
Currently a CCNY student and interested in declaring a Major in Electrical Engineering?

Please note that if you are interested in applying for a major in the Electrical Engineering (EE), you must apply through the iDeclare link below:

Application deadlines:

  1. If you are seeking to be an EE major for the Fall semester, you must submit your iDeclare application between June 1st – June 15th. iDeclare decisions will be communicated by mid-July.
  2. If you are seeking to be an EE major for the Spring semester, you must submit your iDeclare application between November 15th – December 1st. iDeclare decisions will be communicated by mid-January.

These are firm deadlines. If you apply before or after the time periods indicated above, your application will be DENIED.

All iDeclare submissions will be reviewed AFTER grades have been posted for the current semester in which you submitted your application.

Requirements for Applying to the EE Major:           

Please understand that even if you meet the requirements for the EE major, that does not guarantee that your application will be approved. The department reserves the right to monitor and put a cap on how many new students it will accept.

*Electrical Engineering CANNOT be declared as a minor.

Last Updated: 04/27/2022 12:52