Current ID Office Form Complete Email Address CCNY email address First Name Your first name as it appears in CUNYFirst. Last Name Your last name as it appears in CUNYFirst. DOB Date of birth as it is in CUNYFirst. EMPLID EMPLID Schools/Programs with Special IDs: Please select if you belong to any of the following, otherwise choose “Other School” - Select -ArchitectureCollege NowContinuing and Professional StudiesCWE - Center for Worker EducationEarly CollegeHSMSESBE - School of Biomedical EducationTeaching FellowsUrban ScholarsPAOther School Status - Select -UndergradGradPHD Image File Requirements for photo: Current (taken within the last six months) color photoNeutral color and smooth backgroundProper lighting (#nofilter)Centered and front view of full faceCropped from just above the top of the head to the collarboneEyes open and visibleWear prescription glasses if you normally do so What will get your photo rejected: Glare on glasses; closed eyesShadows on the faceOther visible people, objects, or textInappropriate expressionsGroup photosBlurry photosBlack and white photosPhotos with your hand resting on your faceCrop off the top of your head or side angle your face One file only.9 MB limit.Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, jpeg.