Tarek N. Saadawi
Steinman Hall
ST 529
(212) 650-7263
(212) 650-8249

Tarek N. Saadawi
TAREK N. SAADAWI received the B.Sc. and the M.Sc. from Cairo University Egypt in 1973 and 1975 respectively and the Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park in 1980 (all in Electrical Engineering). Since 1980 he has been with the Electrical Engineering Department, The City University of New York, City College where he currently directs the Center of Information Networking and Telecommunications (CINT) and a Professor teaching courses in Network security, computer networks, local area network, communications systems and information theory. His current interests are telecommunications networks security, high-speed networks, multimedia networks, mobile ad-hoc networks and transport layer protocols. He has published extensively in the area of telecommunications networks. He is a co-editor of the book "Cyber Infrastructure Protection," Strategic Study Institute, volume 1, May 2011, and Volume 2, August 2013, and co-author of the book, "Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks," John Wiley & Sons, 1994 (which has been translated into Chinese).
Dr. Saadawi is the co-Chair and co-Organizer of NSF Workshop on Cyber Security, Cairo-Egypt, May 27-30, 2013 and was a Member of the Consortium Management Committee for the Army Research Lab (ARL) Consortium on communications and networks; known as the Collaborative Technology Alliances on Communications and Networks, (1996 – 2011). He is a Senior Member of IEEE, former Technical Editor of IEEE Communications, and former Chairman of IEEE Computer Society of New York City (1986-87). He has received IEEE Region 1 Award, 1987, and the Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT) of America for research on Broadband Telecommunication Networks. Dr Saadawi is a co-founder of IEEE Symposium on Computers and Commuications (ISCC is in its 18th series).
Dr Saadawi and has been invited and joined US Dept of Commerce Delegation to the Government of Algeria to address rural communications. He also led a group of US experts to provide a telecommunications master plan for the Government of Egypt under US AID funding.
Ph.D., Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, 1980.
M.Sc., Electrical Engineering Department, Cairo University, Egypt 1975.
B.Sc., Electrical Engineering Department., Cairo University, Egypt 1973.
Courses Taught
High speed networking
Research Interests
Professor Saadawi is the Director of Center for Information Networking & Telecommunication that conducts research and development in the fields of high-speed networks, multi-media, multi-service, integrated wired/wireless networks, mobility in IP and ATM networks, secure communications, and information distribution networks. These research and educational activities have been funded by government agencies and industries including: US Army (ARL, CECOM, ARO), NSF, Telcordia (formerly Bellcore), Panasonic, NY State, NYDOT, and AT&T.
- Q. Yang, T. Saadawi, A. Abdelal, "Methods and Apparatus for EDGE-BASED SEGMENT PATH MEASUREMENT AND ADMISSION CONTROL IN MULTICAST NETWORKS," P, Jan 2010 provisional Patent Application # 61/337,551, 2/5/10
- N. Pradhan, T. Saadawi, "Distributed Power Management Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks," Patent Application number 61/241,704, 2009
- US Patent Number 6,940,832, "Method for Mobile Infrastructureless Network,"
- Authors: T. Saadawi and O. Hussein,Date: Filed January 17, 2003,Issued: Sep 6, 2005.http://patft.uspto.gov/netahtml/search-bool.html
- US Patent Number 7,012,982: Method and System for De-Jittering of Transmitted MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 Video
- Authors:Khaled Shuaib (GTE), Bert Basch(GTE), Tarek Saadawi (CCNY), Myung Lee(CCNY).Issued March 14, 2006, Patent filed through GTE.
- T. Saadawi and L. Jordan, Editors; "Cyber Infrastructure Protection, Volume 2. Strategic Study Institute, Expected Dec 2013
- T. Saadawi and L. Jordan, Editors; "Cyber Infrastructure Protection,"Strategic Study Institute, May2011
- Co-author, "Fundamentals of Telecommunication Networks" John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1994 (Also translated into Chinese).
Referred Journals
- Joseph Soryal, Tarek Saadawi, "DoS Detection in IEEE 802.11 with the Presence of Hidden Nodes," Journal of Advanced Research (JARE), Special issue on Cyber Security, Elsevier/Cairo University, Expected 2014
- Joseph Soryal, Tarek Saadawi, "IEEE 802.11 DoS Attack Detection and Mitigation Utilizing Cross Layer Design" Journal of Ad-hoc Networks, Elsevier, accepted for publication
- X. Liu, T. Saadawi, "IEEE 802.11e (EDCA) Analysis in the presence of hidden stations," Journal of Applied Research (JAR), Special Issue on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Wireless Networks Journal, July-2011, Elsevier.
- Qihua Yang, Tarek Saadawi, Ahmed Abdelal, M' Patel "Single Link Capacity Measurement Technique for End-to-End Path", International Journal of Ad hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks, 2011
- X.Liu, T. Saadawi, "Performance Analysis of Arbitrary Multihop Ad Hoc Wireless Networks under Saturation Condition," Accepted, Ad-Hoc Sensor and Wireless Network (AHSWN) Journal
- N. Pradhan and T. Saadawi, "Topology Control Using Distributed Power Management Algorithm for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," Journal of Communications Software and Systems, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 128-134, December 2009.
- Pradhan, N. and Saadawi, T. (2009) 'Impact of physical propagation environment on ad-hoc network routing protocols', Int. J. Internet Protocol Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp.126–133 (Inderscience Publishers), 2009
- A. Abd El Al, T. Saadawi, M. Lee, "Unequal Error Protection for Real-time Video in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks via Multi-Path Transport," Computer Communications Journal, special issue on Concurrent Multipath Transfer, Vol. 30, No. 17, pp. 3293-3306, November 2007.
- A. Abd El Al, T. Saadawi, "A Multi-Path Error Control Mechanism for Interactive Video in Ad-Hoc Networks," Journal of Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks, Vol. 4, No. 1-2, pp. 125-148, August 2007.
- M. Lee, et al, "A New Taxonomy of Routing Algorithms for Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: The Component Approach," IEEE communications Magazine, Nov. 2006.
- Osama Hussein, TarekSaadawi and MyungLee, " Probability Routing Algorithm for Mobile Ad-Hoc Network's Resources Management ", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas on Communications (JSAC) vol. 23, No.12, December 2005.
- G. Ye, T. Saadawi, M. Lee, "On Explicit Congestion Notification for Stream Control Transmission Protocol in Lossy Networks," Kluwer Cluster Computing, Special issue on Ad Hoc Networks , volume 8, pp. 147-156, July 2005.
- G. Ye, T. Saadawi, M. Lee, "Wireless Aware SCTP for Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks (accepted for publications).
- Guanhua Ye, Tarek Saadawi, Myung Lee, "Improving Stream Control Transmission Protocol Performance over Lossy Links," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Special issue on ALL-IP Wireless Networks, May 2004.
- A. Abd El Al, T. Saadawi, M. Lee, "Improving Throughput and Reliability in Mobile Wireless Networks Via Transport Layer Bandwidth Aggregation", Computer Networks, special issue on Future Advances in Military Communications Systems & Technologies, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 635-649, Decemberr 2004.
- Liu, Hu, Lee, Saadawi, "A Region-based Routing Protocol for Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE Networks Magazine, July/August 2004
- Ahmed Abd El Al, Tarek Saadawi, Myung Lee , LS-SCTP: A Bandwidth Aggregation Technique for Stream Control Transmission Protocol , Computer Communications, Special Issue on Protocol Engineering for Wired and Wireless Networks, Vol. 27/10 pp 1012-1024, May 2004.
- X. Hu, Y. Liu, M. Lee, T. Saadawi, "A Novel Route Update Design for Wireless Sensor Networks," ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review, Volume 8 , Issue 1, January 2004
- G. Ye, T. Saadawi, M. Lee, "On Explicit Congestion Notification for Stream Control Transmission Protocol in Lossy Networks," Kluwer Cluster Computing, Special issue on Ad Hoc Networks , volume 8, pp. 147-156, July 2005.
- Y. Liu, M. Lee, T. Saadawi, "A Scatternet-Route Structure for Multi-hop Mobile Ad Hoc Networks," IEEE JSAC, volume 21, number 2, February 2003.
- C. Zhu, M. Lee, T Saadawi "Multicast AODV, How well does it work?"IEEE Network Special Issue on Multicasting: An Enabling Technology" July, 2002
- H.Omar, T.Saadawi, M. Lee, "Multicast Scheme with Reliable Delivery Support and Fault Tolerance for Mobile Hosts Using A Regional Distribution Approach,"PP. 4-49 - 4-56, in Book; Advanced Telecommunications and Information Distribution Research Program (ATIRP), Final Report 1996 - 2001, ISBN: 0-9711916-0-3, editors; A. Tardiff, and J. Gowens
- H. Omar, T. Saadawi, M. Lee, "An Integrated Platform for Reliable Multicast Support in the Regional Mobile-IP Environment" ACM Sigmobile: Mobile Computing and Communications Review, volume 6, Issue 2 (April 2002)
- S. Xu, T. Saadawi. Revealing the Problems with 802.11 MAC Protocol in Multi-hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. Journal of Computer Networks. Vol. 38, No. 4, March 2002, pp 531-548
- S. Xu, T. Saadawi, M. Lee "Performance Evaluation of TCP Algorithms in Multi-hop Wireless PacketNetworks."AcceptedJournal of Wireless Communications and Mobile June 2001
- "Comparison of TCP Reno and Vegas in Wireless Mobile Ad Hoc Networks." (extended version)submitted to Journal of Mobile Networks andApplications.
- S. Xu, T. Saadawi.DoesIEEE802.11MACProtocolWork Well in Multi-hop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks?IEEE Communication. June 2001
- K. Shuaib, T. Saadawi, M. Lee, B. Basch"De-Jittering in the Transport of MPEG2 and MPEG4 Video," ACM Journal on Multimedia Systems Vol.8, No.3. October, 2000.
- Y. Xie,M. Lee, T. Saadawi, Adaptive Multimedia Synchronization in a Teleconference System", ACM Journal on Multimedia Systems, July 1999.
- I. Habib, T. Saadawi, "Dynamic Bandwidth Control in ATM Networks," Computer Communications,22 (1999) 317-339, ELsevier Science.
- Y.Takroni and M. Meky, T. Saadawi "Perceptually Based Objective Measures for Speech Quality Assessment," The International Journal of Computers and Their Applications, March 1998, ISCA.
- S. Youssef, I. Habib, T. Saadawi"A Neurocomputing Controller for Bandwidth Allocation in ATM Networks," IEEE J. Select Areas Comm. Vol. 15, Feb. 1997.
- W. Meng, and I. Habib, T. Saadawi "S++-GA: A High Performance MAC Protocol," Journal of High Speed Networks 6 (1997) 293-307.
- C. Liu, Y. Xie,M. Lee, T. SaadwiMultimedia Conferencing with Media Synchronization," IEEE Journal of Selected Areas on Communications (JSAC), 14(7): 1422-1435, September 1996.
- P. Zarros and M. Lee, T. Saadawi"A Synchronization Algorithm for Distributed Multimedia Environments,"accepted in ACM Multimedia Systems (invited).
- I. Habib, T. Saadawi"Access Control of Bursty Voice Sources in ATM Networks," The Journal of Computer Networks and ISDN," vol. 27, no.9, pp.1411-1427, September 1995.
- A.Tarraf and I. Habib, T. Saadawi, "A Neurocomputing Approach to Congestion Control in an ATM Multiplexer," International Journal of High Speed Networks, December 1996.
- Panagiotis Zarros and Myung Lee. T. Saadawi, "Interparticipant Synchronization in Real-Time Multimedia Conference Using Feedback," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, April, 1996,
- "Infrared Pyroelectric Sensors for Detection of Vehicular Traffic Using Digital Signal Processing Techniques," IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology, August 1995, with T. Hussain and S. Ahmed.
- "Using Signal-to-Noise Ratio as an evidence to detect presence-absence of vehicles, "ITE International Journal July 1995, with T. Hussain, S. Ahmed.
- P. Zarros, M. Lee, T. Saadawi, "Statistical Synchronization Among Participants in Real-Time Multimedia Conference," International Journal of Network and Systems Management,Vol.2, No.4, Nov.1994.
- A. Tarraf & I. Habib, T. Saadawi, "A Novel Neural Network Traffic Enforcement Mechanism for ATM Networks," IEEE JSAC, Special Issue on Network Management, vol.12, no.6, pp.1088-1094, August 1994.