#UpForSchool Town Hall

We all know that its difficult to make change happen if no one stands up and demands it. At the #UpForSchool Town Hall, 10 million people petitioned and 1,500 people gathered to do just that. The event was held on September 28th, a joint effort between UNISEF and Theirworld, celebrating the landmark of 10 million signatures in support of making sure every child in the world receives the education they deserve. The children who suffer from lack of schooling are those that are marginalized by society in all aspects of life. We need to give them the tools to fight back against that systematic oppression, and hopefully we can do just that with the new Sustainable Development Goals.

Lindsay Siegel, Executive Director of the Zahn Innovation Center, remarked on the impact the event had on her: As guests of Standard Chartered Bank, the Zahn Center had an opportunity to support this incredible movement to ensure education is considered not a privilege, but a right, for all children. It was an inspiring afternoon filled with celebrities, politicians, artists, activists and youth all celebrating the 10 million signatures delivered to the UN Secretary General in support of education around the world.

To learn more about the #UpForSchool and what you can do, visit aworldatschool.org.

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