New Video!

We don't know about you all, but we're still riding high on the positive energy from last week's final events. We are in complete awe of our zahntrepreneurs…and so is the rest of the community! Check out some of the things we heard from our special guests who attended our events last week:

“I drank the Zahn Kool-Aid, it tastes great and I want some more! Please consider me a friend to the program and call on me if you think there is any way that I can be helpful.” – Matthew Washington 

“I was blown away with the poise of the students delivering their pitches and the commitment to the causes they support and turned them into businesses.” – Marilyn Wagner

“Congratulations to all of the entrepreneurs at the Zahn Center and your inspiring work to build the future of NYC tech!” – the New York City Mayor's Office of Tech+Innovation

Let's not forget about the most important voices in our community, our very own zahntrepreneurs. We've been humbled by their amazing feedback throughout the program, and this video captures why our students think “you can't get this in the classroom.” Watch the full clip below.

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