Programs and Deadlines

Bernard and Anne Spitzer School of Architecture

Program Program Advisor/ Director Application Deadline
Architecture, (M.Arch. I) Professor June Williamson

Fall- January 15th

Master of Science in Architecture (MS) Professor June Williamson

Fall Priority Deadline - January 15th

Rolling admissions as space permits

Landscape Architecture, (MLA) Associate Professor Zihao Zhang (Interim)

Fall Priority Deadline - January 15th

Rolling admissions as space permits

Urban Design, (M.U.P.) Associate Professor Julio Salcedo-Fernandez 

Fall Priority Deadline - January 15th

Rolling admissions as space permits

Colin Powell School For Civic

Program Program Advisor/ Director Application Deadline
Clinical Psychology, PhD

Professor Steven Tuber
Professor Sasha Rudenstine

Fall- December 1st
Economics, MA Professor Marta Bengoa Calvo

Fall- May 15th
Spring- November 20th

Law and International Relations, JD/MIA Professor Nicholas Rush Smith

Fall- April 15th

International Relations, MIA Professor Nicholas Rush Smith

Fall- April 15th
Spring- November 15th

Mental Health Counseling, MA

Dr. Tiffany Floyd

Fall- February 1st
Psychology, MA Professor Vivian Tartter

Fall- April 15th
Spring- November 15th

Public Service Management, MPA Professor Caroline Enjalbert

Fall- Open until class is full
Spring- December 1st

CUNY School of Medicine

Program Program Advisor/ Director Application Deadline
Physician Assistant Program, MS Program Director, Jaclyn N. Churchill Fall- January 15th
Translational Medicine, MS 

Professor Dr. J. Christopher Fritton

Fall- May 28th

Division of Humanities and the Arts

Program Program Advisor/ Director Application Deadline
Art (Studio Arts), MFA

Professor Carl Fudge
Professor Thomas Thayer

Fall- March 1st
Spring- October 1st

Art History, MA 
Concentrations in
 Museum Studies and 
Museum Education

Professor Craig Houser
Professor Marit Dewhurst

Fall- April 1st
Spring- November 15th

Branding + Integrated Communications(BIC), MPS

Professor Michael Doody

Fall- Submission Deadline / Decision Notification Date

Round 1: December 1st / February 1st
Round 2: February 1st/ April 1st
Round 3: April 1st / June 1st
Round 4: June 1st / July 15th

Creative Writing, MFA Professor Michelle Valladares

Fall- Extended to March 15th

Digital and Interdisciplinary 
Art Practice, (DIAP) MFA

Professor Naseem Navab Fall - March 1st

English Literature, MA
Concentrations in International Perspectives in Language and Literature

Professor Andras Kisery

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Film, MFA

Professor Antonio Tibaldi
Assistant Director: 
April Gattling-Joffee

Fall- Submission Deadline / Decision Notification Date

Round-1: December 1st*/ February 1st*

​Round-2: February 1st / April 1st

​Round-3: April 1st /June 1st

*International students are highly encouraged to apply by the first round of admissions applications (by February 1st) to accommodate time for the i-20 and F-1 visa interview process.

History, MA Professor Seiji Shirane

Fall- April 15th (Early Action)
Fall- May 15th
Spring- December 1st (Early Action)
Spring-January 10th

Jazz Studies, MM Professor Suzzane Pittson

Fall- March 2nd
Spring- November 3rd

Language and Literacy, MA
Concentrations in International Perspectives in Language and Literature

Professor Barbara Gleason

Fall- June 1st
Spring- November 15th

Spanish, MA Professor Regina Castro McGowan 

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 30th

Division of Interdisciplinary Studies at the Center For Worker Education (CWE)

Program Program Advisor/ Director Application Deadline

Study of the Americas, MA

Concentrations in Dominican Studies and Human Rights

Professor Susanna Rosenbaum

Fall- July 1st
Spring- December 10th

Division of Science

Program Program Advisor/ Director Application Deadline
Biology, MS Professor Mark Pezzano

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Biochemistry, MS Professor Kevin Ryan

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 1st

Biotechnology, MS Professor Christine Li

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Chemistry, MS Professor Glen Kowach
Professor Urs Jans

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Earth and Atmospheric Science, MS

Professor Steven Kidder

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Mathematics, MS Professor Gautam Chinta
Professor Jay Jorgenson

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Physics, MS Professor Timothy Boyer 

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Grove School of Engineering

Program Program Advisor/ Director Application Deadline

Biomedical Engineering, MS

Professor Bingmei Fu

May 15th
Spring- November 15th

Biomedical Engineering, PhD Professor Lucas Parra


Fall- January 15th (PhD Financial Aid priority)
Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Chemical Engineering, ME

Professor Carol Steiner

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Chemical Engineering, PhD Professor Robert Messinger

Fall- December 31st (PhD Financial Aid priority)
Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 1st

Civil Engineering, ME, AdvCert

Concentrations in Structural Engineering and Mechanics,
Transportation Engineering and Water Resources and Engineering

Professor Te Pei (Structures)
Professor Yiqiao Li (Transportation)
Professor Linda Y Tseng  (Environmental)

Fall - May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Civil Engineering, PhD Professor Mahdieh Allahviranloo

Fall- February 1st (PhD Financial Aid priority)
Fall - May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Computer Science, MS

Professor Erik Grimmelmann
Professor Akira Kawaguchi

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 1st

Computer Engineering, MS

Professor Umit Uyar
Professor Sam Fenster

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Cybersecurity, MS

Professor Rosario Gennaro
Professor Tarek Saadawi
Program Advisor: Jonathan Akeley

Fall - May 16th
Spring- November 8th

Data Science and Engineering, MS

Professor Chaunce Taylor
Professor Zhigang Zhu

Fall- May 1st

Earth Systems and Environmental Engineering, MS

Professor Naresh Devineni

Fall- May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Electrical Engineering, ME

Professor Alex Gilerson

Fall - May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Electrical Engineering, PhD

Professor Ahmed Mohamed

Fall- February 15th (GSOE Fellowship)
Fall - May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Mechanical Engineering, ME

Professor Jing Fan
Professor Elvin Niell

Fall - May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Mechanical Engineering, PhD Professor Taehun Lee

Fall- February 15th (PhD Financial Aid priority)
Fall - May 1st
Spring- November 15th

Translational Medicine, MS 

Professor Dr. J. Christopher Fritton

Fall- May 31st

School of Education

Program Program Advisor/ Director Application Deadline
Art Education (Pre K-Grade 12), MA, AdvCert Professor Marit Dewhurst

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 15th

Bilingual Childhood Education (Grades 1-6), MSED Professor Dina Lopez

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 15th

Bilingual Extension, Adv. Certificate Professor Dina Lopez

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 15th

Childhood Education (Grades 1-6), MSED Professor Megan Blumenreich

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 15th

Early Childhood Education (Birth - Grade 2), MSED
Early Childhood Education (for ECE/CE/BCE Certified), AdvCert
Early Childhood Education (for SPED Certified),AdvCert

Professor Folakemi Williams

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 15th

Educational Leadership - Entry Level Leadership, AdvCert Professor Robert Lubetsky

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Educational Leadership -School Building Leader, MSEd Professor Robert Lubetsky

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Educational Leadership -School District Leader, AdvCert Professor Robert Lubetsky

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Educational Theater (Pre K- Grade 12), MSED, AdvCert Professor Sobha Kavanakudiyil


Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

English Education (Grades 7-12), MA, AdvCert Professor Shira Epstein

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Mathematics Education (Grades 5-9 and 7-12), MSED, AdvCert Professor Laura Gellert, Dept. Chair

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Middle School Math Leadership, MS    
Science Education (Grades 5-9), MA Professor Yael Wyner

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Secondary Science Education Biology (Grades 7-12), MA, AdvCert
Secondary Science Education Chemistry (Grades 7-12), MA, AdvCert
Secondary Science Education Earth & Atmospheric Science (Grades 7-12), MA, AdvCert
Secondary Science Education Physics (Grades 7-12), MA, AdvCert

Professor Yael Wyner

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Social Studies Education (Grades 7-12), MA, AdvCert Professor Shira Epstein

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Spanish Education - Spanish Majors (Grades 7-12), MSED
Spanish Education - Non-Spanish Majors (Grades 7-12), MSED
Spanish Education - Initially Spanish Certified (Grades 7-12), MSED
Spanish Education - Non Spanish Certified (Grades 7-12), MSED

Professor Francisco Salgado-Robles

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Special Education (Grades 1-6), (MSED), (AdvCert) and (Online-AdvCert only) Professor Lorenzetti & Crevecoeur 

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Special Education (Grades 7-12), (MSED), (AdvCert) and (Online-AdvCert only) Professor Lorenzetti & Crevecoeur 

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th

Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, (TESOL)(All Grades and Adults), AdvCert Professor Diana Lopez

Fall- March 15th
Spring- October 19th


Visit for additional information on deadlines and more


Sustainability in the Urban Environment, (Interdisciplinary Studies)

Program Program Advisor(s)/Director Application Deadline

Sustainability in the Urban Environment, MS

Advanced Certificate in Urban Sustainability, ADV. CERT

Advanced Certificate in Urban Sustainability, ADV. CERT (Online)

Professor Kyle McDonald
Administrative Contact
Katherine Gloede Silverman

Fall - February 1st
Spring - September 15th

Fall/Spring - Rolling

Non-Degree/ Re-Admit

Non-Degree Applications

Fall- August 1st
Spring- January 1st

Re-Admit Applications

Fall- August 15th
Spring- January 15th

Missed the application deadline?

There are still options to take classes at City next semester! Click here for your options

Last Updated: 03/07/2025 14:42