Joan Ferrer is the President of Academia Dominicana de Genealogía y Heráldica and Director of las ferias del libro in the Dominican Republic. He is also a scholar whose area of expertise is early colonial Dominican history and his writing has appeared in the Boletín del Archivo General de la Nación (BAGN) and Hoy magazine, among others. Ferrer’s latest endeavor, a research project titled Identities Revealed: Negros de Mala Entrada in XVIII-century Hispaniola, offers a detailed examination of the lives of enslaved people who reached La Española in the eighteenth century through illicit means. Identities Revealed is based on a rare Spanish account made in the colony of Santo Domingo in 1776 that recorded the origins and lives of such “Negros de Mala Entrada.” In addition to this incredible resource, Ferrer will consult archival records in Archivo Histórico Nacional in Madrid, Archivo General de las Indias in Sevilla, and Archivo Histórico del Arzobispado in Santo Domingo. His project will expand upon CUNY DSI’s pioneering research related to First Blacks in the Americas / Los Primeros Negros en las Américas, or the African presence in the colonial Dominican Republic.
Last Updated: 05/10/2023 12:37