CCNY Math Placement Test Preparation Resources
You must prepare carefully for the CCNY Math Placement Test. Your test results will determine your placement into advanced mathematics or mathematics related courses. The more you know about the types of questions you will be asked, the better prepared you will be.
- CCNY Math Placement Practice Test
You MUST claim your CUNYfirst account to take advantage of our interactive practice test on Blackboard which uses the same credentials as CUNYFirst. Blackboard is a platform for online learning that is vital to all CCNY students. If you have not claimed your CUNYFirst account please visit https://home.cunyfirst.cuny.edu/
CCNY Math Placement Practice Test (Blackboard)
https://bbhosted.cuny.edu/webapps/blackboard/content /listContent.jsp?co…
- CCNY Math Placement Sample Problems
These sample problems are designed to give you a preview of the types of questions you will see on the test. These are not an exact copy of the test.
CCNY Math Placement Sample Problems (PDF)
To get answers to specific questions please contact us by visiting our Virtual Front Desk at https://ccny.zoom.us/j/2126506488 (passcode: ccnytest), calling us at (212) 650-6488, or via email at
Last Updated: 08/31/2023 11:58