Discover Silicon Alleys Women in Tech at Demo Day

Why should California get all the credit? Silicon Alley is happening right here in New York City–a movement to develop new technologies and base tech startups in the five boroughs. Some of our startups will lead this movement…and better yet, they're all founded by women.

If this excites you, then youll want to check out the startups competing for the Standard Chartered Women+Tech4NYC Prize on Demo Day. Theyre ready to show you how they're solving New York City's civic issues with awesome technologies.

Be sure to check out teams like:

  • Gleam €“ 1 in 5 New Yorkers suffer from a mental disease. Learn how Gleam's online platform helps therapists treat their patients more efficiently.
  • EmoTrain €“ If you or someone you love has Autism, you know how difficult it is for them to communicate. EmoTrain's facial recognition software will help these individuals learn how to express emotions & display empathetic responses.
  • StreetLabs €“ New York City spends millions of dollars repairing potholes. Check out how StreetLabs will put an end to road repair (or at least make it more efficient).
  • Frip €“ Designing a creative field trip becomes fun again with Frip.
  • Duck Soup €“ Learning a new language can be easy as Duck Soup!

You can even vote for your favorite. See you on Monday, May 9th? RSVP here.

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