Tatyana Kleyn
Professor, Bilingual Education & TESOL
Additional Departments/Affiliated Programs
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Bilingual Education
- Immigration
- Translanguaging
- US-Mexico Migration
North Academic Center

Tatyana Kleyn
My teaching career began in an international, bilingual elementary school in San Pedro Sula, Honduras, where students becoming bilingual and biliterate was the norm. I saw how bilingualism could be valued for all students, but realized this was missing for those from immigrant-origin and minoritized families in the US. My students at The City College of New York have shown me that inequitable immigration policies have life-changing impacts on individuals and communities. I seek to bring these injustices to light via multimodal public scholarship including film, curricula and articles in the media that move beyond the academy and into spaces that are accessible to PreK-12 educators, families, and policymakers.
For more information visit my website: tatyanakleyn.com
Doctor of Education International Educational Development, February 2007 Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, NY
Specialization: Bilingual/Bicultural Education
Dissertation: Multicultural Education and Bilingual Teachers: An examination of convergence and divergence across ethnolinguistic groups.
Master of Education – Elementary Education, Grades 1-8, August 1997 Ohio State University, Newark,OH
Bachelor of Science – Pre-Service in Elementary Education, June 1996 Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Courses Taught
Education that is Multicultural
Bilingual Student Teaching Seminar and Supervision
Language Minority Students and Urban Schools in the U.S.
Content Research Seminar in Bilingual Education and TESOL
Seminar in Educational Research
Methods of Teaching English as a Second Language
Bullet Education That Is Multicultural and after the course title add: (also taught in Oaxaca, México)
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
Kleyn, T. & Seltzer, K. (forthcoming). Top 10 lessons learned from Ofelia García: Researching, teaching and living from the heart. Journal of Multilingual Education Research.
Kleyn, T. & Stern N. (2018). Labels as limitations. MinneTESOL Journal. Online: http://minnetesoljournal.org/spring-2018/labels-as-limitations
Kleyn, T., Alulema, D., Khalifa, F., & Morales Romero, A. (2018). Learning from undocumented students: Testimonios for strategies to support and resist. The New Educator, 14(1), 24-41. DOI:10.1080/1547688X.2017.1404174.
Kleyn, T. (2017). Centering transborder students: Perspectives on identity, languaging and schooling between the US and Mexico. Multicultural Perspectives, 19(2), 76-84. DOI: 10.1080/15210960.2017.1302336.
Kleyn, T., López, D., & Makar, C. (2015). What about bilingualism? A critical reflection on the edTPA with teachers of emergent bilinguals. Bilingual Research Journal. 38:1, 88-106, DOI: 10.1080/15235882.2015.1017029.
Flores, N., Kleyn, T., & Menken, K. (2015). Looking holistically in a climate of partiality: Identities of students labeled ‘Long-Term English Language Learners’. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 14(2), 113-132, DOI: 10.1080/15348458.2015.1019787.
Menken, K., Kleyn, T., & Chae, N. (2012). Spotlight on “long-term English language learners”: Characteristics and prior schooling experiences of an invisible population. International Multilingual Research Journal, 6(2), 121-142.
Kleyn, T., & Reyes, S. (2011). Nobody said it would be easy: Ethnolinguistic group challenges to bilingual and multicultural education in New York City. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 14(2), 207-224.
Kleyn, T. (2010). Cultural mismatch in Honduran Garífuna communities: The role of culture, race, and language in schools. Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education, 4(4), 217-234.
Menken, K., & Kleyn, T. (2010). The long-term impact of subtractive schooling in the educational experiences of secondary English learners. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 13(4), 399-417.
Menken, K., & Kleyn T. (April 2009). The difficult road for long-term English learners. Educational Leadership, 66(7).
Kleyn, T. (2008). Speaking in colors: A window into uncomfortable conversations about race and ethnicity in U.S. bilingual classrooms. GiST: The Colombian Journal of Bilingual Education, 2: 13-23.
Torres-Guzmán, M.E., Morales-Rodriguez, S., Han, A., & Kleyn, T. (2005). Self-designated dual-language programs: Is there a gap between labeling and implementation? Bilingual Research Journal, 29(2), 453-474.
Journal Guest Editor:
Kleyn, T., & Irizarry, J. (2011) (Eds.). Special theme issue on immigration and education. The New Educator, 7(1).
Kleyn, T. & Irizarry, J. (2011). Guest editorial introduction: Special issue on immigration and education. . The New Educator, 7(1), 1-3.
Irizarry, J., & Kleyn, T. (2011). Immigration and education in the “supposed land of opportunity”: Youth perspectives on living and learning in the U.S. The New Educator, 7(1), 5-26.
Irizarry, J., & Kleyn, T. (2011). Immigration and education in the “supposed land of opportunity”: Youth perspectives on living and learning in the U.S. The New Educator,7(1), 5-26.
García, O. & Kleyn, T. (2016) (Eds.). Translanguaging with multilingual students: Learning from classroom moments. New York: Routledge.
Kleyn, T. (2011). Immigration: The ultimate teen guide. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow Press.
The companion curriculum for the book can be accessed at: http://immigrationcurriculum.wordpress.com/
Reyes, S.A., & Kleyn, T. (2010). Teaching in two languages: A guide for K-12 bilingual educators. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Book Chapters:
Common Core, Bilingual and English Learners: A Guide for Educators. In G. Valdés, K. Menken & M. Castro (Eds.). Philadelphia, PA: Caslon Publishing:
Kleyn, T. (2015). What spaces for bi/multilingualism can we find within the context of
Common Core State Standards implementation? (pp. 32-33).
Hunt, V.K. & Kleyn, T. (2015). What preparation do administrators need to implement the Common Core State Standards in schools serving English language learners/ emergent bilinguals? (pp. 125-127).
Menken, T. & Kleyn, T. (2015). What do teachers need to understand about the challenges that the Common Core State Standards and Next Generation Science Standards present for long-term English language learners/emergent bilinguals? (pp. 220-221).
Kleyn, T. & Valle, J. (2014). Modeling collaborative teaching in teacher education: Preparing preservice teachers to teach ALL students. In Yvonne Freeman and David Freeman (Eds.) Research Perspectives in Preparing Preservice Teachers to Work Effectively with Emergent Bilinguals (pp. 137-164). Bingely, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing.
Dodd Russell, C. & Kleyn, T. (2013). Impenetrable citizenship: Teachers’ perceptions of non-citizen students in the United Arab Emirates. In Lesley Bartlett and Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher (Eds.) Refugees, Immigrants and Education in the Global South: Lives in Motion (pp. 180-195). New York, NY: Routledge.
Kleyn, T., & Vayshenker, B. (2012). Russian bilingual education across public, private and community spheres. In Ofelia García, Zeena Zakharia and Bahar Otcu (Eds.) Bilingual Community Education for American Children: Beyond Heritage Languages in a Global City (pp. 259-271). Clevedon,Avon: Multilingual Matters.
Menken, K., Funk, A., & Kleyn, T. (2011). Teachers at the epicenter: Engagement and resistance in a biliteracy program for “Long-Term English Language Learners” in the U.S. In Christine Hélot and Muiris Ó Laoire (Eds.) Language Policy for the Multilingual Classroom: Pedagogy of the possible(pp. 81-106). Clevedon, Avon: Multilingual Matters.
Kleyn, T. (2008). “Garífuna es nuestra manera de ser, es lo que somos”: Enfoque de identiades e hibridaciones en la transculturación.” (“Garífuna is our way of being, it is who we are”: A focus on identity and hybridity within transculturalism – English Version). In Francisco Nájera and Paula Viturro (Eds.), Escrituras, Polimorfías e Identidades (pp. 63-85) (Writings, Polymorphics and Identities). Buenos Aires, Argentina: Libros del Rojas.
Encyclopedia Entries:
García, O., & Kleyn, T. (2012). Teacher education for multilingual education. In Carole A. Chapelle (Ed.). The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
Magazine & Newsletter Articles:
Kleyn T. (June 17, 2016). What it’s like to return to Mexico, from the perspective of three kids who grew up north of the border. Public Radio International (PRI). [Available: http://www.pri.org/stories/2016-06-17/what-its-return-mexico-perspectives-three-kids-who-grew-north-border]
Kleyn T. (March 28, 2016). Rethinking home: A powerful look at return migration via film. American Immigration Council. [Available: http://teachimmigration.blogspot.com/2016/03/rethinking-home-powerful-look-at-return.html]
Kleyn, T. (Spring/Summer 2015). Negotiation borders: US-born and raised children (back) in Mexico. NYSABE Bilingual Times, 4-6. [Available: http://nysabe.net/index/pdf/BT/NYSABE_Bilingual.Times_Spr-Sum,2015.pdf]
Kleyn, T. (October 10, 2014). Letter to the editor: The secret we keep from bilingual learners/English language learners. The New York Post, 28.
Kleyn, T. (Winter, 2013/July 2013). Living undocumented: High school, college and beyond. NYSABE Bilingual Times, 12-15 and TESOL Bilingual Education Interest Section and Teachers of English to Deaf Students Newsletter [Available: http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesolbeis/issues/2013-06-28/3.html]
Kleyn, T. (June 16, 2011). “New York: Setting the path for dreams.” The Poughkeepsie Journal – on-line edition.
Kleyn, T. (January-March 2011). Bilingualism beyond borders: A challenge for all educators. NYSABE News,3-5. [Available:http://www.nysabe.net/Newsletters/NYSABE.Newsletter_FINAL._WINTER2011.pdf]
Kleyn, T. (March 2010). Bilingualism and the deficit-gifted dichotomy: Challenging the U.S. Framework. National Capital Language Resource Center,14(3). [Available: http://www.nclrc.org/about_teaching/topics/world_lang_teaching.html#bilingualism]
Invited Book Reviews:
Kleyn, T. (2015). Youth held at the border: Immigration, education and the politics of inclusion.
Bilingual Research Journal. 38(1), 124-127, DOI: 10.1080/15235882.2015.1017030.
Kleyn, T. (2014). Finding joy in teaching students of diverse background: Culturally responsive and socially just practices in U.S. classrooms. The New Educator, 10(4), 354-357, DOI: 10.1080/1547688X.2014.965110.
Kleyn, T. (2012). Review of High School, Race, and America’s Future: What students can teach us about morality, diversity, and community. Teachers College Record. [Available: https://www.tcrecord.org/books/abstract.asp?ContentId=16949]
Kleyn, T. (2009). History of multicultural education, Volume 5: Students and student learning. Teachers College Record.[Available:http://www.tcrecord.org/Content.asp?ContentId=15859]
Kleyn, T. (2008). Affirming Diversity: The sociopolitical context of multicultural education (5thed.). Language Policy,17(3), 297-299. [Available: http://condor.admin.ccny.cuny.edu/~tkleyn/Affirming_Diversity%20Draft.pdf]
Kleyn, T. (2006). Imagining multilingual schools: Language in education and glocalization. Teachers College Record. [Available http://www.tcrecord.org/content.asp?contentid=12885]
Menken, K., Kleyn, T., Ascenzi-Moreno, L., Chae, N., Flores, N., & Funk, A. (2009). Meeting the needs of Long-Term English Learners in High Schools, Phase II. Report to the New York City Department of Education, Office of English Learners.
Menken, K., Kleyn, T., Chae, N. (2007). Meeting the needs of Long-Term English Learners in High Schools. Report to the New York City Department of Education, Office of English Learners. For more information about the Long-Term English Language Learner Project see the following website: http://web.gc.cuny.edu/dept/lingu/rislus/projects/LTELL/index.html