Yana Kucheva
Associate Professor
Interim Chair, Sociology (2023-2024)
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Demography
- Environmental Justice
- Housing Policy
North Academic Center

Yana Kucheva
Kucheva, Yana. 2022. “What would it take to desegregate U.S. metropolitan areas? Pathways to residential desegregation by race.” Demography 59(2): 433-459.
Baghestani, Amirhossein, Tayarani, Mohammad, Allaviranloo, Mahdieh, Nadafianshahamabadi, Razieh, Kucheva, Yana, Mamdoohi, Amirreza, and Oliver Gao. 2022. “New York City Cordon Pricing and Its Impacts on Transit Accessibility, Air Quality, and Health.” Case Studies on Transport Policy 10(1): 485-499.
Kucheva, Yana. 2021. “Residential Mobility and Hispanic Segregation: Spatial Assimilation and the Concentration of Poverty, 1960-2014.” Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research 23(2): 207-244.
Kucheva, Yana. 2018. “Subsidized Housing and the Transition to Adulthood.” Demography 55(2): 617-642.
Kucheva, Yana and Richard Sander. 2018.“Structural versus Ethnic Dimensions of Housing Segregation.” Journal of Urban Affairs 40(3): 329-348.
· Honorable Mention, Best Article in the Journal of Urban Affairs Award, 2019
Kucheva, Yana. 2014. “The Receipt of Subsidized Housing across Generations.” Population Research and Policy Review 33: 841-871.
Kucheva, Yana and Richard Sander. 2014. "The Misunderstood Consequences of Shelley v. Kraemer.” Social Science Research 48: 212-233.
Kucheva, Yana. 2013. “Subsidized Housing and the Concentration of Poverty, 1977-2008: An Examination of Eight U.S. Metropolitan Areas.” City and Community 12(2): 113-133.
Sander, Richard, Yana Kucheva, and Jonathan Zasloff. 2018. Moving toward Integration: The Past and Future of Fair Housing. Harvard University Press.
Sander, Richard and Yana Kucheva. 2020. “Why We Wrote Moving Toward Integration.” Case Western Reserve Law Review 70(3).
Sander, Richard and Yana Kucheva. 2020. “A Brief Comment on the Symposium Essays.” Case Western Reserve Law Review 70(3).
Hernandez, Ramona, Yana Kucheva, Sarah Marrara, and Utku Sezgin. 2018. Restoring Housing Security and Stability in New York City Neighborhoods: Recommendations to Stop the Displacement of Dominicans and Other Working-Class Groups in Washington Heights and Inwood. CUNY Dominican Studies Institute.
Grusky, David, Marion Coddou, Erin Cumberworth, Jonathan Fisher, Jared Furuta, Jasmine Hill, Sara Kimberlin, Molly King, Yana Kucheva, Ryan Leupp, Marybeth Mattingly, Natassia Rodriguez, Charles Varner, and Rachel Wright. 2015. Why Is There So Much Poverty in California? The Causes of California’s Sky-High Poverty and the Evidence Behind the Equal Opportunity Plan for Reducing It. Stanford Center on Poverty and Inequality.
Kucheva, Yana, Adele Hayutin, Jane Hickie, and Claudia Engel. 2014. The Spatial Distribution of an Aging Population. Stanford Center on Longevity.
Methods and Techniques of Sociological Research
Poverty and Inequality
Housing and Community Development
Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice
Grants, Fellowships, and Awards
CCNY College Research Vision (CRV) Initiative, “Energizing Equity: Co-Creating Scalable Urban Resilience via Climate Solidarity,” PIs: Yana Kucheva, Co-PIs: Ahmed Mohammed, Michael Bobker, Katherine Chen, Prathap Ramamurthy, Catherine Seavitt Nordenson, Shawn Rickenbacker, Huy Vo, Zihao Zhang, Zhigang Zhu ($600,000)
FORMAS (Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development), “Transforming the housing landscape: how dwelling construction and tenure conversion affect processes of residential segregation,” PI: Benjamin Jarvis, Co-PIs: Guilherme Chihaya, Yana Kucheva ($400,000)
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, “Housing vulnerability and COVID-19,” PI: Kate Choi, Co-PIs: Yana Kucheva, Michael Haan ($74,995)
Russell Sage Foundation Pipeline Grants Competition, “Stitching the U.S. Safety Net: Inequality and Social Mobility in Mixed Status Latino Immigrant Families,” PI: Yana Kucheva, Co-PI: Norma Fuentes-Mayorga ($29,544)
Social Science Research Council, “Revisiting the Hispanic Health Paradox: The Housing and Work Experiences of Immigrants in NYC During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” PI: Norma Fuentes-Mayorga, Co-PI: Yana Kucheva ($4,500)
National Science Foundation, “SCC-PG: Developing Technological Solutions to Improve Indoor Air Quality and Thermal Comfort in Urban Communities,” PI: Prathap Ramamurthy, Co-PIs: Yana Kucheva, Mahdieh Allahviranloo, Ronak Etemadpour ($141,825)
CUNY Interdisciplinary Climate Crisis Research Grant, “Heat and The City: Understanding the Impact of Urban Thermodynamics on Social Vulnerability,” PI: Prathap Ramamurthy, Co-PIs: Yana Kucheva, Andrew Reinmann, Peter Marcotullio ($45,000)
PSC-CUNY Research Award (Traditional B), “Assisted Housing and Household Structure” ($4,530)
William Stewart Travel Award, The CUNY Academy for the Humanities and Sciences ($300)
CUNY Faculty Fellowship Publication Program (FFPP)
CUNY Interdisciplinary Research Grant (IRG) Program, “Introducing New Measures of Segregation: Space-Time-Activity Prisms and Time-Dependent Neighborhoods,” PI: Mahdieh Allahviranloo, Co-PI: Yana Kucheva ($40,000)
PSC-CUNY Research Award (Traditional B), “Neighborhood Migration and the Reproduction of Residential Segregation” ($4,530)
The Powell School Outstanding Student Mentoring Award, The City College of New York
Horowitz Foundation Eli Ginzberg Award “for a project involving solutions to major health and welfare problems in urban settings”