News [Past News]
Distinguished Professor Emeritus Gilbert Baumslag
- The Department of Computer Science marks with profound sadness the passing of Distinguished Professor Emeritus Gilbert Baumslag.
Grants Awarded Since January 2013
- NIH awarded an additional $80,000 to Professor Jie Wei's research for this academic year. This is NIH U54 project, entitled "Developing an Accurate and Reliable Method for Tumor Motion Monitoring Using Real-Time Multi-Modal Imaging," awarded two years ago.
- Professor Jie Wei won the NSF Grant entitled "Robust vehicle classification based on surface phenomenology and deep learning methods using LDV sensors." This is Professor Wei's association to the Center for Surveillance Research. The grant funds of $45K will support Professor Wei's work for the academic year.
- Professor Rosario Gennaro's proposal, entitled "Economic Incentives for Correct Outsourced Computation via Rational Proofs," is funded by NSF. This is part of the Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) Program. The support amasses $74,400 for one year starting July 2015 and ending June 2016.;
- Professor Rosario Gennaro as PI and Co-PIs Professors Abbe Mowshowitz and Nelly Fazio are awarded $115K fund from International Technology (ITA) to extend their research on "Secure Network-Centric Data Distribution and Processing" in this year round. ITA is a collaborative funding entity of the US Army Research Lab and UK Ministry of Defense.
- Professor Zhigang Zhu's REM 2015 proposal is awarded by NSF. It is an NSF EFRI Research Experience and Mentoring program, with $100K for a year to support research by students/junior faculty/teachers from underrepresented groups - minority, female, veteram and people with disabilities, from high schools to colleges. This award will be the fourth year of the funding, total $420K already, in addition to the $2M EFRI Man Machine and Motor Control (M3C) research grant.
- Professor Rosario Gennaro successfully obtained follow-on funding from the U.S Department of Homeland Security (DHS). This is the second part of Summer Research Team Program he participated last year. The amount of 50K will further support and enhance the research being performed by Professor Gennaro's group. According to the announcement, this award will be administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) on behalf of the DHS.
- City College have continued the NSF EFRI Research Experience and Mentoring (EFRI-REM) program for the third year on Multimodal Alternative Perception for Visually Impaired People (MAP-4-VIP). PIs: Zhigang Zhu, Tony Ro and YingLi Tian. This is supplement to the existing $2M NSF EFRI-M3C grant, with $100K, $120K & $100K for years 2012, 2013 and 2014, respectively, to attract, support and train underrepresented students in cutting-edge research in STEM fields. In 2014, the program supported 10 undergraduate students, 5 high school students, 1 community college professor and 1 high school teacher.
- Professor Wei and his Co-PI, Professor Zhigang Zhu, were awarded by the NSF Center for Surveillance Research for their project entitled "Research and Development of Multimodal Features and Algorithms for Vehicle Classification," The project spans 9/14 and 8/15 with funds of $40,000, which is renewable.
- Prof. George Wolberg received a NSF grant entitled "Computer-Aided Mosaic Design and Construction." The support will be $90,000 for the period of one year.
- Prof. Jie Wei received a grant from NIH for a role of PI in conducting his research with the MSKCC's group entitled "Developing an Accurate and Reliable Method for Tumor Motion Monitoring Using Real-Time Multi-Modal Imaging." The support will be $220,000 for the period of two years (9/2013 -- 8/2015).
- Profs. Nelly Fazio and Rosario Gennaro (PIs) received a $350K/2yr grant from International Technology Alliance (US/UK Army) entitled "Secure Network-Centric Data Distribution and Processing". A defining feature of a "coalition" is the operational deployment of varied information systems and networks with differing security policies. Data might originate from one network and be processed by an intermediate coalition party; the results may be made available to a third coalition partner. Further complicating matters, there may be wide variability in computational power, available power resources, and bandwidth between different members of the coalition. The aim of this project is to develop solutions using homomorphic cryptography and other techniques for ensuring security in this setting.
- The Department of Computer Science is very proud to announce that Assistant Professor Nelly Fazio has been award a 460K/5yr CAREER Award by the National Science undation on "Anonymous and Robust Multi-Recipient Communication: Foundations and Applications". The CAREER program is NSF's most prestigious award for junior faculty. Prof. Fazio's CAREER project tackles weaknesses in current information security solutions for multi-recipient communication. Her research develops cryptographic models and protocols for content distribution that address the privacy concerns of the recipients and provide security properties beyond the mere secrecy of the data transmitted. Anticipated outcomes of this research include techniques to enable cloud storage solutions with strong user privacy guarantees. [Details]
- Prof. Jie Wei, together with Profs. Bingmei Fu and Luis Cardos (Biomedical engineering) received a city seed grant (2013) entitled "Development of ultrasound stimulation and imaging techniques for brain drug delivery and brain tissue mechanical property".
- Prof. Irina Gladkova (PI) received a $468,155/3yr (06/2013-05/2016) grant from Office of Naval Research (ONR) entitled 'Improved characterization of sea ice combined VIIRS NPP and MODIS EOS data: focus on leads and polynyas'. The ultimate objective of this work is to improve characterization of the ice cover distribution in the polar areas and to develop a new real-time high spatial resolution satellite-based ice cover product for use in operational applications. The algorithms will be offered to National Ice Center for evaluation and use in interactive ice cover analysis and charting.
- Prof. Jianting Zhang (PI), together with Prof. Camille Kamga (Civil Engineering, CO-PI), received a $449,847/4yr grant from National Science Foundation (NSF) Intelligent Information System (IIS) Medium Collaborative Research program. The project develops parallel indexing structures and query processing algorithms for spatial and trajectory data on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) to provide high performance which is crucial in speeding up existing applications and enabling new scientific and business inquiries. [Details]
- Professors Zhigang Zhu (CS), Jizhong Xiao (EE) and Tony Ro (Psychology) won a three-year grant from National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA) Course and Program for strengthening interdisciplinary undergraduate senior designs. The theme is "Human and Machine Intelligence - Perception, Computation and Action", and the grant period is June 1, 2013 to August 31, 2016 [Details]
- City College will continue the NSF EFRI Research Experience and Mentoring (EFRI-REM) program for the second year on Multimodal Alternative Perception for Visually Impaired People (MAP-4-VIP). PIs: Zhigang Zhu, Tony Ro and YingLi Tian. This is supplement to the existing $2M NSF EFRI-M3C grant, with $100K and $120K for year 2012 and year 2013, respectively, to attract, support and train underrepresented students in cutting-edge research in STEM fields.[Details]
Other News
- A paper published by our student Henry Xue, mentored and coauthored by Professor Izidor Gertner, was selected as the winner of the 2014 Best Student Automatic Target Recognition Paper Award. It is entitled "Automatic recognition of emotions from facial expressions."
- Professor Jie Wei and his group received the Best in Physics award among over thousand submissions in the American Association of Physics in Medicine's 2014 annual meeting. His presentation is entitled "An Automatic Toolkit for Efficient and Robust Analysis of 4D Respiratory."
- Professor Gennaro awarded Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Summer Research Team Program.
- Professor Wei awarded Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship.
- Professor Izidor Gertner received an Automatic Target Recognition 2013 Best Paper Award based on his work entitled "A method for constructing orthonormal basis functions with good time-fequency localization." His paper was published in the SPIE Defense, Security and Sensing Symposium this year.
- Professor Kaliappa Ravindran is elected to the two Co-Chair positions of IEEE Service-oriented Computing Conference and IEEE sub-committee on Cloud Communications and Networking
- Professor Abbe Mowshowittz published a book from Wiley, entitled "Advances in Network Complexity"
- Professor Zhigang Zhu received President's Award for Excellence, The City College of New York, in the inaugural year of the President's Awards. Here was the citation for the award from the City College President Lisa S. Coico: "Zhigang Zhu - Professor of Computer Science in the School of Engineering - was recognized by both students and colleagues for his sustained commitment to scholarly work, his multidisciplinary research in Assistive Technologies for the Blind, his effective integration of research innovation and undergraduate teaching, his engagement of underrepresented students in research and education, and his creation of innovative learning opportunities for students outside the classroom."
- Professors Zhigang Zhu (CS), Yingli Tian (EE) and Tony Ro (Psychology) are co-chairs of the IEEE Workshop on Multimodal and Alternative Perception for Visually Impaired People (MAP4VIP), July 15th, 2003, San Jose, USA, in conjunction with ICME 2013. This workshop is financially sponsored by NSF ([Details]), Microsoft Research and Grove School of Engineering at CCNY. For more details of the workshop, see
- Prof. Jianting Zhang was appointed as a summer visiting faculty at the Climate Change Science Institute (CCSI) of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) through the Department of Energy (DOE) Visiting Faculty Program (VFP). The project, entitled "Parallel Geospatial Data Management for Multi-Scale Environmental Data Analysis on GPUs", will explore the computing power of the World's #1 supercomputer Titan located at the ORNL's Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF).
- Prof. Kaliappa Ravindran's doctoral student, Arun Adiththan, spent a part of Summer'13 as a research intern at CISCO in Santa Clara (California), working in the area of Software-defined Networks (SDN). SDN is a new paradigm for scalable network control based on OpenFlow switching (many industries, including CISCO, are major stake-holders in this new paradigm). Arun's research internship is funded by CISCO through a 1-year research grant to CCNY.
- Prof. Kaliappa Ravindran and his undergraduate student, Michael Iannelli, spent a major part of summer'13 at the Air Force Research Lab in Rome (NY). They worked in the area of mobile cloud computing, with a focus on the auditing of computational and data services from different cloud providers (such as Amazon EC2, Microsoft Azure, and Google AppEngine). Both Ravindran and Michael are supported by AFRL fellowships, along with an extension grant to pursue the research at CCNY during Fall-Spring.
- Prof. Kaliappa Ravindran and his student Hasan Elhalaby spent two weeks at Louisiana State University as part of a NSF-funded sub-contract work on Cyberinfrastructure Protection. They gave presentations about a work on the use of simulation & modeling techniques for infusion of operational intelligence in the infrastructure protection mechanisms: such as vehicular traffic control in resilient transportation systems and medical facility placement or agile public healthcare systems. A part of this work is also funded by Naval Research Laboratory for multi-agent planning & control with epistemic reasoning.
Upcoming Events [Past Events]
- Software Development Day on Friday April 4, 2014 at 11:00 am in NAC 5/101
- Real World Cryptography Workshop on January 13-15, 2014
- FACULTY RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM on Thursday December 5, 2013 at 11:00am in NAC 8/207
- FACULTY RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM on Tuesday November 19, 2013 at 12:30pm in NAC 8/207
- 23rd Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry on October 25-26, 2013
- Information Session by Dr. Nancy Griffeth on "NSF-CMACS Workshop on Cellular Signaling Pathways" on Thursday October 17, 2013 at 12:30 pm in NAC 1/203
- Dr. Charles Kamhoua will give a talk entitled "Replication and Diversity for Survivability in Cyberspace: A Game Theoretic Approach" on Friday September 20, 2013 at 1:30 pm, in Steinman Hall, Rm. 254
- Third GNY Area Multimedia and Vision Meeting on Friday June 14, 2013 at 9:00 AM
- Math/CS colloquium talk will be presented by Krzysztof Ciesielski from West Virginia University Mathematic Department and University of Pennsylvania Medical Image Processing Group entitled "Delineating objects in images via minimization of Lp energies; spanning forests via Dijkstra's and Kruskal's algorithms" May 8, 4-5pm, NAC 7/219
- Dr. Leman Akoglu will give a talk entitled "Opinion Fraud Detection in Online Reviews by Network Effects" on Monday April 8, 2013 at 2 PM, in NAC 8/207
- PRISM Lecture Series
Last Updated: 10/30/2015 04:05