What a Zahn Internship Can Do For You

You've seen the memes. “We're looking for a 22-year-old with 35 years of career experience.” In today's world, it's getting harder and harder for Millennials (the largest cohort to ever enter the workforce) to land jobs after graduation. That's why it's so important for students to get career experience while they're in school, so that when they leave, they have those “2-3 years of experience” under their belt.

That's why we believe in the power of PAID internships. This year, we'll place close to 80 students at internships throughout the city. In the Fall and Spring alone, we have 30 open internship positions at social enterprises and non-profits like Echoing Green, B Lab, Kiva, Impact Squared, Alexapath, Her Agenda, Per Scholas, Shade, and the Mayor's Office! The positions range from communications and marketing, engineering, graphic design, community development, and business development. One even allows you to be the company's official Instagram-mer.

Applications are now open. Hurry, because they close September 9th.

And it gets even better. If you apply to the Zahn Innovation Centers Fall Internship Program now AND apply for an internship at DoSomething.org (one of our partners), you'll be fast-tracked for an interview with them. Don't wait. Deadline for this opportunity is August 11th.

Questions about the program? Email internships@zahncenternyc.com


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