete@ccny.cuny.edu  
CUNY Institute for Macromolecular Assemblies       Lauren Gohara lgohara@ccny.cuny.edu  
CUNY School of Medicine Monica Massenberg mmassenberg@ccny.cuny.edu  
CUNY School of Medicine Wilma Nieves wnieves@ccny.cuny.edu  
CUNY School of Medicine Frank Pace mmassenberg@ccny.cuny.edu  
CUNY School of Medicine Geniece Pacifici-Elejalde nini@med.cuny.edu  
Diversity and Compliance, Office of Tamara Smalling tsmalling@ccny.cuny.edu  
Dominican Studies                                  Melissa Martinez dsi@ccny.cuny.edu  
DoS/CCAPP Office for Student Success Nkem Stanley-Mbamelu nkem@sci.ccny.cuny.edu  
Early College Program Sophia Bogues sbogues@ccny.cuny.edu  
Early College Program Andrenetta Collins ancollins@ccny.cuny.edu  
Earth and Atmospheric Science                      Karin Block kblock@ccny.cuny.edu  
School Of Education                      Yolaine Nivar ynivar@ccny.cuny.edu  
School Of Education                      Tania Pena bilingual@ccny.cuny.edu  
Electrical  Engineering                            Joe Barba barba@ccny.cuny.edu  
Electrical  Engineering                            Tom legbandt legbandt@ccny.cuny.edu  
Electrical  Engineering                            David Santoro dsantoro@ccny.cuny.edu  
Electrical  Engineering                            Ming Wong wong@ccny.cuny.edu  
Engineering                                        Yulisa Aquino Yaquino@ccny.cuny.edu  
Engineering                                        Edward Camp camp@ccny.cuny.edu  
English                                            Yana Joseph yjoseph@ccny.cuny.edu  
English                                            Jasmine Love gthompson@ccny.cuny.edu  
Environmental Health&Occupational Safety           Nicholas Rienzi nrienzi@ccny.cuny.edu  
Evaluation and Testing                             Yunerys Robles yrobles@ccny.cuny.edu  
Evaluation and Testing                             Shailesh Thacker shailesh@ccny.cuny.edu  
Executive Counsel to the President Sakine Franke sfranke@ccny.cuny.edu  
Finance and Administration                         Eva Medina emedina2@ccny.cuny.edu  
Financial Accounting                               Migdalia Sanchez msanchez@ccny.cuny.edu  
Financial Aid                                      David Ha dha@ccny.cuny.edu  
Financial Aid                                      Arshaw Ramkaran aramkaran@ccny.cuny.edu  
Financial Aid                                      Komal Sadiq ksadiq@ccny.cuny.edu  
Gateway Academic Center Yasmeen Pizarro ypantophlet@ccny.cuny.edu  
Government, Community & Cultural Affairs Anthony Achille aachille@ccny.cuny.edu  
Government, Community & Cultural Affairs Yuri Job yurijob@ccny.cuny.edu  
Grants and Sponsored Programs Candice Baptiste-Sexton csexton@ccny.cuny.edu  
Grants and Sponsored Programs Ana Carrillo acarrillo@ccny.cuny.edu  
Grants and Sponsored Programs Alan Shih ashih@ccny.cuny.edu  
History                                            Phyllis Hubbard phubbard@ccny.cuny.edu  
Honors Center                                      Susanna Yurick syurick@ccny.cuny.edu  
Human Resources                                    Yahaira Colon ycolon01@ccny.cuny.edu  
Human Resources                                    Joshua Garno jgarno@ccny.cuny.edu  
Human Resources                                    Melody  Davis mdavis@ccny.cuny.edu  
Human Resources                                    Shamaya Green sgreen@ccny.cuny.edu  
Human Resources                                    Anna-Celia Sierra asierra@ccny.cuny.edu  
Humanities & the Arts, Division of                 Moe Liu D' Albero mld@ccny.cuny.edu  
Humanities & the Arts, Division of                 Marcie Romani mromani@ccny.cuny.edu  
Institutional Advancement and Communications Chris Soto Communications@ccny.cuny.edu  
International Student and Scholar Services         Maribel Morua mmorua@ccny.cuny.edu  
Levich Institute                                   Mary Wright wright@sci.ccny.cuny.edu  
Library                                            Ebe DeLeon epdeleon@ccny.cuny.edu  
Mail and Duplicating                               Peter Russell prussell@ccny.cuny.edu  
Mathematics                                        Jason Redman jredman@ccny.cuny.edu  
Mathematics                                        Mark Turner mark@sci.ccny.cuny.edu  
Mechanical Engineering                             Lisa Harris Harris@me.ccny.cuny.edu  
Media and Communication Arts                       April Gatling-Joffee mfamediaarts@ccny.cuny.edu  
Media and Communication Arts                       Wayne Grofik wgrofik@ccny.cuny.edu  
Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences Maria Agosto magosto@med.cuny.edu  
Molecular, Cellular and Biomedical Sciences Raquel Morales rmorales@med.cuny.edu  
Music                                              Marla Alexandre malexandre@ccny.cuny.edu  
New York City Alliance                             Nadine Bennett ampcc@ccny.cuny.edu  
New York City Alliance                             Maria Colabella mcolabella@ccny.cuny.edu  
NOAA CREST                                         Georgina Fekete gfekete@ccny.cuny.edu  
NOAA CREST                                         Caridad Jenoure jcaridad@ccny.cuny.edu  
NOAA CREST                                         Tom legbandt legbandt@ccny.cuny.edu  
NOAA CREST                                         Eugene Leykin eleykin@ccny.cuny.edu  
NOAA CREST                                         Charles Vorosmarty cvorosmarty@ccny.cuny.edu  
Office of Information Technology Karen Pratt kpratt@ccny.cuny.edu  
Office of Information Technology Tessa Souter tsouter@ccny.cuny.edu  
Office of Student Engagement Annemarie Daniel adaniel@ccny.cuny.edu  
Office of Student Engagement Norval Soleyn nsoleyn@ccny.cuny.edu  
Philosophy                                         Bertha Zeigler-Pickens bpickens@ccny.cuny.edu  
Political Science                                  Jacqueline Williams Mose jwilliams@ccny.cuny.edu  
Political Science                                  Jennifer Roman jroman@ccny.cuny.edu  
President's Office                                 Peter Baptiste pbaptiste@ccny.cuny.edu  
Procurement                                        Felicia Cunningham felicia@ccny.cuny.edu  
Provost                                            Luisa Hassan luisa@ccny.cuny.edu  
Provost                                            Zaida Matos-Nieves zmatos@ccny.cuny.edu  
Psychology                                         Abigail Estes aestes@ccny.cuny.edu  
Psychology                                         Melissa Mayers mmayersmorris@med.cuny.edu  
Public Safety & Security                           George Crinnion gcrinnion@ccny.cuny.edu  
Registrar                                          Marisol Alers-Aarbo malers@ccny.cuny.edu  
Research Center in Minority Institutions           Natasha Judd NJudd@ccny.cuny.edu  
ROTC Ashleigh Daley-Small adaleysmall@ccny.cuny.edu  
Scheduling Ebony Gregory egregory@ccny.cuny.edu  
Scheduling Leon Tachauer ltachauer@ccny.cuny.edu  
School Of Education                      Yolaine Nivar ynivar@ccny.cuny.edu  
School Of Education                      Tania Pena bilingual@ccny.cuny.edu  
Science                                            Frank Pace fpace@ccny.cuny.edu  
SEEK                                               Ronny Garcia rgarcia@ccny.cuny.edu  
SEEK                                               Margaret Wells llyon@ccny.cuny.edu  
Sociology                                          Laura Bowman lbowman@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Affairs, The Division of Ana King-Garcia akinggarcia@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Affairs, The Division of Ernest Pierre-Louis epierrelouis@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Affairs, The Division of George Rhinehart grhinehart@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Disability Services                        Imani Bell ibell@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Disability Services                        Joseph A. LoGiudice jlogiudice@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Disability Services                        Leigh  Britton lbritton@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Disability Services                        Raquel Samuel rsamuel@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Engagement Initiatives Dominic Stellini dstellini@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Engagement Initiatives Melissa Tise mtise@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Health Services Romy Fabal rfabal@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Newspaper                                  Taqiyya Haden thepaper@ccny.cuny.edu  
Student Support                                    Vatsala Ponnuraj vponnuraj@ccny.cuny.edu  
Study Abroad Ninive Gomez ngomez@ccny.cuny.edu  
Sustainability Katherine Gloede kgloede@ccny.cuny.edu  
Theatre and Speech                                 Tara Nachtigall Tnachtigall@ccny.cuny.edu  
UMAAN Norval Soleyn nsoleyn@ccny.cuny.edu  
University Transportation Research Ctr, Region     Penny Eickemeyer peickemeyer@utrc2.org  
University Transportation Research Ctr, Region     Camille Kamga ckamga@utrc2.org  
Writing Center                                     Stephanie Jean-Stern sjean@ccny.cuny.edu  
Zahn Innovation Center Steven Monzon smonzon@ccny.cuny.edu  



Last Updated: 03/16/2022 15:38