Interns Share Excitement about Social Impact

This Fall semester, the Zahn Center launched its inaugural social enterprise/nonprofit internship program at CCNY, sponsored by BNY Mellon. We received over 140 applications! Students from a variety of majors applied, including engineering, economics, psychology, communications, and international relations. We are thrilled to share that we placed 12 students in an array of incredible social enterprises in the NYC area.

This semester, our students start their dream internships at these prestigious organizations:

Our interns are looking forward to gaining valuable hands-on experiences this semester, and are excited to be a part of bigger social impact missions.

Mahmoud Khedr, a first semester freshman International Studies and Business Administration major, is especially motivated to make the most out of his experience as the Direct Impact intern at Echoing Green. According to Mahmoud, When I got the email about the internship offer from Echoing Green, I was speechless. I am super grateful about getting this internship and am really excited to go on this journey of learning and gaining more valuable experience. The Zahn Center gave me this opportunity that many other students don't get until they graduate. I will be gaining real-world experience while making connections that will help me succeed in my career, and in life. I'm looking forward to it!  

Stephanie Veras, a senior Advertising & Public Relations major, is the Marketing and Outreach intern at Orpheus Chamber Orchestra. Stephanie has been working at Orpheus for 3 weeks now and shared, I am grateful to be working at Orpheus, and working behind the scenes for the opening night for their signature series at Carnegie Hall. It is a pleasure to learn about the artists and music they will be performing. I am looking forward to their upcoming concerts, and ensuring customers enjoy their complete purchase.

We are grateful to the generosity of our sponsor, and to the wonderful leaders who have hired our students this semester. We are looking forward to tracking the success of our interns, and sharing their successes with you.

Interested in hiring CCNY interns? Contact us for more information to learn how your company can get involved.

And CCNY students, well open applications for the Spring semester on December 1st on our website!

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