Katherine Olives
How to Fund A Startup: There are an abundance of options for startups looking to get the funds they need to kickstart their activities. Not every entrepreneur should turn first to a venture capitalist for money. Join us for a thought provoking panel on how startups get their start, from crowd-funding to peer investors, angels to impact investors. This session will leave you with a sense of the wide array of funding options and actionable steps to help you find the startup capital to match your needs.
Panelists include:
Jonathan Hakakian, SoundBoard Angels
Jiashan Wu, Dorm Room Fund
John Vaskis, IndieGogo
Chris Reim, Community Development Venture Capital Alliance
Moderated by Amy Cortese, award-winning journalist from the NY Times, Business Week, The Daily News, and more
Details: Tuesday, February 9th from 12:15-1:45pm in Shepard Hall rm 107 at the City College of New York.