Undergraduate Programs
The undergraduate program in Childhood Education prepares students for professional standards of teaching excellence. Successful completion of this program leads to a Bachelor of Science in Education and Initial Teacher Certification in Childhood Education for grades 1 – 6 (approximately ages 6 – 12). As with other programs within the School of Education, the Childhood Education Undergraduate Program is registered by the New York State Department of Education and is fully accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education.
Depending upon transfer credits and/or content studies, students complete 120 credits in three main curricular areas within this program: liberal arts core requirements, co-major (or interdisciplinary concentration), and required education courses. Students may take certain education courses while completing core requirements in the liberal arts and courses in their co-major (or interdisciplinary concentration).
To build classroom experience and to create connections between theory and practice, students in our education courses engage in field experiences. For help in planning your program, please make an appointment to meet with an advisor in the Office of Student Services (North Academic Center, Room 3/223A) or click on the Advisement icon.
Graduate Programs: Five Plans of Study
There are five plans of study or “tracks” to choose from when doing graduate studies in Childhood Education at City College – see table below. The top half of the table describes your background – degree and license – that “you have” when starting your studies here. The bottom half indicates the degree and/or license you can earn upon completed your studies and, in some cases, after taking required NY state tests.
The rest of this page will describe the five plans or tracks in greater detail.

Track A. Masters & Initial Certification in Childhood Education
An M.S. Ed. In Childhood Education for candidates with degrees outside education who seek Initial Certification.
The initial certification program is for candidates seeking entrance into the teaching profession. This program of study is designed for candidates who do not hold a bachelor's degree in childhood education or initial (or provisional) certification at the time of application.
Upon admission to the program, faculty will review the candidate's transcript to identify any additional undergraduate preparation that may be required for New York State certification.
Candidates in the initial certification program must complete over 100 hours of field experience (connected to coursework) and a total of 300 hours of student teaching (or supervised teaching).
NOTE: Candidates must be prepared to commit to full-time student teaching for 15 weeks.
This program leads to a master's degree in childhood education and New York State teacher certification in childhood education.
(40-46 credits: Initial CE Teacher Certification)
Courses Sequence and Descriptions
Track B. Certification in Childhood Education Only for those with a Master's degree and Certified in another area
This Childhood Extension program adds an extension to an existing certificate. No degree is granted, however, graduate students who successfully complete the program are recommended for a New York State certification in Childhood education. (18 – 27 Credit: Initial teacher certification).
Upon admission to the program, faculty will review the candidate's transcript to identify any additional undergraduate preparation that may be required for New York State certification.
Admission Requirements: In addition to general SOE admissions criteria, candidates admitted to this program must already hold New York State teaching certification.
(18-27 credits: Initial CE Teacher Certification)
Courses Sequence and Descriptions
Track C. Professional Certification Program
The professional certification program is designed for candidates who already have initial (or provisional) New York State certification at the time they are admitted to the CCNY graduate program in Childhood Education. This is advanced program of study in childhood education leads to a master's degree in childhood education and New York State professional certification in childhood education.
(31 credits: MSEd +Professional Teacher Certification)
Courses Sequence and Descriptions
Track D. Masters and Initial Certification in Childhood Education for those certified in another area
This program is for candidates who hold certification in an area other than childhood education, and seek both initial certification in childhood education and a master’s degree. (The degree will also allow them to earn professional certification in their original certification area.) These candidates will take methods courses required of the initial certification in childhood education. Electives will be selected by advisement to further a candidate's professional development or specialization in an area of interest.
Upon admission to the program, faculty will review the candidate's transcript to identify any additional undergraduate preparation that may be required for New York State certification.
Admission Requirements: In addition to general SOE admissions criteria, candidates admitted to this program must already hold New York State teaching certification.
(31 credits: MSEd + Initial Teacher Certification)
Courses Sequence and Descriptions
Track E. Masters in Education without Teacher Certification
This non-certification master’s program is a 31-credit degree that leads to the M.S.Ed. degree in Childhood Education. This program is for candidates who are not interested in getting certified by New York State as a classroom teacher in childhood education. This program may be a good fit for international students who are interested in learning about U.S. perspectives on elementary education, who intend to return to their home countries to teach or work. Others may be interested in learning about childhood education in order to work in related fields such as children's publishing, museums and libraries.
Candidates who complete this program will not be eligible to apply directly to New York State for certification in Childhood Education, as the State no longer accepts individual pathway applications in this area.
(31 credits: MSEd)
Courses Sequence and Descriptions
Graduate students can pick up program planning sheets from the
- Chair's Office, North Academic Center, Room 6/207B
- Office of Admissions and Student Services, North Academic Center, Room 3/223A
If you have problems accessing the program planning sheet please go to the Associate Dean's Office, North Academic Center, Room 3/213.
Last Updated: 04/29/2022 14:19