Mathematics in the City

Despina A. Stylianou ( ), Director

Mathematics in the City (MitC) is a national center of research, curriculum development, and professional development for K-8 mathematics education. It was established in 1995 by Professor Cathy Fosnot, as a collaboration between the City College of New York and the Freudenthal Institute, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. It has received funding by the National Science Foundation, the Exxon-Mobil Foundation, and the Department of Education of New York City. Through the years the project has expanded; today it functions as a think tank and center of professional development for mathematics education. To date, thousands of teachers from across the nation have participated in our institutes and workshops at CCNY. Teachers and schools also seek MitC’s support and guidance in their year-to-year operations. Staff developers and consultants from the project provide on-site in-classroom work.​

Funding: Exxon Foundation, National Science Foundation, Department of Education, The Freudenthal Institute


Last Updated: 04/20/2021 11:51