Department Facilities
Current EE Research Laboratories include:
Sponsored Centers:
Cooperative Remote Sensing Science and Technology (CREST) Center sponsored by National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a consortium of five universities led by CCNY.
University Research Center for Optical Sensing and Imaging (COSI) sponsored by NASA.
Communication and Networks Alliance sponsored by Army Research Lab; this consortium of industrial and academic institutions is headed by Telecordia.
New York State Center for Advanced Technology (CAT) in Ultrafast Photonics.
CCNY Centers:
- Center for Information Networking and Telecommunciations (CINT)
- Institute for Ultrafast Spectroscopy and Lasers (IUSL)
- International Center for Environmental Resources and Development (ICERD)
- Photonics Engineering Center
Research Laboratories:
Telecommunications Networking, Local Area Network, Optical Networking, Optical Communication, Optical Materials, Photonics Application, Photonics Simulations Lab, Nonlinear Optics Laboratory, Optical Remote Sensing Laboratory, Remote Sensing/Geographical Information Systems Computer, Microelectronics, and Robotics. -
Other Research Facilities:
Research equipment includes: Multiwavelength Laser Radar (LIDAR) observatory. Mobile Remote Sensing Facility, Modelocked pico and femtosecond Ti: Sapphire lasers and Ti: Sapphire regenerative amplifier systems; Picosecond Qswitched, modelocked Nd: YAG and synchronously pumped tunable dye laser system. Picosecond Q-switched, modelocked Nd: YAG and dye laser/amplifier systems. Femtosecond CPM dye laser/copper vapor laser pumped dye amplifier systems; Fosterite lasers. Nanosecond Q-switched Nd: YAG and tunable optical parametric oscillator systems; large and small frame Argon ion lasers and cw tunable dye laser; semiconductors diode lasers; streak cameras; spectrophotometers and multichannel optical analyzers; high dynamic range cooled CCD detectors, intensified reticon diode arrays, vidicon detectors, spatial light modulator, and thermal infrared imaging camera; vacuum deposition facilities for metals and polymers; cryogenic refrigerators and cryostats refrigerators and cryostats, high resolution microscopes, wedge bouncer, IC probe stations, and darkroom and mask fabrication facilities; spectrum analyzers, digital pattern generator and error detector, network analyzer; multi gigasample/second digitizing oscilloscopes, 60 GHz communication signal analyzer, 1 GHz and 400 MHz analog oscilloscopes; multimedia communication facilities and ATM switches; Wireless Communications Facilities. Major computational facilities in the department include a network of 150 Sun workstations. In addition, a network of PC computers is used by graduate students and faculty researchers in the telecommunications and remote sensing areas. These networks are connected to other research facilities located on campus and to the CUNY Computational Center, as well as the National Computational Facilities through the Internet.
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Last Updated: 09/23/2016 17:06