Jessy Pérez

Jessy-Perez_1 Archivist
 Dominican Archives
 CUNY Dominican Studies Institute

 T: 212.650.8865
 E: jp%65rez2@ccny.cun %79.%65du" rel="nofollow">



Jessy Pérez is an Archivist at the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute’s Dominican Archives, located at The City College of New York. She has an MLS, with an Archives Concentration from Queens College; a BA in Spanish, and a MA in Spanish Literature from The City College of New York. Ms. Pérez has over seven years of archival training experience under the supervision of Chief Archivist Idilio Gracia Peña.  As an Archivist, Ms. Pérez is responsible for the survey, appraisal, accession, processing, arrangement, preservation, digitization, and access to archival materials relating to the Dominican population in the United States. She is also responsible for authoring descriptions for archival collections.

In addition to her archival responsibilities, Ms. Pérez supervises the archives assistants, college assistants, work-study students, and high school and undergraduate interns assigned to the Dominican Archives. She also provides reference services at the Dominican Library and assists the Institute director with research projects and other matters relating the administration of the CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. Furthermore, she provides the Chief Archivist with professional and technical support for the implementation of the overall archival program. 

During her tenure at the Dominican Archives, Ms. Pérez has processed the Rafael Petitón Guzmán, the Normandy Maldonado, the Luisa Ruiz, the Anthony Stevens Acevedo, the Onésimo Guerrero, and the Tito Enrique Cánepa collections and created finding aids and databases for twenty six archives collections.  


Last Updated: 08/31/2023 14:02