Leaning on LinkedIn

Our first Bootcamp session of 2016 was packed with eager Zahntrepreneurs who wanted to learn how to be powerful networkers and build company advocates. Brian Wilson, President of DuroUAS, led the first half of the session. He believes that creating a network starts online, and gave us some great tips for utilizing LinkedIn:

  1. The first impression of you is your LinkedIn picture, so make sure your picture is professional, clearly shows your face, and fills the entire LinkedIn box.
  2. The second impression is your title. Your title should reflect your current role (ie, Founder of Awesome App). And generally, titles should be powerful and use active words (ie, Dynamic Communicator seeking Marketing Internship).
  3. Next, make sure your About me not only summarizes your skills and expertise, but describes the role you play at your current company. Focus on the here and now.
  4. You should list your past work experiences and write powerful descriptions of your responsibilities and projects (again, use exciting action verbs!).
  5. Theres also space to include your accolades, languages, volunteer experiences, and things you care about. Remember, you want to look human, so tell us about your passions.
  6. If you write a blog, you can publish those posts on LinkedIn too.
  7. Endorsements look great–and you definitely want to get as many endorsements as possible–but recommendations are better. Ask your professors and past employers to write recommendations for you.
  8. Finally, build your network. Start with the people you know: CCNY students, classmates, etc. When asking to connect, personalize your request instead of using LinkedIns built in message.

When its time to build their network, our Zahntrepreneurs will need to make specific asks to future partners. In our next blog, well share how to connect with those partners and build a team of advocates.

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