Career Paths Panel: Science Learning and Public Engagement

Thu, Feb 17, 2022 - 12:30 PM — Thu, Feb 17, 2022 - 01:30 PM
Admission Fee
Event Address
The City College of New York
(In-Person Event)
Event Location
NAC 5/101
Event Details

Please consult with Program Advisor  Professor Yael Wyner, ywyner@ccny.cuny .%65%64u" rel="nofollow"> ) if interested.


Flyer for career paths panel


The American Museum of Natural History is one of the world’s preeminentscientific and cultural institutions. Since its founding in 1869, the Museum hasadvanced its global mission to discover, interpret and disseminate informationabout human cultures, the natural world, and the universe through a wide-ranging program of scientific research, education, and exhibition.

Adriana Caminero(URBAN PARK RANGERS, NYC PARKS)Since 1979, the Urban Park Rangers have helped New Yorkers and visitors of allages to discover and explore NYC’s natural world through environmental education,outdoor recreation, wildlife management, and active conservation.


The Salvadori Center partners with schools to provide push-in services throughmulti-day in-school and after-school STEAM programs to K-12 students. Theirprograms deliver a collaborative, hands-on, project-based approach that uses thebuilt environment ~ buildings, bridges, parks, and communities ~ to show studentshow STEAM is relevant to their lives.

Mariza Dannang (CCNY ’22)

Mariza is a senior majoring in Science Learning &Public Engagement with aconcentration in Physics. This summer she was a Green Girls College Intern at CityParks Foundation, working with students in a summer program in Queens. Marizabegan City College in the engineering program, but as her interests changed, sheswitched to the Science Learning & Public Engagement major. Upon graduation thisspring, Mariza plans to pursue a career in environmental education.

Artiola Islami (CCNY ’22)

Artiola is a senior majoring in Science Learning & Public Engagement with aconcentration in Biology. She is also double minoring in English and Earth andAtmospheric Sciences. Artiola interned this past summer with the New York Academyof Sciences doing lab activities with children. Recently, Artiola began an internshipat the New York Aquarium working with the sea lions and the sea lion show. Upongraduation this spring, Artiola hopes to pursue a career in educational programmingat the Wildlife Conservation Society, headquartered at the Bronx Zoo.

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