Courses on Asian and Asian-American subjects offered at The City College are listed below and are accepted toward fulfilling the program's requirements. Students may also take courses offered at other CUNY campuses with permission of the program director. Courses taken abroad during an exchange program may also be accepted with permission.
This is a comprehensive list of courses offered by the Asian Studies Program. Please check the Current Schedule of Classes for a listing of the courses offered this semester.
10100: Asian Cultures and Peoples
The major factors that have shaped the Asian countries and peoples; geography, civilization, migration, and settlements of ethnic groups; philosophies, religions, historical events, leaders, and modern political and socioeconomic institutions. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
10200: Asian Literature in English Translation
Selected masterpieces of Asian literature. Lectures and classroom discussions, supplemented with audiovisual aids. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
20100: Asians in America
The processes of assimilation, adaption, competition, conflict and adjustment of Asian minorities in the United States from the mid-19th century to the present. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
20200: Contemporary Asia
The cultural tradition of Asia in general and of China and Japan in particular. The peoples and their psychological, educational, social, artistic, political and economic behavior. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
20402-20404: Asian American Communities II: Practicum on Asian
American Communities Participation in community work. Students select a cooperating agency or organization and work in one of its programs. (W) 2-6 CR.
20500: Contemporary China
Historical events, political, cultural and socio-economic conditions, and foreign relations of the People's Republic of China since 1949. Analysis of the Cultural Revolution; economic growth of the People's Republic; relations with the U.S. and the former Soviet Union; Communist leadership to the present. (W)3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
20700: Asian Women
The position and role of Asian women in historical, political and psychological contexts. Traditional stereotypes; role in Asian history; Asian women in America; relationship to white and Third World women; alternatives to women's liberation. (W) 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
20800: Asians and American Law and Politics
A comparison of the legal and political background of the East and West. American law and politics as they affect the lives of Asian minorities. Sample cases, familiarization with various legal proceedings and
governmental institutions. (W) 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
21400: Chinese Experience in America
The struggle for survival, acceptance, and full participation in American life from Gold Rush days to the present. 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
30700: Asian American Communities I: Analysis of Asian American Communities
Empirical and theoretical analysis of community processes affecting Asian Americans, using New York's Asian communities (e.g., Chinatown) as models. Power structures, communications networks, role conflicts, and community change. (W) 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
33100: Chinese Literature from the Early Period to 1919 (in English)
Historical review of literary development from the ancient to the modern period. Selections of masterpieces in poetry, prose, drama and fiction, in original versions or English translation, for reading and discussion. Reading knowledge of Chinese not required. (W) 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
33200: Modern Chinese Literature (in English)
Leading authors and masterpieces since the May 4th Movement in 1919. Works from the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and the West selected for reading and review. Reading knowledge of Chinese not required. (W) 3 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
30100-30300: Honors I-III
Individual reading and research or individual field study project on a topic or area under the guidance of a faculty member to complete a thesis or report on a project at the end of the three-term sequence. Approval of Dean and program director required. Apply in NAC 5/225 no later than December 10 in the Fall term or May 1 in the Spring term. VARIABLE CR.
31001-31004: Independent Study
For students with special cultural, literary, or linguistic interests who wish to pursue independent study and research. For juniors and seniors only. Program approval required. (W) 1-4 CR.
31100-32000: Selected Topics in Asian Studies
Courses in the past three years have included:
China and the World (History)
Religious, Communal and Ethnic Conflicts in Modern India (History)
Images of Asian Women through Film and Literature (Asian Studies)
Chinese Family, Marriage and Kinship (Asian Studies)
Memory, Identity and Historical Images (Asian Studies)
Advanced Readings in Chinese Historical Writings (Asian Studies)
Vietnam and the Cold War (Political Science)
Asian Economic Development (Economics)
Asian Cities (History)
Asian-American Relations (History)
Student Movements, Education and Chinese Intellectuals (Asian Studies)
Science and Technology in Chinese History (History)
Asian Languages are administered in the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures. All Asian languages are offered at elementary and intermediate levels. No credit will be given for taking only the first part of any level of language courses.
12300: Elementary Chinese (Mandarin) I
Modern vernacular Chinese based on the speech of Beijing. Essentials of sound patterns, grammar and vocabulary. Practice in speaking, reading and dictation. 4 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
12400: Elementary Chinese (Mandarin) II
Further practice in modern vernacular Chinese based on the speech of Beijing. Essentials of sound patterns, grammar and vocabulary. Practice in speaking, reading and dictation. Prereq.: Chinese 12100 or permission of the instructor. 4 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
22600: Intensive Intermediate Chinese
An intensive one-semester Chinese course at the intermediate level. This course will continue to develop communicative competence through the study of grammar and new vocabulary. Using communication oriented activities, this course will help students to be better able to speak naturally and spontaneously. Reading and writing will be stressed through regular assignments to be handed in for review. Additionally, content-appropriate cultural information will be presented to promote the students' understanding of the Chinese-speaking world. Prereq.: Chinese 12300 or placement exam. 5 HR./WK. PLUS 1 HR. AT THE LANGUAGE MEDIA CENTER; 4 CR.
12300: Elementary Hindi I
An intensive course in the spoken and written language. In addition to classroom hours, students will be expected to do some work in the language laboratory. 4 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
12400: Elementary Hindi II
Further practice in oral and written skills. In addition to classroom hours, students will be expected to do some work in the language laboratory. Prereq.: Hindi 12100 or permission of the instructor. 4 HR./WK.;
3 CR.
22600: Intensive Intermediate Hindi
An intensive one-semester Hindi course at the intermediate level. This course will review the grammar of the Hindi language, enhance vocabulary, increase fluency in reading and writing, and will include literary and cultural content. The four basic skills of listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing will be further developed through class discussions, writing exercises and the use of multimedia and the Internet. Prereq.: Hindi 12300 and Hindi 12400 or placement exam. Recommended for the students who have completed two semesters of Elementary Hindi with a grade of A or B. 5 HR./WK. PLUS 1 HR. AT THE LANGUAGE MEDIA CENTER; 4 CR.
12300: Elementary Japanese I
An intensive course in the spoken and written language. In addition to classroom hours, students will be expected to do some work in the language laboratory. 4 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
12400: Elementary Japanese II
Further practice in oral and written skills. In addition to classroom hours, students will be expected to do some work in the language laboratory. Prereq: Japanese 12300 or permission of the instructor. 4 HR./WK.; 3 CR.
22600: Intensive Intermediate Japanese
An intensive one-semester Japanese course at the intermediate level. This course will review the grammar of the Japanese language, enhance vocabulary, and will include literary and cultural readings. It will further develop listening, speaking, reading comprehension and writing skills through class discussions and the use of multimedia and the Internet. Prereq.: Japanese 12300 and 12400 or placement exam. 5 HR./WK. PLUS 1 HR. AT THE LANGUAGE MEDIA CENTER; 4 CR.
Students are encouraged to take appropriate courses in other departments with the permission of their advisors. Some courses that may be of interest are listed below.
Art 28500: Art of China, Japan, and Korea
English 38001: Oriental Literature I
English 38002: Oriental Literature II
History 25100: Traditional Civilization of China
History 25300: Modern China
History 25400: Traditional Civilization of Japan
History 25500: Modern Japan
History 26300: Traditional Civilization of India
History 26400: History of Modern India
Philosophy 34404: Buddhism
Philosophy 34402: Chinese (and Japanese) Philosophy
Philosophy 34400: Indian Philosophy
Political Science 34100: Political Systems in Asia
Political Science 34200: International Relations in Asia
Last Updated: 11/10/2015 14:06