Student Accounts
You will see a remaining balance on your account if you are eligible for any financial aid (e.g., TAP, Pell or third-party waivers/vouchers) until the funds from the external source are received by the college.
Any payment you make in CUNYfirst will automatically be applied to the earliest balance on your account.
Your student account could change over the course of the semester. For example, if your eligibility for TAP changes (i.e., you drop below 12 credits), your account will be modified accordingly and your TAP could be removed. In order to be aware of these changes, we urge you to check your account regularly.
Please be aware that if a credit appears on your account (for example, due to a dropped or cancelled course), it will automatically be applied to any remaining balance. If there is no balance, the credit will be refunded through the original method of payment (e.g., credit or checking account).
All refund checks are now sent to the mailing address on your CUNYfirst account.
The CUNYfirst bill printout does not include your class schedule. However, both can be printed online. If you are required to submit an official City College bill for any reason, please keep in mind that your account summary page is your bill.
CUNYfirst Self-service Payment Option
You can make a payment directly from your Student Center page with your checking account (Electronic Check).
CUNYfirst allows you to edit your personal information (mailing address, preferred email, etc.) easily and instantly on your Student Center page.
CUNYfirst also allows you to view an extensive amount of information on your Student Center page previously unavailable through Esims:
- View each payment applied to your account on page Account Inquiry –Activity
- View your payment due dates on Due Charges. This will ensure your payment is made on time and your classes are not dropped.
- You may notice that your CUNYfirst account displays several due dates for one semester; however, the earliest due date is the one that applies. Any tuition charges for courses added after your initial due date are due within 24 hours of registration.
You can view any Service Indicators (previously known as Stops) applied to your account under My Holds.
Your 1098-T form will be available to be viewed and printed by accessing the Account Services on the Account Inquiry page.
Other Important Information to Keep in Mind
All students registered for classes at The City College of New York assume financial responsibility for tuition and fees as set forth by the CUNY Tuition and Fee Policy.
Your tuition and fees payment due date is determined by your initial registration date.
Failure to pay your tuition and fees balance by the due date may result in deregistration of your course enrollment.
If your enrollment is cancelled:
You will receive an email stating your courses have been cancelled.
You can re-register for open courses on CUNYfirst (if you have no negative indicators that prevent registration).
A $25 late registration fee will be added to your account if you register after the semester begins.
A $18 change of program fee will be assessed if you make any changes to your current enrollment program (add, drop, swap) after the semester begins.
The Enrollment Services Center Is Here to Help
The Bursar's office is here to help we're here for any questions you might have regarding your account, registration or financial aid. If you have not activated your CUNYfirst account, please do so immediately. Your account must be activated for you to register.
For further questions about the City College Bursar policies and procedures, please call us at 212.650.8700 or visit the FAQ page.
Last Updated: 01/09/2025 12:58