Maker Faire 2015

Maker Faire is an exhibition of creativity, innovation, and resourcefulness. Makers gather to showcase their diverse inventions, modeling everything from new tech devices to performance art based creations. The Faire was created in the spirit of the Maker Movement, a tech-influenced DIY community fostered by the launch of MAKE Magazine. There have been Maker Faires all over the world, and the Zahn Center accompanied Vista Wearables to the New York Maker Faire, September 26th-27th in the New York Hall of Science. Some highlights from the faire include the Giant Sized Mouse Trap, the Mechanical Horse, and the Fire Breathing Organ. There were hands-on activities, brand new tech trinkets, revolutionary ideas for social change, art, and a ceremonial band! To learn more about Maker Faire and make sure you catch it next time around, visit

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