Summer at City 2023 Registration is NOW OPEN! Take a look at our course offering for this summer.
Do you see something that looks interesting? APPLY TODAY for one of the courses listed below!
Need more information about registration dates and fees? We are here to help!
Department Code Key - Search By Subject
Full Summer 2023 Course List
Subject | Description |
AES | Architectural Environmental Studies |
ANTH | Anthropology |
ARCH | Architecture |
ART | Art |
ARTE | Art Education |
ASTR | Astronomy |
BIO | Biology |
BLST | Black Studies |
BME | Biomedical Engineering |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CSC | Computer Science |
EAS | Earth and Atmospheric Studies |
ECO | Economics |
EDCE | Teaching, Learning, and Culture |
EDLS | Educational Leadership |
EDSE | Leadership and Special Education |
EDUC | Education |
EE | Electrical Engineering |
ENGL | English |
ENGLE | Secondary Education English |
ENGR | Engineering |
HIST | History |
IAS | Study of the Americas |
INTL | International Studies |
JWST | Jewish Studies |
LALS | Latin American and Latino Studies |
MATH | Mathematics |
MATHE | Secondary Education Math |
MCA | Media Arts Production |
ME | Mechanical Engineering |
MED | School of Medicine |
MIS | Computer Science |
MUS | Music |
NSS | New Student Seminar |
PA | Physician Assistant |
PHIL | Philosophy |
PHYS | Physics |
PSC | Political Science |
PSM | Public Service Management |
PSY | Psychology |
SCI | Science |
SOC | Sociology |
SPAN | Spanish |
SPANE | Secondary Education Spanish |
SPCH | Speech |
SPED | Special Education |
THTR | Theatre |
USSO | The Development of the United States and its People |
WCIV | World Civilizations |
WHUM | World Humanities |
WS | Women's Studies |
Not Sure Where to Start?
Information For
CCNY Students
- Browse: from our list of interesting courses above or use our search tool to find the courses you want.
- Register: Register through CUNYfirst.
Students from Other CUNY Campuses
- Choose Your Classes: Browse from our list of interesting courses above or use our search tool to find the courses you want.
- Register: Register through CUNYfirst at your home college or explore another CUNY campus using E-permit.
*Currently enrolled CUNY students MUST apply for an ePermit to register for courses at CCNY
Visiting Students
- Choose Your Classes: Browse from our list of interesting courses above or use our search tool to find the courses you want.
- Get Approved: Get your CUNY summer courses evaluated and approved by the appropriate department at your home college prior to registration. You can find course descriptions needed for evaluation in the Course Catalogs of the individual CUNY colleges.
- Apply: Submit a visiting student application at each of the the courses you’d like to take.
- Register: Once your application is reviewed and approved, you will be ready to register for your classes. Registration is online through our CUNYfirst system.
Registration Information
Last Updated: 02/27/2023 12:15