Biochemistry Seminar: Douglas J. Kojetin, "Ligand-induced structural dynamics and function of PPARγ learned through NMR"
85 Saint Nicholas Terrace
New York, NY
Douglas J. Kojetin, Associate Professor, Department of Integrative Structural and Computational Biology, Department of Molecular Therapeutics, Scripps Research Institutte, FL, will give a talk titled: "Ligand-induced structural dynamics and function of PPARγ learned through NMR"
Structural studies of nuclear receptor transcription factors have revealed a conserved mechanism for agonist-induced coactivator interaction and transcriptional activation. In contrast, limited structural data indicate that ligand-induced corepressor-dependent nuclear receptor repression occurs through structurally diverse mechanisms. Furthermore, the conformational ensemble of the apo/ligand-free nuclear receptor ligand-binding domain, which is hypothesized to exchange between transcriptionally active and repressive conformations, remains poorly characterized. I will discuss our efforts to characterize how small molecule pharmacological ligands—agonists, antagonists, and inverse agonists—influence the conformational ensemble and function of the nuclear receptor PPARγ.