Jiménez Polanco
Dr. Jacqueline Jiménez Polanco holds a degree in law and a Ph.D. in political Science. She is also an Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at Bronx Community College, CUNY. Dr. Jiménez Polanco’s research interests range from Dominican politics and women’s political representation to the LGBTIQ movement, both in the Dominican Republic and in the U.S. Her latest research project, “Dominican Americans and the Politics of Empowerment,” will examine the emergence and maturation of Dominican political representation in the U.S. This project will rely on archival collections housed in the CUNY DSI Dominican Archives—the Anthony Stevens-Acevedo Collection, the Bienvenido Lara Flores Collection, and the Dominicans 2000 Collection. These will allow Jiménez Polanco to examine the early participation of Dominicans in U.S. politics, their links with political organizations in the Dominican Republic, and the effects of grassroot activism in the formation of the traditional and contemporary Dominican political leadership in the U.S. Jiménez Polanco will also interview Dominican political leaders and campaign advisors and examine data collected by Dominicanos USA (DUSA). Jiménez Polanco’s research will be the first to tackle the incursion of Dominicans into U.S. electoral politics by examining archival materials produced by community and cultural activists.
Last Updated: 05/08/2023 12:19