Course and Teacher Surveys
The Course and Teacher Surveys provides an opportunity for students to anonymously evaluate their instructor(s) and the course(s) they are taking. Students can provide written feedback and are encouraged to be as constructive as possible. The Course and Teacher Surveys are administered during the Spring and Fall semesters by The Office of Evaluation and Testing.
Survey Administration
Course and Teacher Surveys will be sent to students through their CCNY email and will be available the last two weeks of classes. The survey is anonymous, mobile-friendly, and can only be filled out once per class. Instructors will have no access to survey results until after grades are submitted. The surveys are voluntary, but we strongly encourage student participation. Student participation helps us improve the courses that are offered at CCNY.
The Office of Evaluation and Testing administers the Course and Teacher Surveys for all courses except for those in the School of Education and School of Medicine.
Important Administration Dates:
Fall 2024 Administration
Survey Start: November 25, 2024
Survey End: December 13, 2024
Survey Report to Instructors: 14 days after administration end
Spring 2024 Administration
Survey Start: April 23, 2024
Survey End: May 15, 2024
Survey Report to Instructors: 14 days after administration end
Requesting Course and Teacher Survey Reports
Instructors requesting surveys from past semesters may email us at
Please make sure to include as much information as possible: course term, total number of courses taught in that term, course number, section, course name, any changes in instructor name, etc.
Course and Teacher Survey FAQs
Who gets the Course and Teacher Surveys?
Course and Teacher Surveys are administered for all classes except for those in the School of Education, CUNY School of Medicine, and permit courses. Students in the School of Education and CUNY School of Medicine will receive separate surveys from those departments
When are the Course and Teacher Surveys administered?
The Course and Teacher Surveys are administered in the Fall and Spring semesters during the last two weeks of classes. Currently, surveys are not administered during the Summer and Winter sessions.
Why am I missing a survey/Why didn’t I get any surveys?
Please be aware that Course and Teacher Survey links are sent to your CCNY email. Check your spam mail just in case. Also, keep in mind that Course and Teacher Surveys are administered for all classes except for those in the School of Education, CUNY School of Medicine, and permit courses. Students in the School of Education and CUNY School of Medicine will receive separate surveys from those departments.
If you are missing a link for a survey that you should be receiving, email us at
How are they Course and Teacher Surveys administered?
The Course and Teacher Surveys are administered online. You will receive a separate link for each course via email. They include a series of questions about the course and a section for written responses.
Are the Course and Teacher Surveys anonymous?
Yes, the Course and Teacher Surveys are anonymous, and instructors will not receive their reports until after the final day for grade submission.
Can I take the Course and Teacher Surveys for the same class twice?
You can only take the survey once per course. After that survey is completed, it is closed.
I missed the deadline. Can I still submit a survey?
We will not accept any surveys after the deadline.
Why did I receive more than one survey link for my class?
If a course has more than one instructor, you may receive an additional survey link for them.
To get answers to specific questions please contact us by visiting our Virtual Front Desk at (passcode: ccnytest), calling us at (212) 650-6488, or via email at
Last Updated: 12/04/2024 10:34