What to Know Before Applying
The CCNY Clinical Psychology PhD program emphasizes the mutual and reciprocal influence of scholarship and practice and aims to generate novel and nuanced research, integrative theories, and modes of clinical work. Our program has a strong commitment to psychodynamic thinking and social justice, although a number of evidenced based treatments are represented in our classrooms and clinical training. Embedded within the Program is The Psychological Center, a community based mental health clinic. The Psychological Center (www.thepsychologicalcenter.org) provides psychological services to more than 300 individuals across the lifespan each year and concurrently provides our students with a seamless link between scholarship and practice.

Discover how who we have been will affect who we will become: only here at ccny
Intensive mentorship that allows developmental growth of students as they move through the program
Students receive a minimum of 4 years intensive clinical training at The Psychological Center
Student therapists work with children, adolescents and adults in individual and group therapy settings
3% acceptance rate into the PhD Program and clinical work begins in Year One
Student Info
Our student body is diverse in terms of race, ethnicity, gender identities, ages, sexual orientation, religious/spiritual affiliations and geographic home of origin. They have undergraduate degrees in a wide range of majors including psychology, religion, anthropology, philosophy, music, theater, biology, and journalism. Similarly, prior to starting the program many of our students have had professional experiences as teachers, research lab assistants, journalists, musicians, and more.
Faculty Info
Our faculty members represent a range of identities; 25% of whom come from historically minoritized backgrounds. Our faculty generate scholarly work that spans a broad spectrum of psychopathology and developmental processes. Their work as licensed psychologists further informs their teaching and scholarly work; more than 50% of the faculty serve as clinical supervisors for students. As evidence for a lifetime commitment to the program, a third of our faculty are graduates of the program!

Curricular Innovation
Students train from years 1-4 in The Psychological Center, receiving a depth to their training. Students train in child and adult individual and group psychotherapy and neuropsychological assessment and receive training in couples work and a number of evidenced based treatments, including Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Emotion Focused Psychotherapy, Alliance Focused Psychotherapy, Transference Focused Psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavior Therapy. In addition to our generalized training, students can choose to receive specialized training in our Sports Psychology Program, Spanish Language Consultation Group, and Asylum Justice Program.
Admissions Facts
1. Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions attended.
We require transcripts from ALL post-secondary institutions attended, whether or not they include psychology courses. Unofficial versions are sufficient at the time of application. Upon acceptance, official versions are required.
2. Resume/CV
3. Personal Statement
In your applicant statement, please discuss your past education and experience, academic and professional plans, and reasons for wishing to undertake graduate work. Include some details about intended specialization in your field, your preparation for that specialization, and anything else you consider important for an assessment of your abilities. Please also be sure to convey who you are as a person, not just your academic qualifications. Since we are not a mentorship model program, it’s not essential to specify which faculty members you would like to work with. If you do decide to mention a faculty advisor of interest, please note that your primary advisor must be a core faculty member at CCNY Clinical Psychology doctoral program.
4. Supplemental essay
Please describe how your personal and/or professional characteristics, experiences, and interests have shaped who you are and why you seek to join this field (Length: 500 words, maximum)
5. Two Recommendation Letters (at minimum).
Who should write my letters of recommendation? We require at least two letters of recommendation. We have no requirements as far as who writes your recommendation letters; in general, it is a good idea to include at least one from a professor (to vouch for your academic work and ability) and one from an employer or supervisor - someone who can speak to your research and clinical work and ability. It is important to ask people who can speak of you with real knowledge of your abilities and personal qualities (rather than "he/she was one of 200 undergraduates in my lecture course. He/she did very well with a grade of A in the course...) You can include more than two letters.
6. GRE General Tests
The General GRE is required for admission.
7. Writing Sample (Optional).
8. Application Fee
Application fee is set at $75. A fee waiver is only offered to US veterans with proof of active service.
For more information, visit program's website: https://www.ccny.cuny.edu/psychology/admissions
Program Advisor/Directors:
Professor Steven Tuber, stuber@ccny.cuny.edu
Professor Sasha Rudenstine, mrudenstine@ccny.cuny.edu
Admissions Contact: clinicaladmissions@gmail.com
Ready to take the next step?
Last Updated: 02/24/2025 10:06