Research Fellowships and Opportunities

The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute is a locus for a community of scholars in the field of Dominican Studies and sponsors interdisciplinary research projects. Below you will find links and respective descriptions of CUNY DSI sponsored research fellowship programs. 

DOMINICAN STUDIES SCHOLAR - A program that seeks to increase the number of underrepresented professors at the City University of New York by contributing to the expansion of knowledge in under researched areas of study related to Dominican Studies.

VISITING SCHOLARS AND FELLOWS - Doctoral fellows, postdoctoral fellows, and visiting scholars in Dominican Studies represent diverse academic disciplines and a wide range of scholarly research projects.

FELLOWSHIP FOR THREATENED DOMINICAN SCHOLARS - For Dominican people in the field of humanities and social humanities whose work is rejected or threatened because it conflicts with the status quo in the Dominican Republic. 

IUPLR-CUNY DSI PROGRAM FELLOWSHIP - The Inter-University Program for Latino Research Mellon CUNY DSI Fellowship offered to doctoral students annually who are completing dissertations in the field of Latino Studies. 

CUNY DSI RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM & NSA DOMINICAN STUDIES FELLOWSHIP  - These research fellowships are offered for doctoral students, faculty, and independent scholars. This is a list of past recipients: 

2024 Fellows2023 Fellows2022 Fellows2021 Fellows2019-2020 Fellows  |  2018 Fellows  |  2017 Fellows  |  2016 Fellows  |  2015 Fellows  

ROCKEFELLER FOUNDATION HUMANITIES FELLOWSHIP ON DOMINICAN STUDIES - The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute was chosen as a residency site for a three-year Rockefeller Foundation Humanities Fellowships Program (1996-1999). Fellows based their research on the proposal Representation versus Experience: Missing Chapters in Dominican History and Culture.

Last Updated: 03/10/2025 12:19