Peter Ganatos
Deputy Chair, Professor
Steinman Hall
(212) 650-5215
(212) 650-8013

Peter Ganatos
- B.E. (M.E.) 1973, The City College of New York.
- M.E. (M.E.) 1978, The City College of New York.
- Ph.D. (Engineering) 1979, The City University of New York.
Courses Taught
- ENGR 23000: Thermodynamics
- ENGR I1400: Applied Partial Differential Equations
- ME 32200: Computer Methods in Engineering
- ME 51500: Orbital Mechanics
Research Interests
- Low Reynolds number hydrodynamics
- Particulate flows
- Elastohydrodynamic collision of bodies
- Mass transport in arterial wall
- Heat transfer
- Jiji, L. M., and P. Ganatos, “Microscale Flow and Heat Transfer between Rotating Disks,” International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 31: 702-710 (2010).
- Jiji, L. M. and P. Ganatos, “Approximate analytical solution for one-dimensional tissue freezing around cylindrical cryoprobes,” Int. J. Thermal Sciences, 48(3): 547-553 (2009).
- Jiji, L. M. and P. Ganatos, “Freezing of blood perfused tissue: An improved quasi-steady solution,” Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 51(23): 5679-5686 (2008).
- Vengrenyuk, Y., S. Carlier, S. Xanthos, L. Cardoso, P. Ganatos, R. Virmani, S. Einav, L. Gilchrist, and S. Weinbaum, "A hypothesis for vulnerable plaque rupture due to stress-induced debonding around cellularmicrocalcifications in thin fibrous caps," Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 103: 14678-14683 (2006).
- Han, Y., P. Ganatos and S. Weinbaum, "Transmission of steady and oscillatory fluid shear stress across epithelial and endothelial surface structures," Physics of Fluids, 17: 31508 (2005).
- Feng, J., P. Ganatos and S. Weinbaum, "Motion of a sphere near planar confining boundaries in a Brinkman medium," J. Fluid Mech. 375: 265-296 (1998).
- Feng, J., P. Ganatos and S. Weinbaum, "The general motion of a circular disk in a Brinkman medium," Physics of Fluids, 10: 2137-2146 (1998).
- Hsu, R. and P. Ganatos, "Gravitational and zero-drag motion of a spheroid adjacent to an inclined plane at low Reynolds number," J. Fluid Mech. 268: 267-292 (1994).
- Hassonjee, Q., R. Pfeffer and P. Ganatos, "Behavior of multiple spheres in shear and Poiseuille flow fields at low Reynolds number," Int. J. Multiphase Flow 18: 353-379 (1992).
- Weinbaum, S., P. Ganatos and Z. Yan, "Numerical multipole and boundary integral equation techniques in Stokes flow," Annu. Rev. Fluid Mech., 22: 275-316 (1990).
- Hsu, R. and P. Ganatos, "The motion of a rigid body in viscous fluid bounded by a plane wall," J. Fluid Mech. 207: 29-72 (1989).
- Weinbaum, S., L. Chen and P. Ganatos, "Elastohydrodynamic Collision and Rebound of a Flat Plate from a Planar Surface Due to Body and Fluid Inertia," Phys. Fluids A 1 (1), 140-155 (1989).
- Hassonjee, Q., P. Ganatos and R. Pfeffer, "A strong interaction theory for the motion of arbitrary three-dimensional clusters of spherical particles at low Reynolds number," J. Fluid Mech., 197: 1-37 (1988).
- Weinbaum, S., G.B. Wen, P. Ganatos, R. Pfeffer and S. Chien, "On the Time Dependent Diffusion of Macromolecules Through Transient Open Junctions and Their Subendothelial Spread; Part 1 - Short Time Model for Cleft Exit Region," J. Theor. Biology, 135: 1-30 (1988).
- Wen, G.B., S. Weinbaum, P. Ganatos, R. Pfeffer and S. Chien, "On the Time Dependent Diffusion of Macromolecules Through Transient Open Junctions and Their Subendothelial Spread; Part 2 - Long Time Model for Interaction Between Leakage Sites," J. Theor. Biology, 135: 219-253 (1988).
- Yan, Z.Y., S. Weinbaum, P. Ganatos and R. Pfeffer, "The three-dimensional interaction of a finite sphere with a circular orifice at low Reynolds number," J. Fluid Mech., 174: 39-68 (1987).
- Tzeghai, G.E., P. Ganatos, R. Pfeffer, S. Weinbaum and A. Nir, "A Theoretical Model to Study the Effect of Convection and Leaky Junctions on Macromolecular Transport in Artery Walls," J. Theor. Biol., 121: 141-162 (1986).
- Weinbaum, S., G.E. Tzeghai, P. Ganatos and R. Pfeffer, "Effect of Cell Turnover and Leaky Junctions on Arterial Macromolecular Transport," Am. J. Physiology, 248: H945-H960 (1985).
- Ganatos, P., Weinbaum, S. and Pfeffer, R., "Gravitational and zero-drag motion of a sphere of arbitrary size in an inclined channel at low Reynolds number," J. Fluid Mech. 124: 27-43 (1982).
- Pfeffer, R., Ganatos, P., Nir, A., and Weinbaum, S., "Diffusion of macromolecules across the arterial wall in the presence of multiple endothelial injuries," ASME J. Biomechanical Engineering, 103: 197-203 (1981).
- Ganatos, P., Weinbaum, S. and Pfeffer, R., "A strong interaction theory for the creeping motion of a sphere between plane parallel boundaries: Part I. Perpendicular Motion," J. Fluid Mech. 99: 739-753 (1980).
- Ganatos, P., Pfeffer, R., and Weinbaum, S., "A Strong Interaction Theory for the Creeping Motion of a Sphere Between Plane Parallel Boundaries: Part II. Parallel motion," J. Fluid Mech. 99: 755-783 (1980).
- Ganatos, P., Pfeffer, R. and Weinbaum, S., “Numerical-Solution Technique for three-dimensional Stokes flows, with application to the motion of strongly interacting spheres in a plane," J. Fluid Mech. 84: 79-111 (1978).