Startups Shine at Demo Day

Yesterday 650 students, faculty and community members discovered the “next big thing” at the Zahn Innovation Center's fourth annual Demo Day, where 90 student entrepreneurs from the City College of New York shared their startups. It was a beautiful day to learn about the Internet of Things, test out new apps, play with social entrepreneurship prototypes, and see how technology innovations can make our city a better place.

These student entrepreneurs are part of the current Zahn Innovation Center competition cohort and have been developing their ideas in an Lean Startup Bootcamp for the past semester. Monday's Demo Day marked the first of two events that will determine which teams win prize money totaling $140,000. Every one of our startups has a unique idea with a lot of passion behind it, and they all deserve huge congratulations. Our judges had to make difficult decisions yesterday €” the competition was fierce!

After much deliberation, the judges selected two teams from each of the four competition categories – Kaylie Connected Hardware, Zahn Technology, Zahn Social Innovation, and Standard Chartered Women+Tech4NYC. These 8 finalist teams will pitch again in front of a select audience on Thursday, May 12th at 6pm. To support your team and find out who takes home the grand prizes, join us for a private stream of the event in the Zahn Center @Marshak rm 052 (there will be snacks). Well also announce the winners of the Audience Choice Award at that time.

Our 8 finalists are€¦

Kaylie Connected Hardware

Upwalk €“ A smart walker that encourages better posture, helping seniors avoid pain and discomfort.

Applied Motions €“ Wearables that combine biofeedback and gamification to increase strength and agility while rehabilitating and preventing injury.


Zahn Technology

Hybridia €“ A tool to reinvent the way laparoscopic surgery is performed.

Komb €“ A scheduling app and web-platform connecting clients with hairstylists instantaneously.


Zahn Social Impact

VeriPAD €“ A technology for low and middle income countries that determines if medications are counterfeit.

Rural Ignition €“ An affordable clean cookstove for Sri Lanka tackling the health, environmental and safety concerns faced by millions.


Standard Chartered Women+Tech4NYC

StreetLabs €“ A smarter system for NYCs roads, allowing the DOT to make faster and more efficient repairs.

Frip €“ An app that helps K-12 teachers find, plan, and organize curated school trips in NYC.


Wed like to thank our awesome judges who generously gave their time on Monday to listen to our students pitches! Thank you Michael Beresik, Ramphis Castro, Ray Garcia, Sahar Ghaheri, Jennifer Jones, Jason Leder, Katey Metzroth, Ulas Neftci, Dave Newman, Chris Reim, Anasa Scott, Bill Snipes, and Matthew Washington.

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