DegreeWorks Exception Management

DegreeWorks Scheduled Upgrade

DegreeWorks Unavailable

Please be informed that DegreeWorks will be unavailable due to an important system upgrade.

Upgrade Schedule:

  • Start Date: July 11
  • End Date: July 16

During this period, you will not be able to access DegreeWorks and the exception management feature. We appreciate your patience as we enhance our system to better serve you.

About Exceptions

Designated advisors have the ability to make exceptions on a DegreeWorks audit. Exceptions are granted in the rare instance that a completed course does not quite fit the formalized degree requirements but upon review is an acceptable exception. Exceptions to university, college, school or department requirements must be approved by the proper academic authority before entered into DegreeWorks. Exceptions should be treated as such and not used to modify curricula changes that have not yet been approved by the Chancellor’s Office.

Who Is Authorized to Make Exceptions?

DegreeWorks (DGW) liaisons and designated personnel in each school and division are granted access to the exception management system based upon a written request from your Dean. Your DegreeWorks liaison can assist you with understanding the DegreeWorks audit, managing curriculum changes, exception management, and understanding how "Elective Classes Not Allowed" may negatively impact financial aid.

Recommendations Regarding Exceptions

All DegreeWorks requirements are up-to-date, authenticated and are only coded based upon approved Chancellor’s Office transactions. If you find yourself performing the same exceptions on multiple student records you should bring this to the attention of the chair or dean in order to determine if the curriculum is being revised.

Types of Exceptions

Exception Type


Substitute Substitute one course for another. A substitution can be applied either before or after the alternate course is taken.
Also Allow Used when you wish to expand the course options available for a specific requirement. In many instances this may be a better option than using the “Substitute”
exception. Also Allow can be applied before or after the alternate course is taken.
Apply Here Used when you need to move a course from one area of the audit to another. Apply Here can be applied before or after the alternate course is taken.
Force Complete Forces a requirement to be met when there is no alternate course available for selection. May need to be used in combination with “Remove Course and/or Change Limit” in order to modify total credits.
Remove Course and/or Change Limit

Used for partially completed requirements. Similar to a “Force Complete” exception, one or more additional exceptions may be required if credits are modified (either up or down).

How to Add an Exception?

Access to Exceptions Tab

Once the student record is loaded, click on the Exception tab located on the navigation bar.

Exception Tab

Expand the section of the audit that includes the course or rule you wish you modify. Select the the specific requirement/rule and click on the "+" button as demonstrated below:

Exceptions 3

Types of Exception Usage

You may select the exception of choice by using the pull down menu. Below is the demonstration of each exception type.

Exception Type - Substitute

Input the course acronym and number that you want to replace, and then the acronym and number of the course that it will be replaced with. Enter a concise description of your action, then click “Add Exception”.

Exception Substitute


Exception Type - Also Allow

Input the subject (course acronym) and number that you plan to "Also Allow" to be applied to expand the program requirement. Enter a concise description of your action, then click “Add Exception”.

Exception Also Allow


Exception Type - Apply Here

Input the course acronym and number that you plan to "Apply Here" in order to meet to a requirement. Enter a concise description of your action, then click “Add Exception”.

Exception Apply Here


Exception Type - Force Complete

Use the “Force Complete” exemption type to force a requirement complete or to waive a requirement. Enter a concise description of your action, then click “Add Exception”.

Exception Force Complete


Exception Type - Remove Course/Change Limit

Input the course acronym and number into the "Remove Subject" boxes and/or "Change Limit To" boxes. Enter a concise description of your action, then click “Add Exception”.

Exception remove course or change limit

How to Remove an Exception?

There are two ways to remove an exception.

Option 1: Click the Exceptions tab on the top navigation bar and scroll to the section where you made the exception. Once you have located the exception, click on the delete button as shown below.

Exceptions Remove

Option 2: In the Exceptions tab scroll down to the button of the audit to the Exceptions card. Click on the radio button in order to select the exception(s). Once you have selected the exception(s) click on the delete button located on the top right corner as shown below.

Exceptions remove 2

Last Updated: 07/05/2024 09:35