Learn How Uber is Changing the Future of Work

Sharing isnt new. Giving someone a ride, having a guest in your spare room, running errands for someone, participating in a supper club€”these are not revolutionary concepts. What is new, in the sharing economy, is that you are not helping a friend for free; you are providing these services to a stranger for money. Learn how platforms like Uber and TaskRabbit are creating economic growth and changing the future of work.
Arun Sundararajan is a Professor and the Robert L. & Dale Atkins Rosen Faculty Fellow at New York Universitys Stern School of Business, and he heads the NYU Social Cities Initiative. A recognized authority on the sharing economy, he has published op-eds and commentary in Time, the New Yorker, the New York Times, Wired,Le Monde, Harvard Business Review, and the Financial Times. He is the author of The Sharing Economy (MIT Press, May 2016). Recent speaking engagements include the World Economic Forum in Davos, the World Government Summit in Dubai, and SXSW in Austin, TX.
Maria Binz-Scharf is an Associate Professor of Management in the Department of Economics and Business at CCNY. Her research investigates how individuals create and use networks to get work done in the knowledge economy.
Join us for a Fireside Chat with Arun Sundararajan, Thursday, March 17th in the Zahn Center @Marshak from 5-7pm. Refreshments will be served.

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