Teaching Urban Climate Change: Systems, Science & Stewardship


Course 1. SCIE 7509N: Foundations: Climate as a System/The Urban Climate System

Course 2. SCIE 8703N: In the Field: Hands-on Climate Research

Course 3. SCIE 8704N: Putting It Into Practice: Climate in the Classroom

Climate Change, Systems Thinking and Sustainability content, pedagogy, and a range of vetted tools, lessons and units already in use across NYC schools. Coursework shall be application and practice-based, leveraging current events through the Ecology Disrupted curriculum to prepare teachers to create resources and materials to teach about Climate Change.

  • Science Content – Systems and resilience focused course work; engaging w/scientists in the field, grade appropriate datasets, examining down and upstream networks of causes and effects.
  • Teaching Resources and Tools – Participants will engage directly with tool and curriculum developers.
  • Vetted Teaching Connections –Student work, PBL strategies, examples from classrooms.
  • In-person Fieldwork – Teachers and students will step into field research across the five boroughs, through the lens of local NYC nonprofit partners involved in climate science and education.

Use the QR code on the flyer to get started.

Modality: In-Person
Contact: Yadana Desmond at yadana@stemteachersnyc.org

Teaching Urban Climate Change Systems, Science and Stewardship 1




Teaching Urban Climate Change Systems, Science and Stewardship 2


Last Updated: 01/22/2025 11:54