The City College of New York

Conversations in Engaged Scholarship, 2016-17
Sciame Auditorium, Spitzer School of Architecture, Thursday, 4:00 - 5:30 pm

Spring 2017

March 16, 2017
Biodiversity Research in Tropical Asia: A Tale of Butterflies and Bureaucracy
David Lohman, Assistant Professor, Biology,
April 6, 2017
Biology, Bounty and the Built Environment: How to Reset the Obesity Epidemic
Monica Skarulis, NIH (CCNY Class of 1983, Sophie Davis),  (Click for her bio)
April 20, 2017 - New Date 
Sustainable Waste Management: Impacts of Our Trash on Society
Marco J Castaldi, Associate Professor, Chemical Engineering Center
Director, Earth Engineering Center,  m%63%61s%74ald%69@ccny.cun %79.%65du" rel="nofollow">
May 4, 2017
Politics and Social Issues in Young Adult Literature
Pamela Laskin, Professor, English,