Artists as Agents of Change Event Flyer

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Artists as Agents of Change:
Arts Education in the School of Education, the Next 100 years

Elise Engler book cover


We will share how we shape and guide teachers by looking, understanding and responding to current
events in our classrooms and our art making practice. An Informed person (teacher) is a socially
responsible person. Having an understanding of how World News/Daily News affects us and our
students, makes us better teachers. Join us in our conversation with artists snd educators who
support this connection and use Current events in their teaching.

Monday, November 29, 2021 5pm-7pm

Our panel will be moderated by Professors Randy Brozen and Elizabeth Dunn-Ruiz

Jan ValleDr. Jan Valle is a professor of disability studies and inclusive education at
The City College of New York (CUNY). She teaches undergraduate and
graduate courses about inclusive practices in childhood education and
educational theatre. She is the author and/or co-author of three books as
well as numerous articles and book chapters that address inclusive schooling
and the politics of difference. Dr. Valle recently earned an additional master’s
degree in applied theatre from the City University of New York (CUNY). She
is developing a model that integrates disability studies and applied theatre.

Elise EnglerElise Engler is an artist whose art is documentary in nature. Her projects have
ranged from drawing everything she owns; to time spent in Antarctica with the
National Science Foundation; to chronicling US tax expenditures. Engler’s
drawing of the length of Broadway in Manhattan,A Year on Broadway, was
featured on CBS Sunday Morning and in The New Yorker magazine. She is
the recipient of a Gottlieb Foundation Grant, MacDowell fellowships, a fellow of
the Civitella Ranieri Foundation residency and a New York Foundation for the
Arts drawing grant. She has exhibited throughout the US and in Europe. Engler
has been teaching at City College since 2009 and teaches at the School of
Visual Artsand for the Battery Parks City Authority. Engler is a native New
Yorker whose parents graduated from City College and from Hunter College
Her book A Diary of the Plague Year: An Artist's Chronicle of 2020 is being
published by Metropolitan Books/ MacMillan/ Henry Holt in November of 2021. Elise's book can be
found here:
Photo credit: Sue Brisk

Durell CooperDr. Durell Cooper is one the nation's leading cultural strategists and is the
Founder and CEO of Cultural Innovation Group; a boutique consulting agency
specializing in systems change and collaborative thought leadership. He is also
the creator and host of the web series, Flow and the Podcast Fluency. He is
also an adjunct instructor at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, New
York University, and The City College of New York. Durell graduated from the
Impact Program for Arts Leaders (IPAL) at Stanford University in 2018. He is a
member of the Diversity Scholars Network at the National Center for
Institutional Diversity, University of Michigan. He earned a B.F.A from Southern
Methodist University, and both a M.A & Doctorate of Education from New York
University. Website:
Photo credit: Alejandro Garcia

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Last Updated: 10/19/2021 14:46