Yang Liu
Assistant Professor
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Aerospace Engineering
- Experimental Fluid Mechanics
- Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer
Steinman Hall

Yang Liu
Yang Liu joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering at CCNY as a tenure-track assistant professor in August 2022. Prior to joining CCNY, Dr. Liu was an Assistant Professor at East Carolina University. He was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Aircraft Icing Physics and Anti-/De-icing Technology Laboratory at Iowa State University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Iowa State University (ISU) in 2016 and B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from Beihang University (BUAA) in 2011. His current research interests include blast/shock-flow interactions, blast/shock-surface interactions, high-speed multiphase interactions driven by blast/shock, multiphase flow and heat transfer in additive manufacturing, aircraft icing physics and anti-/de-icing technologies, and unsteady multiphase flow in energy devices. Dr. Liu has published several books and book chapters, 40 peer-reviewed journal papers, and more than 50 conference papers in the field of thermal fluids.
Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, Iowa State University, 2016
M.S., Aerospace Engineering, Beihang University, 2012
B.S., Aerospace Engineering, Beihang University, 2011
Courses Taught
Aerodynamic Design (ME 57200)
Experimental Methods in Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer (ME I6900/59911)
Environmental Control (ME 54700)
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (ME G2300)
Research Interests
Flow-Surface Interactions in Compressible Turbulent Flow
High-Speed Multiphase Interactions Driven By Shock/Blast
Development of Shock/Blast Mitigation Technologies
Multiphase Interactions in Binder-Jetting 3D Printing
Development of a Freezing-Based Inkjet 3D Printing Technique
Thermal-Flow Behaviors of Colloidal Drops under Microgravity
Offshore Wind/Wave Energy Systems and Devices
Aircraft/Wind Turbine Icing Physics
Anti-/De-Icing Technologies
Selected publications
(Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=592-pUsAAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1)
- ZC Zhang, Y. Liu, H Hu, “Effects of Chamber Pressure on the Kinematic Characteristics of Spray Flows Exhausted from an Airblast Atomizer”, Experimental Thermal Fluid Science, V01. 130, 110514, 2022.
- ZC Zhang, LQ Ma, Y. Liu, J. Ren, and H Hu. “An Experimental Study of Rain Erosion Effects on a Hydro-/Ice-phobic Coating Pertinent to Unmanned-Arial-System (UAS) Inflight Icing Mitigation “. Cold Regions Science and Technology, vol. 181, 103196, 2021.
- C. Kolbakir, HY Hu, Y. Liu and H Hu. “An Experimental Study on Different Plasma Actuator Layouts for Aircraft Icing Mitigation “. Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 107, 106325, 2020.
- Y. Liu, XY Jiang, CB Lee, and H Hu. “An Experimental Study on the Spatiotemporal Evolution of Sand Waves/Ripples in Turbulent Boundary Layer Airflow”. Physics of Fluids, 32, 063304 (2020);
- Y. Liu, K. Zhang, W. Tian, and H. Hu, “An Experimental Study to Characterize the Effects of Initial Ice Roughness on the Wind-Driven Water Runback over an Airfoil Surface”, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Vol.126, 103254, 2020.
- Y. Liu, K. Zhang, W. Tian, and H. Hu, “An Experimental Investigation on the Dynamic Ice Accretion and Unsteady Heat Transfer over an Airfoil Surface with Embedded Initial Ice Roughness”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.146, 118900, 2020.
- Y. Liu, ZC Zhang, HY Hu, A. Samanta, QH Wang, HT Ding and H. Hu. “An Experimental Study to Characterize a Surface Treated with a Novel Laser Surface Texturing Technique: Water Repellency and Reduced Ice Adhesion”, Surface and Coatings Technology, Vol. 374, pp634-644, 2019.
- Y. Liu, WL Chen, YH Peng, and H. Hu. “An Experimental Study on the Dynamic Ice Accretion Processes on Bridge Cables with Different Surface Modifications”, Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Vol.190, pp218-229, 2019.
- Y. Liu, C. Kolbakir, HY. Hu and H. Hu, “An Explorative Study on the Thermal Characteristics of Duty-Cycled Plasma Actuation for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 136, pp. 864-876, 2019.
- Y. Liu, L. Li, WL Chen, W. Tian and H. Hu, “An Experimental Study on the Aerodynamic Performance Degradation of a UAS Propeller Model Induced by Ice Accretion”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 102, pp. 101-112, 2019.
- Y. Liu, C. Kolbakir, H. Hu, A. Y. Starikovskiy, R. Miles, “An Experimental Study on the Thermal Characteristics of NS-DBD Plasma Actuation and Application for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Plasma Source Science and Technology, Vol. 28, pp. 014001, 2019.
- Y. Liu, L. Ma, W. Wang, A. Kota and H. Hu, “An Experimental Study on Soft PDMS Materials for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, Applied Surface Science, Vol. 447, pp. 599-609, 2018.
- Y. Liu, C. Kolbakir, HY. Hu and H. Hu, “A Comparison Study on the Thermal Effects in DBD Plasma Actuation and Electrical Heating for Aircraft Icing Mitigation”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 124, pp. 319-330, 2018.
- Y. Liu, LK Li, Z. Ning, W. Tian and H. Hu, “Experimental Investigation on the Dynamic Icing Process over a Rotating UAS Propeller”, AIAA Journal of Power and Propulsion, Vol. 34, No. 4, 2018.
- Y. Liu and H. Hu, “An Experimental Investigation on the Unsteady Heat Transfer Process over an Ice Accreting Airfoil Surface “, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol 122, pp. 707-718, 2018.
- Y. Liu, LK Li, H. Li and H. Hu, “An Experimental Study of Surface Wettability Effects on Dynamic Ice Accretion Process over an UAS Propeller Model”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 73, pp. 164-172, 2018.
- Y. Liu, WL Chen, L. Bond and H. Hu, “An Experimental Study on the Characteristics of Wind-driven Surface Water Film Flows by Using a Multi-Transducer Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Technique”, Physics of Fluids, 29, 012102, 2017.
- Y. Liu, L. Bond and H. Hu, “Ultrasonic-Attenuation-Based Technique for Ice Characterization Pertinent to Aircraft Icing Phenomena”, AIAA Journal, Vol. 55, No. 5, pp. 1602-1609. 2017.