Undergraduate Transfer Evaluation Services

Transfer Evaluation Services Staff

Norval Soleyn, Associate Director of Transfer Evaluation Services

Steven Longchallon, Transfer Credit Evaluator

Niki Rogers-Walker, Transfer Credit Evaluator

The Transfer Evaluation Services Team in the Office of Admissions evaluates all undergraduate coursework taken prior to enrollment at City College for students entering degree programs. This includes college courses taken in the U.S. and abroad, Advanced Placement (A.P.) and International Baccalaureate (I.B.) examinations, CLEP, A Level Examinations, CAPE, courses and training taken while in the military, and other courses taken for college credit while in high school.

Please note, only official transcripts and official examination score reports will be evaluated. Documents are considered official if they are provided to the Office of Admissions or to the CUNY University Application Processing Center (UAPC), whether by mail or by hand delivery, in the original sealed envelope, and in the case of transcripts, are stamped with the seal of the school that is providing the transcript, and signed by a duly authorized representative. Schools and reporting organizations may also submit transcripts electronically to nsoleyn@ccny.cuny.edu . These will be accepted as official. IN NO CASE will a document be considered official if provided by a student electronically, or in a previously opened or unoriginal envelope.

Undergraduate students enrolling in one of CCNY's professional schools (Spitzer School of Architecture, School of Education, and Grove School of Engineering) receive a preliminary evaluation from Transfer Evaluation Services. The professional programs listed above will review and update the evaluation of technical coursework. Transfer Evaluation Services evaluates courses for all other majors.

Appeals for courses not previously accepted in transfer will be updated by the academic department and will require the submission of a syllabus and course description to that department.

Graduate academic departments are responsible for graduate transfer credit evaluations. Please see your graduate academic advisor to discuss transfer credits.

Summary of the Evaluation Process

In Evaluation Services each student's transcript is reviewed course-by-course, in accordance with their major. The professional schools follow their own guidelines for technical coursework evaluations. We will research non-CUNY transcripts for transferability and contact you for additional required information.

Each evaluator will compare the course description of courses previously completed to courses in the same major or similar majors at CCNY. If no reasonable match can be made, but the course appears to be within the range of the major, the student will be given elective credit in that major. Interdisciplinary courses that do not seem to have a specific equivalency may be transferred as humanities electives

If a course does not have a match to a major or if no comparable credit bearing course is given at CCNY, then the course is non-transferable. Some types of courses that fall within this category are physical education, remedial coursework, technical training, freshman seminar, and internship and co-operative education courses. If an evaluator cannot accurately match a course that is within a major offered at CCNY or determine that it is transferable, the student may be asked for a course description or syllabus.

All courses taken for credit at an undergraduate CUNY college will be accepted for credit, regardless of whether a specific equivalency exists at CCNY. If your Associate’s degree was not granted at the time of your application, please contact your evaluator to confirm that the degree appears in CUNYfirst. Your Bachelor’s degree requirements may be effected by the award of your Associates degree.

Once a student's evaluation is complete the courses are posted to the student's CUNYfirst record. All postings should be reflected in DegreeWorks by the following business day. Students may contact their evaluator by e-mail for clarification and/or comments. Students should note whether or not their evaluation is incomplete and should submit any additional required information in order to have the evaluation completed.

Students enrolling in one of CCNY's professional schools (Schools of Architecture, Education, and Engineering) with 45 or more credits earned at the time of admission receive an evaluation from the respective professional school after the initial evaluation by the Transfer Evaluation Services Team. Evaluations completed by the professional schools are submitted to Transfer Evaluation Services where they are reviewed and posted to the student's record.

Transfer Evaluation Services also evaluates advanced placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB), A Levels, CLEP, and CAPE scores. Exam scores for which credit for prior learning may be granted, such as AP, IB, and CLEP, must be documented with official score reports which the student must request from the examining organization (e.g., College Board, IB Organization). Please note that these organizations will send score reports to the UAPC, NOT to CCNY. The process for loading score reports can take 6 – 8 weeks. Older score reports are often archived and will be sent by mail to the school.

You may also bring your original official AP, IB, A Level, CAPE, or CLEP examination scores to Transfer Evaluation Services in the Office of Admissions IN THEIR ORIGINAL UNOPENED ENVELOPES. It is recommended that you schedule an appointment with your evaluator. Evaluator's schedules vary, and your evaluator may not be available during all admissions office hours. Students may receive a maximum of 32 credits through AP, A Level, College Now, or CAPE examinations, and 30 credits through IB,; equivalencies vary by department. Please see the guidelines at the top of this page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many of my credits will transfer from my previous school?

If you entered or re-entered City College in Fall 2013 or after, all prior coursework from CUNY Schools is transferable for full credit. A maximum of 90 transfer credits may be applied to your CCNY undergraduate degree regardless of what school you previously attended. CUNY students with completed A.A. or A.S. degrees are exempt from general education requirements. If your degree was not granted at the time of your application to City College, please notify your Transfer Credit Evaluator that your degree has been granted, and your degree will be indicated in the CUNYfirst upon confirmation of an updated transcript. If you earned a Bachelor's degree prior to enrolling in another undergraduate degree program at CCNY, you will receive 90 credits in transfer. 

When will my evaluation be done?

Transfer Evaluation Services begins the evaluation process as soon as we know you have: 1) been accepted to City College, 2) filed your intent to enroll, and 3) paid your commitment deposit, and/or 4) made an appointment to see your academic advisor in order to enroll in classes. Students at each of these 4 levels of status will receive priority over students who have submitted applications later. The goal of the Transfer Evaluation Services Team is to ensure that all students have had a transfer evaluation by the time they see their academic advisor. 

How can I get credit for my college classes and AP examinations I took in high school?

If you took college courses in high school, you must request an official college transcript to be submitted to Transfer Evaluation Services by the school where the courses were taken so that the coursework can be evaluated and all transferrable credits posted to your CUNYfirst record. 

The exceptions is if your courses were taken at a CUNY school: your transcript should be evaluated automatically and the transferrable credits posted to your CUNYfirst record. Please confirm with Transfer Evaluation Services that this has been done if you do not see the credits posted by the time of your academic advising appointment.

If you took  AP examinations, you must request an official score report from the College Board to be submitted to the CUNY University Application Processing Center (UAPC). Please note that it may take 6-8 weeks for UAPC to process and load the scores into CUNYfirst before CCNY can evaluate them and post the credits to your CUNYfirst record. You are strongly encouraged to request your score report from the  College Board online: www.collegeboard.org in order for it to be processed and uploaded before you are ready to enroll for courses. A combined maximum of 32 credits may be transferred for pre-college course work and transfer credit for examinations.  

Why didn't all of my credits transfer?

If a course from a non-CUNY school does not have a match to an area of study at CCNY or if no course like it is given at CCNY for credit, then the course is non-transferable (e.g., physical education, remedial/developmental course work, nursing or technical training). In many cases, courses have not been transferred because your final courses are "in progress" on the original transcript you submitted with your application. Please be sure your previous college sends a final official transcript to CCNY with your last semester grades. If you attended a CUNY college, please notify your Transfer Credit Evaluator and your updated transcript will be accessed on your behalf. Your financial aid, academic progress, and ability to register for subsequent semesters may be affected, if your final official transcript is not submitted. Please send your transcript to the address listed at the top of this page.

Will you tell me what classes I need to take?

The Transfer Evaluation Services Team evaluates your coursework taken at other schools and posts the transferrable credits based on course equivalencies here at CCNY. You must see your academic advisor to plan your course of study. It is important to bring an unofficial copy of your transcript(s) with you when you meet you’re your advisor.

I already have a degree; do I need to take core classes?

Students with A.A. and A.S. degrees from CUNY colleges are not required to take core or general education courses (though your major department my request you take a specific requirement if it is a major requirement). Students with U.S. or U.S. equivalent bachelor's degrees are not usually required to take core courses. If you have an A.A.S. degree from a CUNY college or an associate's degree from a non-CUNY college, you may be required to take core courses. In order to determine which course you must take to satisfy your degree and major requirements you must see an academic advisor. For more information on core or general education requirement please click here.

I did my core at my previous school; do I have to do the core at City?

If you transferred from another CUNY school and completed a required course there, you will have met that requirement at City, as well. When your transcripts are evaluated the courses will be reviewed for any requirement designations (RDs) from your former CUNY college and the same RD will be assigned to the equivalent CCNY course. Provide your transfer credit evaluator with a syllabus to review for a match to CCNY courses and core requirements. Not all core requirements are the same in all universities, we will try to match core requirements whenever possible.

Why am I being asked for a transcript I already sent to my previous college?

In order to complete your evaluation, a separate transcript for each school is required. Colleges do not generally share records received from other schools. If you applied to your former CUNY school through the CUNY University Application Processing Center (UAPC), we will be able to retrieve your transcripts electronically. If you gave a hard copy of your transcript to the admissions office of your former school, we will not be able to retrieve it, and you must supply us with an official transcript. Please see the note at the top of this page about official transcripts.

Will I be notified when you get my transcript?

If you made a request for a review of a previously unevaluated transcript or course, we will update your evaluation and send you a notification of the update as soon as possible.

Can I make an appointment to have my credits evaluated?

It is not necessary to make an appointment to have a transfer course evaluation. Once we have received the necessary information and you have reached the appropriate stage in the admissions process as discussed above, we will begin your evaluation. Again students who have made advising appointments will be given priority over students who have paid their commitment fee, who will be given priority over admitted students who have done nothing more than simply indicated that they intend to enroll at CCNY. Should we need more information in order to complete the evaluation we will contact you. PLEASE NOTE WELL: WE DO NOT EVALUATE TRANSCRIPTS FOR STUDENTS WHO HAVE NOT YET BEEN ADMITTED TO CCNY

Can you give me a transfer credit evaluation before I apply?

The Transfer Evaluation Services Team can only evaluate COMPLETED coursework for students who have been admitted to CCNY. It is not possible to complete a transfer evaluation for everyone who requests one who has NOT been admitted to CCNY or for coursework that has not yet been completed.

However, if you are a current CUNY student, we encourage you to use the Transfer What If tool in DegreeWorks to see how all of your credits for courses you have taken and are currently taking will transfer and apply to (i.e. satisfy) the requirements for your particular degree.

The Transfer Explorer tool provides you and everyone else--inside and outside of CUNY--with quick and easy access to information about how ANY CUNY course at ANY CUNY college will transfer to ANY other CUNY college. Transfer Explorer will tell you (and anyone else), for a particular CUNY course at a particular college, what kind of credit every other CUNY college will give that course if a student who has taken that course transfers within CUNY.

If you have been awarded a different equivalency than you see displayed on this website, you may consider submitting a Transfer Credit Appeal.

Are my transfer credits negotiable?

Transfer Evaluation Services follows established CCNY guidelines and CUNY guidelines when conducting your evaluation. If you feel an error has been made in your evaluation or you have further information that would help your evaluator complete your evaluation, please schedule an appointment by e-mailing your evaluator. Give your full name and EMPLID number and the specific reason you are requesting an appointment. Bring any supporting materials that may help with a review of your evaluation such as updated official transcripts, program descriptions, course syllabi and course catalogs. Contact information for Transfer Credit Evaluators is above.

Is it too late to have a prior college send a transcript for evaluation after starting classes at CCNY?

In most cases you will be given 30 days to respond to a request for an official transcript or updated transcript. If you are unable to obtain the transcript within that time frame, please notify your Transfer Credit Evaluator. If you do not submit an official transcript to complete your file, a service indicator may be placed on your record. Failure to supply a final official transcript could impact your financial aid., your academic progress and your ability to register for subsequent semesters.

I took English in my college in my home country. Why didn't my credits transfer?

In most cases, English, Speech, and U.S History courses from countries where English is not the official and/or predominant language are not transferable.

Does my grade point average (GPA) transfer over?

In most cases, grades will be transferred with your courses, but they will not be included in your GPA at CCNY. However, graduation honors are computed on the basis of all college work taken by students, including work taken at institutions other than City College.

Why did my friend get a different evaluation when we went to the same school and the same program?

Each student's transcript is evaluated course-by-course following the guidelines for the major or program and with attention to academic requirements. CCNY professional schools have stricter guidelines and higher grade requirements for transfer credit.

I got a "partial" evaluation, what does that mean?

In most cases a "partial" evaluation is given when more information is needed to complete the evaluation, such as the last semester grades from your former school for course that were in progress at the time of your application and previous transcript submission, an Advanced Placement (AP) score report, a syllabus for a specific course, or an updated transcript that shows your degree has been granted. When you've submitted the requested information your evaluation will be completed and you will receive another notification

How can I make an appointment to go over my evaluation with an evaluator?

Your evaluator's name appears on your MyCity page. Please contact your evaluator by e-mail to schedule an appointment. Transfer Credit Evaluator's contact information are also located at the top of this page. When you come to meet your evaluator, please bring with you supporting materials (college catalogs, program descriptions, or course syllabi) and any information requested on your transfer credit evaluation. Please be aware that the evaluators' work hours vary and you must confirm an appointment time to meet with your evaluator.

Can I speak to someone about the process of submitting a transfer application to CCNY?

An Admissions staff member would be glad to meet with you to discuss options for transferring to City College. Until the CCNY campus has returned to a 100% post-pandemic work schedule, you may schedule an appointment with an Admissions staff member at the Virtual Front Desk at https://calendly.com/ccnyadmissions/virtualservice. Please note that Admissions Counselors specifically are available at the Virtual front Desk on Thursdays.

Last Updated: 02/28/2025 15:21