Susanna Rosenbaum
Associate Professor
Director, MA in the Study of the Americas
Areas of Expertise/Research
- Anthropology
- Care/work
- Gender
- Immigration
- Race
- The Americas
25 Broadway
212-925-6625 x208

Susanna Rosenbaum
Susanna Rosenbaum is Associate Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences and Director of the MA in the Study of the Americas. Her research and teaching center immigration, race, and citizenship; gendered labor and neoliberalism; care work; and the Americas. Her book Domestic Economies: Women, Work, and the American Dream in Los Angeles (Duke University Press 2017) examines how Mexican and Central American domestic workers and their primarily white employers seek to achieve the American Dream. Juxtaposing these two groups, it illustrates how immigrant and native-born women work towards that ideal, how each is indispensable to the other's quest, and the abiding importance of reproductive labor to this pursuit.
PhD, New York University
BA, Wesleyan University
Courses Taught
Rosenbaum, Susanna and Ruti Talmor. 2022. Self-Care. Feminist Anthropology 3(2): 362-372.
Rosenbaum, Susanna. 2021. "Women's Work": How the Devaluation of Care Work Hurts Women and the Economy" Ms. Magazine, Feb. 9.
Rosenbaum, Susanna and Danielle Zach, editors. 2020. España, Norteamérica, y tiempos de crisis. Madrid: Los Libros de la Catarata.
Rosenbaum, Susanna. 2017. Domestic Economies: Women, Work, and the American Dream in Los Angeles. Durham: Duke University Press.
Rosenbaum, Susanna. 2016. 'Todos Sacrifican': Immigrant Organizing and the Meanings of (Domestic) Work. Working USA: The Journal of Labour and Society. 19(2): 187-206.
Rosenbaum, Susanna. 2014. Domestic Disturbances: Immigrant Workers, Middle-Class Employers, and the American Dream in Los Angeles. In When Care Work Goes Global: Learning the Social Relations of Domestic Work, Mary Romero, Valerie Preston, Wenona Giles eds. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate Books.