Office of Clinical Practice - FAQs


What is fieldwork?

Fieldwork experience is defined by the New York State Commission of Education as “direct observation of teaching, participation in teaching or teaching itself that is related to the teacher education program.” You will complete most of your fieldwork in school settings, however, some courses may require attendance at community-based settings or museums. Your fieldwork placement should align with the requirements of each course, so review your syllabus and ask your professor what is appropriate.

When do I do fieldwork?

You will be required to do fieldwork almost every semester for almost every course offered as part of your SOE program. Each semester your school visit schedule will be determined by your class and work schedule as well as the availability of the cooperating teacher or school agreeing to host you. When you schedule fieldwork at the beginning of the semester, plan for the total hours you require. Be respectful of the agreement with our host school and be prompt and reliable!

How many hours do I have to complete?

Each course has its own requirements from 10 to 45 hours of fieldwork. Almost every course in every program has a fieldwork requirement. Students must complete at least 100* clock hours of fieldwork prior to beginning student teaching in order to meet New York State certification requirements. Note*- NYSED may increase this requirement.

When is fingerprinting required?

Students who are notified of admission to the CCNY School of Education as of Spring 2024 are required to be fingerprinted in preparation for fieldwork and student teaching during their first semester. Students who were admitted before this policy and whose single semester fieldwork requirements exceed 30 hours, must be fingerprinted prior to being placed by the Office of Clinical Practice. In addition, school administrations may set their own threshold for the fingerprinting requirement. Thus, the Office of Clinical Practice advises all CCNY SOE students to begin the fingerprinting process as soon as possible.

You will be required to complete an application for the Personnel Eligibility Tracking System (PETS) to obtain clearance. Visit the OCP, NAC 6/207A, for more information about fingerprinting and to begin the process. Write to to arrange for an appointment.

Am I required a Tuberculosis (TB) test result?

A negative TB test result is required and must be updated yearly. Your doctor can complete the TB test result form available in the Office of Clinical Practice or provide a form from their office. Your doctor may select the TB test they prefer to administer.

How and when do I get placed?

The first step is to fill out a Placement Request Form.

Complete the application in the beginning of the semester. The OCP coordinates student fieldwork placements with our partner schools in the beginning of the semester to accommodate their scheduling as well as yours. Placements toward the end of the semester are more difficult to secure.

How is fieldwork documented?

You will complete a separate Fieldwork Timesheet for each class. Throughout the semester, record your activities and hours on the timesheet and have the cooperating teacher initial after each visit. At the end of the semester, obtain a signature from the cooperating teacher and the CCNY course instructor. Retain a copy of the Timesheet for your records and submit the original to the Office of Clinical Practice.

What is important?

  • Apply early to start your fieldwork early in the semester when it is most useful for coursework. Applying late may delay your placement.
  • Maintain timely notes on your timesheet (Fieldwork and Student Teaching). Recording notes each day you are in the classroom will ensure accuracy and honesty.
  • Request initials from your cooperating teacher (CT) each day and signatures at the end of the month (Student Teaching) or when you’ve completed your hours and course-related assignments (Fieldwork).
  • Maintain accurate notes. Correct errors on handwritten timesheets by making a single line through the incorrect note and asking the CT to initial it. Never use whiteout or try to cross something out entirely because timesheets are legal documents and must be transparent to the auditor. Never add notes to a timesheet once it has been signed. And never forge a CT’s signature or initials because that is a violation of the law and the code of ethics.
  • Always submit your original timesheets to the Office of Clinical Practice after making a copy for your files.

Student Teaching

Is there a deadline for student teaching?

Applications for student teaching for the fall semester are due April 15 each year.

Applications for the spring semester are due November 15 each year.

Late applications must be approved by advisors within your program.

How do I apply for student teaching?

Student teaching is the culminating experience in your teacher education program and should be completed during your last term at the college. Inaddition to completing the application, make an appointment with your academic advisor. If you have questions about the process, you may also contact the Office of Clinical Practice (OCP) and speak with one of our staff (212-650-6915).

Are there specific exams required?

All CCNY SOE student teaching candidates must have passed at least one exam administered by New York State Teacher Certification Exams (NYSTCE). In general programs accept as qualifying either the Educating All Students (EAS) exam or the Content Specialty Test (CST) associated with your concentration, but some programs have specific requirements. Check your program requirements when you meet with your academic advisor.

New York State Teaching Certification Exam Requirements – Dates Matter!

Once you know what exam is required, work backwards from the test score reporting date and register accordingly. For Fall student teaching, the test scores must be reported by August 1; for Spring student teaching, the deadline is December 1.

How do I register for student teaching?

Permission to register in CUNYfirst for student teaching, student teaching seminar, and Friday workshops will be emailed to you by the Office of Clinical Practice after you have been approved for student teaching by the Committee on Academic Progress. You will be responsible for registering for any other course work during the regular registration period. It is highly recommended that you do not take more than one course with student teaching due to the work load.

How are student teachers placed?

When the OCP selects placements for student teachers we take many elements into account: travel time, college supervisor match, and cooperating teacher match.

Can I choose my own site?

While students cannot self-place, student preferences and requests are taken into consideration.

How much time is required for student teaching?

Seventy days of student teaching is required for all undergraduate programs, and all Secondary Education subject areas. The programs in Early Childhood Education require a semester of full-time teaching (70 days) divided between a major and minor placement. Hours for the other graduate programs vary according to “certification stream” and previous certifications.

What happens if I am ineligible?

If your application has been denied, you may see your advisor for next steps. The letter from the OCP generally states why your application has been denied. If you feel that your application was unjustly considered you may appeal to the Committee of Course and Standing.

Must I be fingerprinted in order to student teach?

Yes, all approved student teachers must be fingerprinted as part of the student teaching process. Most students begin their fingerprinting process while completing fieldwork. If you are not fingerprinted and registered through the CCNY SOE OCP, begin this process in the semester preceding your student teaching semester. For an appointment, email Noris Rodriguez at .

Attend the student teaching orientation for your program to learn about the Code of Ethics, Student Teaching/Practicum Timesheets, the Gradual Release Plan, and grading policy.

Last Updated: 05/31/2024 17:30