Upcoming Spring 2025 Events Co-Sponsored by The Black Studies Department
Visit the Black Studies Department Linktree to Register for Events
Register for Free Souls of Queer Black Folk Panel
Register for the CCNY Black Alumni Black History Month Fundraiser
Register for FREE Coded Bias Documentary Screening
Black Studies Associate Professor Dr. Laurie Woodard was recently a guest on CUNY TV's A Slice of New York.
The episode, "Harlem: Neighborhood of History and Heart," highlights the special place that CCNY calls home.
View the entire episode on our YouTube Channel.
Join us, starting Thursday, September 26th, for the James Baldwin Film Series, which is a part of this semester's James Baldwin Centennial Celebration at CCNY!!
Screenings are free and open to the public.
September 26, 2024: Go Tell It On the Mountain
12:15pm Shepard Hall (SH) 291 (introduced by Jerry Carlson)
6:00pm Aaron Davis Hall (introduced by Michelle Valladares)
- This film adaptation of James Baldwin’s celebrated novel tells the journey of a family from the rural South to “big city” Harlem seeking both salvation and understanding and of a young boy struggling to earn the approval of a self-righteous and often unloving stepfather.
November 12, 2024: I Heard It Through the Grapevine
6:00pm Aaron Davis Hall (introduced by Janée Moses)
- This 1980s documentary explores the civil rights movement through the lens of writer and Civil Rights activist James Baldwin.
November 21, 2024: I Am Not Your Negro
12:15pm SH 291 (introduced by Jerry Carlson)
6:00pm Aaron Davis Hall (showing in a double feature with Meeting the Man: James Baldwin in Paris, introduced by Emily Raboteau)
- This film is an examination of racism in America through the lens of James Baldwin’s unfinished book, REMEMBER THIS HOUSE.
The James Baldwin Centennial Celebration will include a Symposium, December 5, 2024, 10:30am - 4pm, in the CCNY North Academic Center Ballroom and a Baldwin-focused Harlem Community Walk, December 6, 2024, 10am, departing from the NYPL Harlem Branch, 9 W 124th St.
We hope to see you as we celebrate Harlem’s James Baldwin!
Black Studies Department Chair Jervette R. Ward was the guest on the Season 10 Episode 1 Premiere of Black America TV hosted by Carol Jenkins. The episode, "How Five Demands Led to Change at City College," tells the story of the 1969 Takeover at CCNY, which is detailed in the new film on PBS, The Five Demands, and the reestablishment of the Black Studies Department in 2024. The new episode is now streaming on CUNYTV and on YouTube.
Dear Black Studies Students,
Welcome Back!
We are thrilled to begin the Fall 2024 semester with you as the CCNY Black Studies Department! Last year brought significant changes as the Black Studies Program at CCNY officially became the Black Studies Department, and this year, we are poised to accomplish even more.
We are in the process of moving to our new Departmental Office Suite in historic Shepard Hall, which will include a student hangout and meeting space. During the next year, we also will host student forums to discuss course updates, so we want to hear from you! The departmental website is also going through a remodel, so be sure to check out the changes and feel free to offer suggestions. In the Spring, we will present the 46th Annual Langston Hughes Festival honoring Medal Recipient and Black Panther Author Roxane Gay. The Black Studies Annual Report details the accomplishments of the past year and shares many of the goals for the coming year — we hope that you will be active participants in achieving these with us!
Finally, as you start the first day of class, please check Blackboard and your CCNY email for communication from your professors and for your course syllabi. Please be sure to verify your schedule in CUNYFirst for the latest Fall 2024 room assignments.
And most importantly, have a great first day and a great Fall 2024!
Happy Fall,
The CCNY Black Studies Department
2024 Black Studies Awards and Prizes
Marshariki Chaney Award for Achievement and Community Service: Jerry Saunders
Wilfred Chaney Award for Academic Excellence in Literary and Creative Excellence: Daisy Kirkland
William Hallett Greene Award — Highest GPA for Black Studies Major: Jerry Saunders
Highest GPA for Graduating Black Studies Minor: Hannia Fuentes Matla
The Allen F. Isaacman Prize in African Studies: Amir Granderson and Binetou Diop
Edward Scobie Award for Academic Excellence in Social Science: Trevicia Ward
Dr. Jervette R. Ward Discusses the essence of Black Studies in RICC interview -- March 2024
Dr. Jervette R. Ward on Let It Rip episode on Reproductive Rights -- Let It Rip examines the impact Reproductive Rights and the turnout of people of color will have on the 2024 presidential election -- January 3, 2024 Premiere
Last Updated: 03/20/2025 10:32