Sarah Aponte
North Academic Center

Sarah Aponte
Baruch College M.S. Ed., Higher Education Administration December 2004
Queens College M.L.S., Library & Information Science December 1997
The City College of New York B.A., International Studies June 1994
Hostos Community College A.A., Liberal Arts June 1992
2022 Aponte, Sarah. La presencia dominicana en el periódico "Las Novedades", 1876-1918: De breve mención a propietarios en la ciudad de Nueva York. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña.
2015 Espaillat, Rhina P. and Sarah Aponte. Juan Pablo Duarte: The Humanist (a Bilingual Selection of his Writings / Juan Pablo Duarte: El humanista (selección bilingüe de sus escritos). Santo Domingo; New York: Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña; CUNY Dominican Studies Institute.
2013 Aponte, Sarah and Franklin Gutiérrez. Autores dominicanos de la diáspora: apuntes bio-bibliográficos (1902-2012). Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic: Biblioteca Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña. Winner of the “José Toribio Medina Award 2014” SALALM (Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials).
1999 Aponte, Sarah. Dominican Migration to the United States 1970-1997: An Annotated Bibliography. Dominican Research Monographs. New York: CUNY Dominican Studies Institute.
Book Chapter
2021 Aponte, Sarah. "Dominican Blackness". In Oxford Bibliographies in Latino Studies. Ed. Ilan Stavans. New York: Oxford University Press.
2019 Aponte, Sarah and Nelson Santana. “The CUNY Dominican Studies Institute Library: Bringing the Community to the Academic Library.” In Collecting Latin America Beyond the 21st Century. Edited by Gayle Williams and Jana Krentz. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company Publishers, pp. 183-196. Book winner of the “2019 José Toribio Medina Award” SALALM.
2017 (Updated 2021) Aponte, Sarah. "Dominican Diaspora." In Oxford Bibliographies in Latino Studies. Ed. Ilan Stavans. New York: Oxford University Press.
Articles/Published Conference Proceedings
2017 Aponte, Sarah and Anthony Stevens-Acevedo. “First Blacks in the Americas: A Unique Collection of Primary Sources on Black African Ancestry in the Dominican Republic.” In Papers of the Sixty-Second Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials. Ed. Daisy Domínguez. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor: SALALM, pp. 137-141.
2016 Domínguez, Daisy and Sarah Aponte. "Acogiendo a Comunidades Diversas: Las Bibliotecas de City College en Nueva York." In Bibliotecas e inclusión social. Compiled by Ana Gricelda Morán Guzmán and Sergio López Ruelas. Mexico: Universidad de Guadalajara, pp.17-24. (XXII Coloquio Internacional de Bibliotecarios/Feria Internacional del Libro de Guadalajara, Nov. 30-Dec 2, 2015).
2012 Aponte, Sarah. "Dominican Migration to Europe: A Biographical Approach.” In Papers of the Fifty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials. Edited by Pamela Graham. New Orleans, Louisiana: SALALM, 2012. 204-214.
2011 Aponte, Sarah. "Dominican Related Dissertations in the U.S.: an Analytical Approach (1939-2009).” Camino Real, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. 21-51.
Encyclopedia Essays
2016 Aponte, Sarah. “Virtudes Uribe.” Dictionary of Caribbean and Afro-Latin American Biography. Edited by Henry Louis Gates, Jr. and Franklin W. Knight. Oxford University Press.
2016 Aponte, Sarah. "Alianza Dominicana". Oxford Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in Contemporary Politics, Law, and Social Movements. Edited by Suzanne Oboler and Deena Gonzalez. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2015 Aponte, Sarah and Anthony Stevens-Acevedo. “Dominican Americans.” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity and Nationalism. Edited by John Stone, R. Dennis, P. Rizova, A. Smith and X. Hou. Wiley-Blackwell.
2005 Aponte, Sarah. “Washington Heights.” Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States. Edited by Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González. New York: Oxford University Press.
2005 Aponte, Sarah and Silvio Torres-Saillant. “Dominican American Art.” Encyclopedia of Latinos and Latinas in the United States. Edited by Suzanne Oboler and Deena J. González. New York: Oxford University Press.
2005 Aponte, Sarah. “Frank Moya Pons.” Encyclopedia Latina: History, Culture, Society. Edited by Ilan Stavans. CT: Grolier Publishing.
Bibliographic Contributions
Reconstructed the bibliography of two classic texts, translated for the first time in English, of two renowned Dominican authors:
2016 Bosch, Juan. Social Composition of the Dominican Republic. New York: Routledge.
2015 Franco, Franklin J. Blacks, Mulattos, and the Dominican Nation. New York: Routledge.
2015 Sixteenth-Century La Española: Glimpses of the First Blacks in the Early Colonial America. CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. The City College of New York. May-September.
2015 Fighting for Democracy: Dominican Veterans from World War II. CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. The City College of New York. Nov. 11-October 28. Traveling, Museo de la Resistencia. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. August-Nov 2016.
2014 Interior: Harvests of the Dominican Republic. CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. The City College of New York. May 9-September. 14.
2013 El Músico y el Pintor/ The Musician and the Painter: An Exhibit Documenting the Lifetime, Work, and Artistic Trajectory of Two Early Twentieth Century Dominican Artists in New York. CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. The City College of New York. Feb-March. Traveling, Centro Cultural Domínico-Americano. Santiago, Dominican Republic, November-December 2018.
2013 Condition: My Place Our Longing. CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. The City College of New York. September-November.
2013 Identity and Magic: Folk Dances of the Dominican Republic. Al fresco– Amsterdam Plaza, The City College of New York. May-August.
2012 Jewels of Taino Art. CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. The City College of New York. October-December.
2011 New Perspectives: Dominican Republic. Al fresco– Amsterdam Plaza, The City College of New York. September-October.
2010 Manifestaciones: Expressions of Dominicanidad in Nueva York. CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. The City College of New York. October-December.
2010 Latinos in the United States: ¡Presente! The City College of New York Libraries. February–June. (co-curated with Daisy V. Domínguez).
2008 Dominicans in New York: An Exhibit from the Dominican Archives & Library Collections. CUNY Dominican Studies Institute. The City College of New York. October 2008 – January 2009.
2008 Mujer Dominicana en New York (Dominican Women in New York). Al fresco– Amsterdam Plaza, The City College of New York. August –September.
2008 Tito Cánepa: 60 Years of Dominican Art in the United States. Funglode. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. April– May.
2007 The Artistry of Dominican Carnival: A Multimedia Exhibition. September 2006-January 2007.
2006 Eduardo Leon Jimenes Art Contest: A New York Exhibition of Selected Award-Winning Works. April -June.
2006 Don Pedro Mir in the Diaspora: A Photo Exhibit. May-June.
2004 Caña Brava: The Bateys of the Dominican Republic. December-January.
2004 Dominican Youth Across Borders: A Photo Exhibit. September-October.
2004 Dominican Rock: An Audiovisual Experience. December.
2004 Memories of Underdevelopment: A Portrait of the Dominican Republic. November.
2001 The Evolution of an Ethnic Community: Dominican-Americans in Upper Manhattan. September-November.
1999 Hispaniola: One Island, Two Cultures. September-November.
Lectures/Group Orientation Sessions
Conduct approximately 30 educational workshops/presentations per year on Dominican-related sources to groups from elementary, high school, undergraduate and graduate students, as well as community members.
Academic and Professional Honors
2021 Hostos Distinguished Latino Leaders and Student Scholars
2019 Citations New York State Assembly. Assembly Members Karina Reyes, Victor Pichardo, Carmen De La Rosa
2019 Certificate of Merit New York State Assembly. Assembly Member Carmen De La Rosa
2019 Consulado de la República Dominicana en NY Certifícate. Consul Carlos Castillo
2019 Certificate of Appreciation. Hostos Community College/CUNY
2016 CCNY President’s Award for Outstanding Faculty Service in the Library
2016 Certificate for Outstanding Claremont International Internship Supervision
2015 American Chamber of Commerce in the Dominican Republic and the Dominican Week in the United States Distinguished Award Recognition
2015 Distinguished Service Award. The City College of New York
2014 José Toribio Medina Award. SALALM
2013 45th Anniversary Profile Book. Hostos Community College Alumna
2012 Dominican Women Writers’ Book Fair Dedication and Award
2012 Proclamation New York City Council. Council Member Ydanis Rodríguez
2012 Citation New York State Assembly. Assembly Member Guillermo Linares
2012 Citation New York State Assembly. Assembly Member Nelson L. Castro
2012 New York State Senate Recognition. Senator Adriano Espaillat
2012 Dominican Republic Ministry of Culture Certificate. Commissioner Carlos Sánchez
2011 Proclamation New York State Senate. Senator Adriano Espaillat
2011 Distinguished Dominican, Community Services Organization. Dominican Sunday
2009 The City College of New York Service Recognition Award
Professional Memberships
2008-present American Library Association (ALA)
2003-present Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY)
2006-present Seminar on the Acquisition of Latin American Library Materials (SALALM)
2006-present Latin America North East Libraries Consortium (LANE), SALALM chapter
Dominican Studies Subject Library Guide
Dominican Studies Research Guide - This guide provides links to useful databases, books, web sites, journal articles, and films in the interdisciplinary field of Dominican Studies.